Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1322 Go to the Kingdom of Rain and kill everyone

As a ninja, she had long since learned to respect the fate of others.

Did you know you were dying?

I know very well that a friend who works in biomedical science once recommended you to me, Tsunade-sama.

He said that only the strongest medical ninja in the ninja world could treat this injury, but right now there are many things more important than my life.

.People like you are really annoying.

Tsunade really dislikes this kind of person, she hates him from the bottom of her heart.

Especially when paired with that firm look that would never waver, it made her feel inexplicably angry.

Because she didn't? Or was it ever thrown away?

Shizune, let's go.

After being rejected, Tsunade didn't care. Since she was not afraid of death, she couldn't stop her as a doctor.

So I was ready to leave, it would be more fun to go to the casino to make money.

It’s just that since I met Noah, I didn’t want to let him go. I’ll take a shot at him if he has the chance.

As long as you get to the Country of Rain, there will always be a way to try to keep this person.

Material temptation can only stop her for a moment. In fact, what she lacks is what is in her heart.

As for Orochimaru's relationship with his classmates? There is still some left, probably not much.

It takes strong medicine to revive a mentally disabled person who has experienced war, the rise and fall of a family, family ties, and love.

Moreover, Kushina's problem also needs help and treatment. The sealing technique teacher's psychological quality is really not very strong.

Being stuck there all day long will lead to a perversion sooner or later. Not everyone can stick a tube in for a long time like Uchiha Madara.



? !

Can you leave a contact information? I will contact you when I return to the Country of Rain.

In one step, he directly drags the person to the Kingdom of Rain. Only when he reaches his own territory can he give her a little shock.

After hearing this, Tsunade showed a sarcastic smile. Her idealistic look before was quite bluffing.

What, he is still a man who is afraid of death.

Boy, what do you think I am?

One hundred million taels of hard work.

I'll think about it.

Two hundred million taels. I can pay a deposit of ten million taels now. After the treatment is completed, I can also provide you with a treatment method that can maintain my vitality.

Deal, it just so happens that I haven't been to the casino in the Country of Rain yet. I'm going to the Country of Rain to teach those people a lesson!

Tsunade felt that this guy's fear of death was much more pleasing to the eye than before, and the money was still appropriate as the price of a business trip.

I really don’t know if the casino in the Land of Rain is interesting or not. I’ve never been there before because of that guy Sansho Hanzo.

Then this time, I will teach the gambling industry in small places a lesson, kill everyone, and make a lot of money, hahahahaha.

So I asked Shizune to leave the address of the casino.

This is a list of casinos to visit in the last few months. Leave a letter here and those people will find us.

Shizune, a little girl, obviously has not developed the psychological quality to avoid debts, and she even feels shy as she talks about it.

Shisui got Noah's ten million taels in exchange for a very magical note.

The list of casinos left above is really amazing and irregular.

And just on the roadside, two people negotiated a big deal of 200 million taels, and even had an upfront capital of tens of millions of taels. Such simplicity really opened the eyes of the young boy from the Uchiha family.

It turns out that the high-end trading method looks like this.

Both parties said goodbye, both satisfied with the deal.

It's just that Tsunade still doesn't know that sometimes the risks of visiting a doctor are very high.

Noah and Shisui breathed a sigh of relief when they left the village. Both of them were worried about what accident would happen.

Shisui was really scared. He had no problem following Mr. Noah when he went out.

But if someone discovers that he, a Konoha ninja, is running around with a Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, then he will rebel against the village even if he doesn't.

Now that it’s all right, Tsunade-sama will go to the Land of Rain later? Why?

Teacher Noah, what will happen if Tsunade-sama goes to the Land of Rain?

Shisui, you have to believe that the atmosphere in our Rain Country is very good. And she is here to treat illnesses and save people, so we must respect the doctor.

But aren't all the casinos in the Land of Rain already there?

Oh~~That's not important. If she wants one, just give it to her, hehehehe~~

Shisui felt that sooner or later he would be unable to maintain his identity as a Konoha ninja. Teacher Noah was always causing big troubles casually.

In fact, Orochimaru-sensei, who likes to study, is actually quite reassuring in comparison.

Teacher, we have arrived at the Country of Waves, what should we do next?

Detect information.

But it's difficult for me to find the talents that the teacher wants to pick up in a short period of time. Even if I use the shadow clone technique, I can't do it.

Shisui, we must learn to use our talents. We can take this opportunity to exercise your will. I believe Uchiha has his own advantage in will.

For example?

When Noah put his hand on Shisui's body, he understood what it meant. This feeling of massive chakra washing through his body like a wave was so exciting.

Even the Sharingan opened automatically after recovering from the injury, and the three magatama were spinning crazily.

The Uchiha who controls the power of the Nine-Tails is the outstanding Uchiha.

The feeling of his strength increasing countless times in an instant was fascinating. At this moment, he felt that the pressure in his meridians was urging him to do something.

He immediately gave his answer without consulting Noah.

The art of multiple shadow clones!


The huge smoke dissipated in place, and a hundred Shisui were looking at each other. The visual effect of this ninjutsu was extremely amazing.

The average ninja will be frightened when seeing such a scene, and his resistance will drop to the bottom.

For example, Naruto's Two Thousand Orders is an unscientific product. If Asura does not bear the mental pressure caused by 2,000 clones, even the Uzumaki clan will become fools.

Teacher, leave the information about the Country of Waves to me. *100

Okay, but have you considered recycling the body parts?


Sigh~ I can't blame you for Uchiha's traditional expansion. When it's time to recycle it, let Kyuubi help you bear part of it, and use your own will to carry the rest. It will just improve your memory.

Noah originally wanted to let Shisui divide dozens of clones to experience the feeling of Chatanla, and also prepare for the high-end game in the future.

When you come to the Kingdom of Water, you may encounter Obito, and you will need to cheat Shisui during the Uchiha civil war.

The result was inflated. It may be that this child's very mature and steady behavior in the Land of Fire made Noah ignore the inertia of Uchiha geniuses. He can't do this again in the future.

Geniuses before awakening the Kaleidoscope were all fickle.

Far away in Tobirama, the pure land, I also feel your troubles.

With a swipe, all Shisui's clones disappeared, and they began to collect information frantically in the Land of Waves.

He came back a day later, connected to Kyuubi and began to recover the clone, and finally fell down in a stubborn posture without saying a word.

Young people are in good physical condition, so why do they still fall asleep?

Kyuubi jumped out again to gloat.

One day later.

Shisui returned to calmness as if none of the stupid things before had happened.

Teacher, I found a blood successor boundary of the Snow Clan, and

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