Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1328 Hei Jue’s alternative strategy succeeded

Then Noah took Shisui out to sea freely and freely.

Taking the big boat, they headed straight for the main island of the Kingdom of Water.

Nine-Tails was playing on the sea surface. It had been a long time since he came to the sea. The freedom represented by the ocean made this fox, who had been imprisoned for hundreds of years, feel particularly comfortable.

Zhisui is practicing hard, and he now feels that his strength is not enough to complete the next task.

Teacher Noah said that he would have several battles arranged for him in the Water Kingdom. He did not want to lose such a test.

It is a great opportunity to be able to go deep into the Kingdom of Water and exercise without worrying about safety.

As for the threat from the Ninja Village of the Great Country, it must have been a shocking scene when the mysterious teacher Noah took action. What was revealed in just one glance was no longer something he could understand.

Besides, the fox playing in the water on the sea is enough to guarantee his escape from the Kingdom of Water.

Just because Konoha can use the Hokage's life to seal the Nine-Tails, it doesn't mean that the Kingdom of Water can do the same thing.

Noah looked at the sea and felt more relaxed, returning to the surface of the sea again.

There is no Binx's wine, no Robin, no Voyager, and no former disciples.

But he was still walking on the same path, and sometimes he felt like he wasn't like a normal human being.

Only the burning torch in his chest can still give him a reason to exist in the world, and his family and friends are also by his side in a different way.

In order to distract himself from the pain caused by past memories, Noah began to slowly flip through the Sealed Book of Flying Thunder God. He couldn't really be compared to a fox.

The learning ship finally arrived in the waters near the Kingdom of Water late one night, and Shisui lifted the crew's genjutsu.

The two of them stepped on the sea and landed on the island of the Kingdom of Water.

Teacher, what should we do next?

Get information, especially about the Kaguya clan.


Also, this is the kingdom of water, so don't be careless.

The news that Shisui brought when he came back was that the Kaguya clan would directly attack the Mist Ninja Village tomorrow, attack all enemies with force and then cut off the heads of Mizukage's neck to replace them.

How did you collect it so quickly?

Noah was puzzled, this kind of secretive action shouldn't be done.

Teacher, the news that Kaguya's clan is going to mutiny has spread throughout the town.

Everyone seemed to know what they were going to do, and the ninja didn't hide it.

Next, Shisui told all the information.

Same taste, same recipe.

The Oniden clan and other ninja clans have promised that as long as the Kaguya clan cuts off the Mizukage's head, they will be the new Mizukage.

All I can say is that he is truly worthy of being a blood heir whose bloodline has returned to his ancestors. He is truly powerful.

It's really a bit domineering like the Otsutsuki clan, they will kill you if they say they want to.

In that case, why don't you search for any children with potential in the periphery?

If the Kaguya clan launches a mutiny, don't intervene. Just observe the battle between the ninja clan and the village to gain some experience.

Gain experience and tell what hell joke the teacher is talking about. Uchiha will not do this kind of thing.

Go ahead, I'll wait for my old friend here.

Shisui didn't understand the intention of the teacher's arrangement, but he knew that obedience must be correct, so he started the ninja operation in the enemy's base camp.

This is an experience I have never had before. It is a completely different feeling from being on the battlefield in the Kingdom of Water. This is the first time I have jumped around in front of the enemy's village.

At the same time, it also shows that the Kingdom of Water is really in a very troublesome situation, and even the village's perception barrier is no longer functioning.

Not long after Shisui left, a pitcher plant sprouted from the ground, and a black Zetsu with a pure black complexion grew out.

Noah, you broke the promise.

Black Jue's control over the Kingdom of Water is very comprehensive. Except for the old guy Yuanshi who smelled the dangerous atmosphere and hid it from his detection through the history of the Mist Ninja Village, the others cannot hide from Bai Jue at all. surveillance of this creature.

Especially the guy who was very arrogant when he just landed on the island, the unforgettable feeling came back.

We agreed at the beginning to advance the Eye of the Moon project together, but you continue to provoke us. Isn't it too much?

Hei Jue felt tired and felt that nothing good would happen if he met this disaster star.

Now that Obito was finally pulled back to the original track and his spirits were lifted, he met this bastard again, and he didn't know what kind of changes would happen.

Don't get me wrong, in order to advance the Burning World and Eye of the Moon plans, we need to cultivate an Uchiha clansman.

It is essential to collect the Sharingan in the final tailed beast stage, and Shisui is the representative of our Akatsuki organization.

He will seize all the tailed beasts in the most cruel way to cooperate with Nagato to seal them, and he will also drag Konoha into the abyss along the way, hahahahaha.

At the end, Noah also added a classic villain laugh, trying to resonate with the other party.

Just a little quiet.

Ahem, the Bloody Mist in the Mist Ninja Village is pretty good, but it would be a waste if all those ninjas died. It would be better for them to be taken away by me to prepare for a world war.

With these barely used resources, the Akatsuki organization will punch the Country of Fire, kick the Country of Earth, and finally stab the Country of Wind in the back.

Using the Country of Rain, a place of three wars, to contain the three big countries is to reduce the pressure on the plan left by Uchiha Madara, what do you think?

No matter what Noah said, Black Jue responded without saying a word.

He didn't believe that the man in front of him was a good person who was willing to realize other people's dreams.

The person in front of him is the evil man with the greatest ambition, the most vicious means and the most evil heart that he has never encountered in thousands of years.

This kind of person cannot believe even a single punctuation mark. There must be other reasons for coming to the Kingdom of Water this time.

leave here

oops! Why is Hei Jue so tough now? Did they expand after not killing them last time?

Noah took out his word Wado, slipped it around and put it back.

Noah, you can finish your work and leave here.

Otherwise, let Obito come and have a chat with me. I think he is a very enthusiastic person and can resonate well with me.

This is what he is afraid of. Hei Zetsu feels that if Obito has more interactions with Noah, the future situation may be absolutely beyond his control.

This is a very dangerous thing, and the most stupid person in Uchiha cannot be destroyed.

As expected of a millennium BOSS, he was able to bend and stretch and immediately changed his mind.

The Kirigakure Village is now under our control. I will help you with whatever you want.


The humble boss is pleading online, throwing the bottom line away to see what you do. Is it really a dead end?

Noah was a little at a loss, and he wanted to take Shisui to experience the large dungeon of the enemy country.

As a result, it’s really boring to have the boss directly give you what he wants.

And this method of response really hits Noah's flaw. The enemy can do whatever you want above the bottom line, and directly attack below the bottom line.

There is no room for negotiation at all, and there is too little room for the art of language and strength to be displayed.

Alas, Hei Jue finally won one step.

I will take a group of young people away from the Water Country, and I will make a list for you when the time comes.


I also pack a copy of the ninjutsu from the Kingdom of Water, and I also make a copy of something similar to the Sealed Book.


They all agreed, and these costs were nothing compared to Noah.

They didn't want to run the Kingdom of Water anyway, and it didn't matter whether people died in the civil strife or were taken away.

The real elites and qualified combatants will be controlled by Obito and become their minions and cannon fodder in the land counterattack.

As for things like ninjutsu, Hei Zetsu doesn't care at all.

People who do not have the power of all things can only become ants in future wars.

Now as long as this person can be driven away, these conditions can be agreed to.

Let Shisui and Obito communicate one last time. As long as Shisui doesn't die, it doesn't matter.

Aren't you worried that the child will fall to our side?

Don't worry, I believe him. Obito's existence is a step up for Shisui. Maybe in the end the Eye of the Moon plan will have to be executed by someone else.

Noah was very confident, and this confidence made Black Zetsu feel uneasy. He didn't even dare to trust Obito so much.

.I will talk to Obito about this. Don't go further into the Kingdom of Water.

make a deal.

A deal using the resources of the Kingdom of Water as a bargaining chip was concluded.

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