Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1323 Noah is not a warm person

The first news Shisui brought back was that Kirigakure had rebelled against Ninmoji Zabuza and had fled from the Kingdom of Water to the Kingdom of Waves.

The news has spread throughout the underground bounty house. After all, ninjas from the Kingdom of Water are also frequent visitors to the public toilets in the Kingdom of Waves.

Sharingan can be said to be invincible in this country without a ninja village. It can get all the information from a wave ninja without spending a penny.

The intelligence also said that Zabuza had a child with him when he escaped, and the demon is currently looking for a base.

Noah felt the timeline change.

Shiro had already followed Zabuza to the Kingdom of Waves in advance. The reason was that the hatred for the blood successor in the Kingdom of Water had been aroused early.

The precursors of the Blood Mist in the Land of Water actually started at the end of the Third Mizukage.

Because of the damage caused to the village during the Third Ninja War, he could only blame the group he hated for the defeat.

This kind of political trick is sometimes not only used by the Sandaime Hokage, but the Mizukage said that I am not bad either.

Moreover, in the Kingdom of Water, there is no such thing as the Will of Fire to give hope to the common people, and the actions of the ninja clan are not much different from those during the Warring States Period.

Therefore, the accumulated resentment was easily aroused, and the civilians of the entire Water Kingdom began to hate these ninjas with blood stains.

In other words, they directly hate those who only have blood but no power, and they still respect the strong.

Zabuza appeared and fled to the Land of Waves, which meant that the assassination attempt as a joke had failed.

He and his few followers were taken advantage of by the Mizukage, Obito, and the ninjas, which was really a bad fate.

And this is much faster than the original progress.

But it's also true that Obito's anger in his heart now makes him want to destroy the ninja world ten times.

The mist ninja was not beaten any harder than expected, and it could be regarded as maintaining the strategy that Madara left behind during his lifetime.

Zabuza has already sent him away, so it is estimated that the Kaguya clan will be very worried during this period.

The atmosphere of this family. Except for Kimimaro who is still young, it seems that no one else needs to be saved.

After all, he has inherited part of Otsutsuki's bloodline, and it is normal to do things that others dare not do.

It can be said that this clan is also extremely good at being wiped out by people. After all, they cannot escape the restrictions of the top bloodline.

Senju, Uchiha, Uzumaki, and Kaguya have basically been erased from history. It's strange that Hinata can survive.

Thousands of years later, except for the chakra reincarnations of Indra and Asura, it is estimated that other blood inheritances are no longer in the eyes of the Six Paths Sage.

The second news is that many branches of the blood successor families of the Water Kingdom have appeared in the Kingdom of Waves and the Kingdom of Bears.

It seems that those people are not pure fools. Maybe the fourth generation Mizukage controlled by Obito in the original work was slower and not as fierce as now.

Many small families in this timeline were driven out and exterminated. Such cruel methods actually caused some families to start fleeing.

The Kingdom of Water does not have extreme control over the village like Konoha, so this phenomenon is normal.

Even if they are living a very bad life or are very depressed now, Noah will not accept everything.

To be honest, among the ninja clan, there is a brainwashing control over the children from an early age, promoting the family's glory and letting the children harbor hatred and other methods.

So he just asked Shisui to re-screen them, and apart from Zabuza and Haku, the remaining blood successors and some people with good potential would be examined.

Isn't it just right to use the Sharingan at this time?

Some people who have been deeply poisoned can be directly eliminated, and if suitable, they can be brought back together.

It is very important to maintain purity in the early stage of development when the general trend has not yet been achieved. Anyone who does not conform to his character would rather not mess around.

Not everyone is suitable for transformation, and the word choice is something that can only be grasped after years of experience.

In the world of pirates, Noah doesn't want what happened in Demon Valley Town to happen again.

The two soldiers divided into two groups, Shisui went to complete his part of the job, and the clone added the Sharingan genjutsu to start the investigation directly.

Noah went towards the careerist who failed to assassinate Mizukage based on Shisui's information.

With Shisui's current combat power, it would still be troublesome to face Zabuza.

Being the only graduate of the ninja school at the same time is something, and being able to inherit the decapitating sword as a member of the Seven Swordsmen shows that the potential and strength have reached a certain level.

At least now when the belief is the strongest, it should not be as lacking in level as it appeared later.

In Noah's eyes, Zabuza was just an uneducated, ambitious, and somewhat passionate ninja who wanted to change the country.

There are many people like this in this world. He is neither the most special one nor even the strongest one.

As the first mini-boss that Naruto's team faced in the early stages, his sense of oppression was directly heightened, all reflected by Kakashi's foil.

Capturing Konoha's number one technician with just one water prison technique was simply outrageous.

During the second battle, the Sharingan was restrained by it. I never knew that the Kirigakure Jutsu had such a powerful application.

In the second half of the fight, I almost defeated a certain technician who mastered the law of balance.

In the end, the enemy was defeated with the help of the big dog.

The performance of both people is quite consistent with the combat power of an ordinary jounin class.

In terms of tactics, ninjutsu, and psychological warfare, it can be said that Zabuza's performance is unprecedented, and there are many others coming behind him.

After all, the man who could make Kakashi unconscious twice has a pretty strong aura.

The key point is that the emotional pull between him and Bai allowed him to clear up his innocence at the last moment and attract countless fans. This operation is also very amazing.

Of course, the reason why the force level dropped repeatedly in the later period is that the overall fighting style became more and more exaggerated, and suffered the losses of the version.

And Kakashi's strength also fluctuates up and down, making people confused. The fierce man who can fight Kaguya and the technician who fights Zabuza can't be forced to be equal if they are the same person.

Without this benchmark, Zabuza, even with the title of Seven Second-generation Ninja Swordsman, did not prevent his aura from falling again and again.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen themselves don't have a very good reputation, and Kisame rarely mentions it.

The Seven Swordsmen have been enjoying themselves ever since they showed off a few lines, and have never had any high-end moments.

Five people were killed by the bloody steam ball. Then the two generations fought against each other, and finally the tailless beast Kisame Kisame came out, which could be regarded as giving this ninja sword a little respect.

Overall, this combination is too watery.

As a slightly talented ninja, Zabuza can use it if he can be transformed successfully. If he is stubborn and still wants to cause trouble, just erase it easily.

It's impossible to let him go just because he had a relationship with someone at the end. Noah is not such a warm person.

When it comes to wars launched and the number of people killed, a certain person is definitely the best in the ninja world. Even if you take Madara Uchiha, who killed a lot of people during the Warring States Period, he is far behind.

When I came to a river in the Country of Waves, I saw a strange man with a white bandage leading a little lolita with red lips and white teeth for ninja training.

Shiro and Zabuza were able to eat a few rice balls during this period, and now there is life on their little faces.

He does not resist becoming a tool for a ninja master, and he has his own longing for the master in front of him.

But all this was interrupted by an uninvited guest who broke in.

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