Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1327 Nine-Tails Super Evolution

For the rest, you have to be as obedient as possible, and just give them a few mouthfuls of food to keep you hungry, and you can complete the task steadily.

Isn’t your organization just a peace organization? We can't use this method either.

So his head is a bit big, and raising children in a peaceful way is currently a blind spot in his task.

Kirigakure Village has never taken on this kind of task of raising children, that is only done by those sissies from the Fire Country.

Besides, who is he? He is one of the dignified Seven Swordsmen.

Oh ghost! Alas, the assassin in the blood mist! So disrespectful?

Don't want to?

Noah’s tone was a little harsh, and the air instantly condensed into an iron plate.

How could you not want to!

I am an excellent ninja who completes the mission 100%.

It's just that you see, I have just joined our organization and am still in the review period.

If you two leave at this time, what if I run away?

Kirigakure's assassin reminded Noah in a very tactful way that he was not suitable for raising children.

That makes sense, come with me.

Then Noah took Zabuza to an uninhabited corner, causing the ghost to panic a little.

Could it be that I was going to be executed on the spot for such a ridiculous reason as not wanting to take care of the child?

Is your organization really peaceful? Do you know that the value of a jounin is the most precious resource for the great ninja village?

As a result, he thought too much, and Noah pulled out a fox from his body.

A little orange fox?

Is this a trick, a ninjutsu, or something else?

Zabuza didn't take it seriously at first, but the familiar malice when the little fox sneered at him enveloped his brain again.

The terrifying chakra's double oppression on the body and mind made him see the figure of the demon fox under the moon.

Death, killing, fear, helplessness, insignificance.

The trembling figure could not move, and began to actively fight against the thoughts in his mind of wanting to avoid fear and commit suicide.

Ahem, stop using illusions. Why do you, a tailed beast, start to fall in love with illusions?

You said that the greatest pleasure can be brought by defeating the opponent from the place where he is most proud. As a Yin-type half-body, his talent in illusions will definitely make Uchiha fall to his knees in front of me!

During the future war, a huge nine-tailed demon fox spread its nine huge tails under the moon.

Then, Ninjutsu can clear the ground, illusion techniques can control the field, sealing techniques can kill, and even a set of Flying Thunder Gods may be used.

The picture is so beautiful and absolutely stunning.

If he could learn a few more celestial arts, Uchiha Madara would really be helpless against this fox.

What did Jiu Lama learn from me? Why do plug-ins upgrade faster than me?

Noah was helpless, and the fox began to struggle.

Here, when he and Kyuubi were still discussing whether to contract other wild tailed beasts to have some psychic beast mode, Zabuza was already stupid.

What is this?

Formal introduction, this is the core member of our organization. Generally, everyone calls it Kyuubi. You can also call it Kyuubi. Of course, it will feel much better if you can call it Kyuubi-sama.

Jiu Lama glanced at the ghost man from the corner of his eyes and turned his head away. He was a fast running little chick. This was his evaluation.


Zabuza's voice broke. It was the first time for him at this level to come into contact with a tailed beast, and he became the strongest tailed beast as soon as he came into contact with it.

I'm so numb. Why don't you just throw such a horrible secret in front of me like this? I can't hide it even if you want to.

Brother Kijin is 100% sure that Noah is not from Konoha, but the identity of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is over.

Any thought of rebellion now is a wake-up call.

The Peace Organization raises the Kyuubi, and the Peace Organization wants to invade the Kingdom of Water. The Peace Organization is unreasonable.

Don't misunderstand that I'm just here to ask Kyuubi for a favor, because the distrust you mentioned before is indeed a problem.

I am the most principled person in doing things. Since we don't trust each other, we will find a way to make everyone trust each other.

Then he turned to look at Kyuubi.

rely on you.

It's up to me to take care of it. I just need one experimental subject so far.

Even though Kyuubi clearly said what the experimental questions were and what the first practical operation was.

But Zabuza still didn't flinch. Did he not want to flinch?

No, he was so frightened by the terrifying chakra that he couldn't move in place. He could only watch the fox slowly grow in size, from a small pocket fox to a beast as tall as a person. At this time, the Nine-Tails already had several A vicious look.

A malicious smile appeared at the corner of the fox's mouth, and several chakra claws appeared on his back and began to form seals.

Just this seal speed can defeat the ghost who can produce 44 water dragon bullets.

The orange-red chakra formed various mysterious curse patterns while the hand seals were flying. The massive curse patterns began to be imprinted in the void along an inexplicable trajectory and were finally engraved on Zabuza's chest.

After the scalding heat, it felt like something was carved into my soul, and then this feeling disappeared.

Trouble, it's really wasteful to use chakra to manifest directly without using a scroll. And the effect is far different from that little thing like Kushina.

But fortunately, the first level is completed. You can't force the training.

Level 1?

Kyuubi's two claws continued to fly up and down, and the endless chakra was squandered.

The Uzumaki clan did not dare to use their own energy in this way, so the tailed beasts relied on their abundant capital to practice in such a radical way.

The Nine Lamas didn't stop until they reached the Nine Layers of Seal. Finally, they shook their heads in dissatisfaction.

Generally, you still have to continue studying.

Zabuza felt very ashamed.

The fox opposite is actually a ninja who uses the transformation technique, right? But he is a tailed beast who can't do anything, so he has been given so many layers of seals.

Even Noah thought it was a bit excessive. The wasted chakra could fill hundreds of ghosts.

These are all the results of my study. I don't usually have the chance to use them, so that's why I am like this.

And this is both a seal and a protection, ensuring that his soul will not be controlled by the enemy.

Zabuza was very insensitive and put a nine-layer seal on me when he came up.

The most powerful seal scroll in our Mist Ninja Village may not have as many seals as I have. What else could I do that would go too far?

And the enemy can't control my soul, doesn't that mean you can control the soul? The rank is too high.

Anyway, when the two of them and one fox came back, Zabuza already understood his fate. After all, he was a ninja who was subdued by the strongest tailed beast himself, which was not bad.

So he politely took these children to stay in the secret stronghold of the Country of Waves.

Before leaving, Noah also gave him a book and was responsible for teaching these children, including what he himself also had to learn.

For example, life manuals, hygiene manuals, basic moral education, etc.

There will be spot checks when we get back, and I hope the ghost will also learn from it.

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