Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1321 Short-lived men have the best luck

Senju's accomplishments in Yang Escape and Perception come from his blood. It's really remarkable that there is an exception among the bustling crowd.

Moreover, this kind of medical miracle immediately attracted attention, and Tsunade's research in her field was quite profound.

So I took a second look at it, and the more I looked at it, the more strange it became.

I have never seen such an aura in many years of walking in the ninja world, and Noah had some particularly fine cracks on his wrists and some exposed skin, which was also instinctively seen by doctors with extraordinary eyesight.

First, he thought of the unclean reincarnation of the second grandfather, but the pupils and facial cracks of the reincarnated person were not like this, so he then thought of the forbidden arts and secrets of other ninja villages that still didn't match up.

Only this kind of thing could stop her on the way to the casino. She originally wanted to kill everyone. It was just a matter of getting some funds first.

Not being nosy means not being nosy, but when you come across a medical material worth studying, you can put it on record.

As for safety?

This is the land of fire. Although I have hemophobia, I am also very strong, so I won't worry about it.

Just the little guard that man brought with him could kill five of them with one punch.

Tsunade, who is a little popular among the three ninjas, has no lack of confidence at all. Standing at the top of many ninjas, she can only wake up to her strength by seeing new scenery like Orochimaru. She can't even dance.

So Princess Tsunade separated from the crowd and walked over. Although Shizune behind her was surprised, she followed her. It would be a good thing if she could avoid going to the casino.

A beautiful woman with a proud figure walked straight past the crowd, making it difficult for Shisui not to notice.

What should I do? It's Tsunade-sama.

How do you know her?

When I was young, I saw Tsunade-sama return to the village, and the clan also had information describing Tsunade-sama. She was said to be a female ninja with obvious characteristics and powerful strength.

Noah felt that the description of the information within the Uchiha clan might also focus on the key points.

It would be difficult to escape at this time, so he gave Shisui the signal to get through.

If he goes to the Water Country too late, some of his favorite talents may have accidents.

But Zhisui also knew that Teacher Noah was injured, so he asked kindly.

Tsunade-sama's medical ninjutsu is unparalleled in the ninja world. I might be able to give you some treatment if you meet me by chance.

If it had been left at the beginning, Noah could naturally let the medical saint treat him at will, and he could also use the opportunity of treatment to test it out.


Silly, you don't even think about what I'm carrying, what if the Bagua seal is seen?

As one of the Sannin of Konoha and a princess of the Senju clan, she couldn't possibly understand this no matter how hard she thought about it.

How will you explain what happened to Kyuubi then? Are you saying that Nine Lamas got into my belly on their own?

Zhisui was so shocked that he was scared to death just thinking about the consequences.

Yes, even if you give him 10 mouths, he still can't explain what's going on, because he really doesn't know.

But it is already a crime for the Konoha ninjas who left the village and the unknown Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki to walk in the outside world, and even Teacher Orochimaru will be implicated.

So he never mentioned this matter, and even hoped that he would not be exposed.

As for the injuries, he believed that a wise man like Teacher Noah would have a way to treat them, and he just had to follow the instructions.

Finally Tsunade arrived as the two of them muttered.

The first sentence reveals his true nature.

Hey, you are about to die. Give me 50 million taels and I will consider saving your life.

At first glance, this sounds like a rough fraudster, or what one would call a robber.

Well, while Tsunade's benevolence and desire for research are rising, she also wants to make a fortune, so that she will have new capital to make a comeback in the casino.

As long as I earn enough, there will always be a chance of killing the dealer!

And the reason why this price was offered was because this man who looked like he was about to die must be very rich.

First of all, they are tall and tall. On the mainland, most civilians have sallow complexions and thin bodies. This is due to dietary intake as well as genetic inheritance.

Secondly, it is very clean, from the gaps between the fingers to the teeth. Although the hair is not combed with the moon hair that is common among nobles, it is not tangled either.

Judging from the clothing fabrics, he is a top-notch wealthy person. Clothes made of this material are only made of fabrics that his eldest grandfather and second grandfather would equip them with when they were around, that is, during the heyday of the Thousand Hands.

His temperament is very unique. He has the bookish air of a man who has read poetry and books, and the murderous air of a general on the battlefield.

The most important thing is the confidence in his eyes that seems to see through everything.

When it comes to eyesight, Tsunade is really good. She was born into a wealthy family, and with the two professional bonuses of doctor and ninja, she can basically confirm a person's level in a few glances.

Such a rich and knowledgeable person seemed to be in a state of death. No amount of money would be worth the price paid by her, the medical saint.

This is also the most commonly used repayment method after traveling in the world for so many years, besides using Yin seals to hide debts.

After all, no one is suffering from three diseases and five calamities, and the casino owner does not dare to really offend this top doctor.

There are even many rich and aristocratic people who will pay Tsunade's debts to build relationships. Otherwise, with the frequency with which she loses money, the village will go bankrupt on her first day as the Fifth Hokage.

50 million taels? ! !

Zhisui and Shizune were both shocked.

Shisui was also considered to be from a wealthy family, but the operation that required 50 million taels opened the child's horizons again.

He even thought that Tsunade-sama could make money so much. Wouldn't that person's assets be even greater than those of the Uchiha clan?

Shizune didn't expect to meet such a rich fat sheep again. She was very confident in her teacher's vision.

50 million taels was enough for Tsunade to gamble seriously for several days, or to clear a little of the IOUs in the box.

50 million taels to save my life is really not much.


The answer from a certain short-lived man confused the two children. Is the world of adults so heroic?

Noah really felt that 50 million taels was not much. If he could cure his injury, it would be an absolute profit. Even the Sage of Six Paths would accuse Tsunade of ruining the market.

But it's a pity that you are not strong enough, so you declined with a smile. Don't be too entangled at this time.

But I can't treat him until I return to the Country of Rain. Now I have urgent matters to go to the Country of Waves. I hope you can understand.

Hey, is this because he doesn’t know the seriousness of the problem or is he not afraid of death?

Tsunade felt that this disease was strange, and so was this person.

When I got closer, I realized that this person should be a dead person, but he had locked the flow of life force in a special way to be able to stand here.

Were it not for her curiosity about life-sustaining treatments and medical exploration, she would have left immediately after her first rejection.

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