In the chaotic water country.

Shisui has arrived at the territory of the Kaguya clan.

According to the teacher respect everyone's destiny and save those who need to be saved.

From the intelligence he collected, it seemed that the entire Kaguya clan had little need to save.

Impulsive, irritable, powerful, arrogant and cruel. The warlike ninja clan without limits is just Shura wearing a human skin.

The Zezahuhu rebellion was about to begin. While Zhisui was lurking around, he also discovered spies sent by other forces in the Kingdom of Water.

It seems that this act of rebellion has become a large-scale drama, and the spectators in the stands have already taken their seats.

The Ninja Clan versus the Ninja Village.

The gap between strength and weakness is so obvious. Even if the ninja clan of Oni Deng stood idly by or pretended to be unable to protect him, the power under the Mizukage was still so huge.

Just like in the Konoha Village, after excluding Uchiha Hinata, there was Inogacho, and even Inogacho chose to be neutral, there were still the ninja armies of the four elder families.

If you want to rebel with the power of a clan, you have to have another legendary Uchiha Madara to subdue the village without the first generation.

But Teacher Noah said that people like Madara who transcended his time are special cases.

Although the Uchiha family will definitely have the same strong men in the future, the qualifications for the growth of every strong man in troubled times are cruel experiences.

And correspondingly, another twin will appear to stop Uchiha's behavior, just like fate.

This kind of fable-like story made him very confused and doubtful.

While Shisui had been observing quietly, Black Zetsu also returned to a certain secret room.

The aura of the masked man on the seat is gloomy and low, which combined with the dim atmosphere in the room creates the aura of the villain behind the scenes.

Noah is here.

call out!

The masked man suddenly stood up and disappeared, penetrated the wall, came to the outside world and alerted the surroundings, and even began to consider the retreat route.

Black Jue

He's still on the outskirts of the Water Kingdom and won't come in.

? !

Does Obito think Black Zetsu is sick? Speak loudly and out of breath.

Didn't his actions just seem a little bit unstable?

Ok, I know.

He could only pretend to be confident and nod, indicating that he seemed to have smelled the smell of his old enemy just now.

What is he doing here? The Kingdom of Water is our territory. If he dares to interfere again, don't blame me for completely falling out.

The frantic spinning of the Sharingan reflects the owner's agitated emotions, and the gnashing of teeth is filled with extremely suppressed anger.

If we really fight, there's nothing he can do to me.

The tone is very strong but the content is a little soft.

Even when he spoke, the virtual state was not lifted. It's not that he's afraid, but that Uchiha Obito is naturally cautious.

Come and ask for some ninjas and children, as well as ninjutsu scrolls from the Land of Water.

Obito was shocked and angry, this guy was bullying others too much! What a place this is! Want what you want? ! !

At the same time, I was a little relieved that it wasn't him.

How could such a psychological change be hidden from Hei Jue? Although the child was a little timid, it was not a bad thing.

“I agreed, it would be a good thing to send Noah away with these.

Just let the other person waste time immersed in these useless things, while we continue to complete our great cause.

Our impeccable mental state prevents even the devil from seeing our flaws.

This is a strategic victory.

Hei Jue stated his reasons confidently.

After listening to this, Obito actually felt that it was very reasonable. Using this value to send that bastard away was a very worthwhile deal, and it would not affect his operations in the Kingdom of Water at all.

Are you sure you won't come in after giving these?

Yes, I will keep an eye on him. But...

But what?

He also brought a junior of Uchiha here, named Uchiha Shisui, you should know him.

Shisui. Speaking of this person, Obito's expression was somewhat nostalgic and gloomy.

How could you not know him? The genius of the younger generation of the Uchiha family. He has a deep obsession with the word genius.

When he was in the clan, Shisui was one of the few people of his clan who didn't look at him strangely. Even the two people's insistence on the will of fire were so similar. It's fair to say that the two of them were somewhat similar in appearance.

If it weren't for his poor talent before, Obito felt that he and Shisui could have a good relationship as seniors in the future.

Just after waking up and taking another look at this Uchiha genius, I felt a certain sense of overlooking him.

Shisui, the genius of the Uchiha family.

A simple sentence shows the nobility of kaleidoscope.

Noah's request is that you go talk to Shisui about the Eye of the Moon, or even pull him into our camp.

Obito felt a look and tone of contempt for some reason.

Does Noah look down on me a little? Or do you still look down on Uchiha?

Haha, Uchiha who have reached our level will only pursue their own dreams, and other people's thoughts are just illusions that are incomparable with this cold reality.

Since he is so confident, let me teach this bastard a lesson and let him know how powerful I am. A confident person would be heartbroken if his beloved disciple turned against him.

He coldly left this secret stronghold with a harsh word. It was obvious that he had to do something with his ability to control emotions at this time.

Hei Jue was full of worries. He always felt that he had taken all 99 steps but was missing the last step. Why was it so difficult?

But there was no other way, so he started collecting gift packages from the Kingdom of Water, and after a while he returned to the beach.

This is the roster of ninjas compiled by the Mist ninja and the list of unregistered ninja disciples.

Noah took the list and started to look through it. It should be said that Hei Jue did an excellent job in intelligence work.

And this guy must have been to the Kingdom of Water a long time ago, and he definitely didn't arrive just now.

The above information is recorded in great detail. There are all the ghost lights, Kaguya, Minazuki, the Snow Clan, etc.

The information of the first-generation ninja swordsmen who narrowly escaped, such as Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, Loquat Juzo, and Black Hoe Raiga, were marked.

The first two marks indicate that these are the subordinates that Obito has chosen and cannot be moved. The latter one can take his life at will.

The information about the second-generation ninja swordsmen is also fresh in my mind. Momochi Zabuza, Kito Mangetsu, and several candidates who are still under investigation, such as Inigaki Kisame, were also selected.

There is even information about the future Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei, but with Yagura's chaos, this woman has been hidden by the Genshi.

There is even less information about the younger generation, and only geniuses like Kaguya Kimimaro are recorded.

After all, it is very rare to have a blood inheritance concentration that is so outstanding that it shocks those crazy people. It's just that Hei Zetsu noted that it was a blood inheritance disease, which was useless.

There were all kinds of other names that Noah didn't recognize. After all, everyone's screen time was limited.

If this roster is given to Konoha, it will definitely be a great achievement.

Afterwards, Black Zetsu handed over another scroll, which contained information on the ninjutsu of the Kingdom of Water, the forbidden arts and sealing techniques developed by the village.

The shadows of four of the five major nations are all good at ninjutsu that is unique to their country.

Mizukage is also really good at water escape, which is a very important bonus in the environment of the land of water.

Many special ninjutsu are improved based on the inheritance of chakra thousands of years after its birth, and the emphasis is different in different villages.

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