Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1326 Ghost Man’s First Job

When Shisui returned, he found that the teacher had conquered a rebellious nin from the Kingdom of Water and a child from the Snow Clan.

From what he collected, it seemed that this was the Kirigakure ghost, Momochi Zabuza.

The name Zabuza means that he kills people without using a second sword, which means that his sword skills are very advanced.

Moreover, his signature silent assassination technique is extremely good, and his water escape talent is also very high.

It has a terrible reputation among the countries near the Kingdom of Water.

Why does such a strong man seem to have a weak aura? Even the legendary Seven Ninja Sword is inserted casually on the ground, no different from the weeds on the roadside.

Oh~~~Have you been educated by a teacher?

Shisui is a good polite boy, so he snickered inwardly.

Emotions of empathy and schadenfreude rippled through my heart.

Teacher, I'm back.

Noah was quite surprised when he saw the genius of the Uchiha family transforming into a trafficker, followed by a string of children.

This guy gained quite a lot, Ling Ling always brought back more than a dozen children.

Most of these children have sallow faces and thin muscles, and look suspicious and uneasy, as if they have suffered a lot of setbacks and have been educated by reality.

A small number of them are suffering from deep hatred and sorrow, and they are all problem children in this world.

Such people have been seen in Noah, the Country of Rain, and they were everywhere in the Country of Rain when the Akatsuki organization did not rise.

Noah took Shisui aside and wanted to hear what the new disciple thought of selecting this group of people.

Well, most of the children here are children born in the ninja clan, and some of them have blood heirs.

It's not as powerful as the first-generation blood successors you mentioned, teacher, but there are still some derivative blood successors.

There are also two orphans of the Uzumaki clan and a child of the Snow clan.

There are also a few children born into the ninja clan whose blood inheritance ability is not very obvious, and the rest are ordinary people.

Noah didn't expect to meet two orphans of the Uzumaki clan at this time. He really felt like he had won the lottery.

But considering that the Kingdom of Whirlpool was nearby back then, most people shouldn't be able to run far when they were jointly destroyed.

Just now, I didn't feel the abundant vitality from their dry hair color, so it was a whirlpool of perennial deficit. Very good, there are two new members to join the Rain Country Sanatorium.

As for the Snow Clan, it's a surprise. Bai just has a new companion, and taking care of each other can alleviate some of his psychological problems.

Tell me why you brought back a child without blood.

There are no parents or relatives. They are all partners who support each other.

It is impossible to take away only the children with blood inheritance limits and leave ordinary people behind. This goes against the ideas taught by the teacher.

As you told me before, lending a helping hand to those in need is what a hero does.

I can no longer be limited by my status as a ninja.

Shisui was a little worried. His mission was to recruit some promising ninja orphans or outstanding talents.

But half of the people they brought were idiots, and there were even children who were obviously not suitable to be ninjas mixed in here.

Ordinary people's physiques have been exhausted by wandering around and struggling to survive at a very young age. Even if they are brought back, they may not be able to grow up smoothly.

It was just the persistence in his own heart that told him that there was nothing wrong with doing so.

That's very good. I will keep this belief in the future.

Noah approved of Shisui's choice and gave a thumbs up.

I generally understand what's going on, the situation of Xiaonan's trio.

The little friends who depended on each other were chosen to have the opportunity to have food and clothing, so naturally they didn't want to leave the brothers behind.

Most of this kind of pure emotion comes from children. They don't weigh the pros and cons and only talk about feelings.

It's good. Shisui has the courage to break through the ninja's mission restrictions and follow his own heart to make his choice. This is a great improvement.

Then he took Shisui back to the crowd and looked at the children.

Children who grow up barbarically in the ninja world have more or less psychological problems. Sharingan is not the eye of God and cannot see through everything.

The pressure of survival, the teachings of the former ninja clan, and all kinds of negative information infected their hearts with selfishness, viciousness, and all kinds of negative emotions.

Being as ridiculously kind as Shiro and being as kind as Kimimaro are rare.

Shisui's rescue gave them hope of survival, and other emotions would arise after meeting the conditions for survival.

Noah didn't want to wait until everything was hopeless before blaming and correcting them.

So we set a lot of rules for these people very seriously and seriously.

For example, you must obey instructions outside, don't talk nonsense, don't bully others, etc.

A lot of things have been said in general. Basically, the education in Nanhai was the same as in this scene.

The tone at the beginning must be stern to make things progress more smoothly.

After seeing these children nodding very seriously, Noah didn't say anything more and just asked Zabuza to find some food.

There is still no shortage of wild animals, rice balls, wild fruits, etc.

After all, he is also an outstanding graduate of Kirigakure, and he is quite at home in a country like Wave Country.

After leading this group of children to survive for a few days, Noah felt that it was almost time and it was time to go to the main island of the Water Country.

This time he planned to take Shisui with him.

Taking his disciples to play high-end games, Obito, an excellent target, can definitely bring out Shisui's potential.

The culprit in the Kyuubi Incident, the real culprit who caused Uchiha to be transferred directly into the abyss.

Noah didn't tell Shisui the whole truth, just waiting for Obito brother to reveal the truth.

This is the ultimate assessment goal of the Kingdom of Water. After enduring it, the will will sublimate.

Let him feel the power of the backstab from the Uchiha clan to fill in the last layer of insurance for the Sharingan.

Clan members who act recklessly are not necessarily doing it for family honor or peace.

It's really possible that you dare to open a kaleidoscope because you can't accept that there is no crush in reality and the bond in fantasy, and the role of a warning is reflected.

I'm afraid Obito never imagined that someone would really want to squeeze out every ounce of value from him, even if he could hide in the Kingdom of Water.

It’s just that there are too many children now and it’s not easy to take care of them.

If both of them left, then Zabuza would have to stay to see the child.

This guy can say that as long as Noah's front foot is off his back foot, he dares to run away with a bucket.

It's just that the reality is like this, I can only feel a little aggrieved to the ghost.

Let's see! Child!

Zabuza's eyes widened, as if he saw that water dragon staring into the sky and the earth again, which was extremely incredible.

Although I say I want to be a good person, why do you trust me so much?

It's too much to deceive others by giving such a funny task to yourself right from the start!

If it were managed according to the management method of Kirigakure Village, of course he would have no problem. He would put the beheading knife there and chop off a few heads to add to the fun.

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