So when he challenged the strongest, he was easily defeated. He fled the village in embarrassment like a lost dog and became a rebellious ninja.

Remember, people cannot help but read.

If I had learned a little more knowledge, I wouldn't have ended up like this.

At this moment, Shiro already understood who this gentle gentleman was talking about, it was Zabuza-sama whom he wanted to follow.

Adults never talk about their past experiences. It seems that it’s not that they don’t want to talk about it, but maybe it’s because they can’t say it.

The gentle Shiro decided that when Zabuza-sama woke up, he would pretend that he had never heard the story.

It’s just that the protagonist of the story is in chaos.

He could very directly feel that the other party's words were probably said to him on purpose. His pretense of fainting was discovered, and he was forced to listen to so many taunts.

What’s even more outrageous is! Everything he said is true!

Then he became furious and swung the decapitating sword like a windmill like an evil spirit.

As for Bai, this kid who knows his dark history, let him die too!

The current ghost has not established any emotional bond with this boy.

Then it was gently pinched by Noah's fingers, as if what was thrown over was not a large knife as big as a door panel but a feather.

Throwing the knife was not because Zabuza lost his temper in a moment of anger, but because he wanted to buy time to activate the next ninjutsu.

Jumping to the surface of the river, chakra set off a wave of air.


His hands began to form seals crazily, and this time he wanted to form an A-level secret.

All 44 seals of A-level water escape secrets. Water Dragon Bullet Technique.

Chou-shen-mao-zi-hai-you-chou-wu-si-zi-yin-xu-yin-si-chou-wei-si-hai-wei-zi-ren-shen-you-chen-you- Chou-wu-wei-yin-si-zi-shen-mao-hai-chen-wei-zi-chou-shen-you-ren-zi-hai-you.


Noah said that I can let you use ninjutsu, but is it too much for you to make 44 seals?

Even your hand speed is in this state, which is hard to watch and makes me look stupid.

So he dropped the beheading sword in his hand and made an unknown seal.

boom! ! ! !

All the water in the river was drained away and stopped immediately. The huge waves roared behind Noah. A giant dragon hundreds of meters tall lowered its huge head and stared at Zabu with two eyes that were taller than a human. cut.

kid? Do you have any big question marks?

The lifelike water dragon's eyes were full of domineering, and the feeling that this little thing was worthy was accurately conveyed to the eyes of the Kirigakure genius who was in the inertia seal.

The ghost man who had just received the ugly mark on his hand directly tied his hands together and his eyes almost popped out.

This shit is water escape? ? ?

What is the secret of the mudra you just drew that is not among the twelve seals?

Is this abnormal chakra chakra?

Am I under an illusion?

The ghost man who doubts his life has his brain shut down and feels like he has seen something beyond the scope of his reason.

Damn it, my head hurts so much! !

Bai Youxiao was also shocked. It turned out that this was ninjutsu, so powerful.

This scene caused Ice Escape to move in a new direction many years later.

In the end, the huge dragon head plunged back into the river at will, without locking the target at all.

But the aftermath of the huge wave still caused great damage to Zabuza.

The rolling ghost immediately formed the Kirigakure Jutsu and began to retreat. It didn't matter what ninja sword or ambition it was.

He wants to escape this false world.

Fake, all fake!

Relying on the talent of silent assassination, moving at high speed in thick fog is also a special skill, which is perfect for escaping.

But Noah felt that this guy was still used to run errands and do tasks, so he also activated the Kirigakure Jutsu.

What do you think of the Kirigakure Jutsu that is activated with the size of Kyuubi?

The climate in the small area of ​​the Country of Waves has undergone sudden changes, and a large amount of fog has shrouded the nearby area for dozens of miles.

And the chakra full of malice condensed into a fox in the thick fog.

I'm too tired from studying, so I came out to play and do some activities.

After saying that, he disappeared into the mist, and the Nine-tailed version of the silent assassination technique was activated.

The ghost man really looks like an evil ghost at this moment, but he is just scared.

He found this dense fog to be intimidating, and at his own speed, he could not escape from this area for a long time.

Moreover, there are always malicious eyes and chakra attacks in the fog, making it impossible to stop running away.

It seemed that as soon as he stopped, his malice would suddenly increase, as if a beast with fangs and claws would rush out from the thick fog and tear him into pieces.

Even though he gave up his silent movement and even launched ninjutsu attacks, he encountered nothing.

Thick fog, unspeakable monsters, and malicious intent are everywhere.

My body is starting to become sluggish and my chakra is almost exhausted. Is this my own hell?

Jiulama is having fun now, and Noah goes with him.

Just need to comfort the children around you.

Don't worry, we are a peaceful organization.

Peace organizations generally do not kill people, but focus on reform.

After all, it's not easy to train a Jonin. If you are willing to change your mind, you can get a salary and work hard after completing the basic course.

Although Bai didn't understand, he could see that the current situation was very clear, so he stayed here obediently and listened to the story.

After Zabuza ran in the thick fog for a long time, he finally rushed out.

What's disappointing is that after rushing out, I saw the warm fire, the gentle Noah and the gentle Bai.

The atmosphere was very warm and harmonious, not only the bonfire was lit but also some game was grilled.

The indescribably terrifying man was like a professional chef, carefully sprinkling bottles of seasoning on the meat, and the aroma was fragrant.

Without joking, this attitude is dozens of times more serious than when he activated the water dragon secret.

But Zabuza would not be aroused by this aroma, and the fear in his heart was almost uncontrollable.

In this hunting activity in the thick fog, I have been exhausted after running as a prey for too long. Even the so-called ambition and murderous intention are wiped out by the malicious intentions that appear from time to time in the fog.

After seeing the scene before me, I felt both a sense of relief and a sense of resignation.

As a ninja who lives by killing, since he kills people, he also has the consciousness of being killed.

So he stood there honestly, trying to retain the last trace of dignity.

“Chakra is just an energy we use, it doesn’t mean we have to become a ninja.

And ninjas will definitely be more than just a tool in the future, so children, you still read too few books.

If you have the chance, you should read more books. If you understand the importance of personality independence, you will not think of being attached to a certain person and becoming a tool.

Bai nodded, this day had basically destroyed all his previous childish thoughts.

He is just a child, and he naturally starts to loosen up when faced with a theoretical master like Noah.

As for Zabuza? A small orange fox floated out of the thick fog, and gently patted the ghost man on the back of the head with a small paw.


The mini-BOSS at the beginning of the first generation fell into a deep pit on the ground.

If you want to step over an ant without crushing it, it's difficult to master the strength.

The ending of Jiulama is very pretentious, and I don’t know who I learned it from.

how do you feel?

This eyebrowless brat is still a bit tough. He can run pretty fast and has good physical strength. I think he can take him to the Land of Rain to run professional errands with a little exercise.

You should go back first. If you get close to the Water Country, Obito will see you.

I'm afraid of the Uchiha brats!! The Shisui brats were beaten so hard by me.

Then Kyuubi returned to his big house and started studying, angry!

When Zabuza woke up, he found stars twinkling in the sky and the thick fog around him had dissipated, as if everything that had happened before was an illusion.

He really couldn't tell the difference between reality and fantasy. How could he have such ninjutsu and such terrifying evil thoughts.

What do you want from me?

Reform well and become a new person.

This is the most outrageous thing a ghost has ever heard, so...

I didn't have a choice before, but now

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