Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1320 Discovered by Tsunade

Noah and Shisui kept traveling through the Kingdom of Fire, passing one town after another.

In every town, they will get some new information from money exchanges or some taverns. After all, there is no need to use snakes to transport some information that is not very urgent.

Of course, unlike Jiraiya's paid-for-service prying, Shisui is still a good boy who abides by the three ninja taboos.

They heard information about the land of bloody thunder in this place called Nine Side Street.

Shisui was envious after hearing this. Kakashi-senpai was so powerful.

And he was able to kill 4 jounin on the battlefield, including one against 3. This combat power was beyond the reach of the ordinary jounin class.

The strongest genius known to the village back then was truly extraordinary.

Noah nodded. It was not surprising that he had such a record after his training.

Now on the frontal battlefield, unless you encounter the Raikage, no one should be able to kill Kakashi in a one-on-one situation.

But judging from the speed of his rise and the reaction of the Kumo ninja, the end of the Raikage may not be too far away. At most, the Fourth Raikage who can't stand it will take action himself in a year or two.

The reason why I didn't do it myself before was due to my pride and reserve as a shadow, as well as my status gap.

It's impossible to bully another disciple after fighting with the master. This seems very stingy to the famous tough guy Kumo Ninja.

But when Kakashi's combat power really invades their domain, Raikage will also take up his responsibility and kill this new star of Konoha with the power of thunder.

So after picking up someone from the Kingdom of Water, we have to arrange a new plug-in for him.

So let’s lay the groundwork in advance.

Open the letter paper and start writing and drawing.

Mr. Jiraiya, in my recent creations, I have always wanted to use the prototype of a real hero to describe the story of a passionate boy.

Cold outside and hot inside, the ideal in the chest is a hot furnace, and the ice on the outer shell is a sharp blade.

What a beautiful picture it would be if such a person practiced the will of fire.

I heard

This letter was sent to the publishing house. If Jiraiya could read it, it would serve as a reminder that he also had a disciple who was coming and going in the Land of Thunder.

Mount Miaomu is a place that Noah really wants to visit.

He was very interested in the prophetic ability of the big toad, and he always felt that the existence of the Three Holy Lands was very strange.

It is always possible to capture people who have a major impact on the world. There are too many suspicious things about Jiraiya's reverse channeling to Mt. Myoboku.

After writing this letter, he continued to send letters to Konoha.

There is no guidance yet on how a hot-blooded boy pursues a girl. Asuma is really cute when she hasn't experienced the sinister nature of people's hearts.

After finishing, Noah and the two took a short rest before continuing to the Kingdom of Water. If they go late, some stories will start again.

It's not a bad thing to be able to easily save some people's fate.

Just being glanced at a few times while walking, Noah looked in one direction with emotion.

She is a woman with a big heart.

It turns out it's her. Is she planning to come here to kill?

I wasn't too surprised to meet Tsunade Noah here.

Because only large towns have the casinos that the opponent needs. As one of the three ninjas, a princess from a famous family would not go to all the gambling houses.

Besides, only the funds, atmosphere and environment of a large casino can meet this person's requirements. Even though you are going to give away money, you have to give it away in a comfortable place.

This alone has actually limited Tsunade's range of activities.

There are many villages in the ninja world, but there are not that many prosperous towns gathered together.

Generally, such places are the capitals of major countries or fief towns where great nobles are located. At worst, they are also transportation hubs where wealthy businessmen gather.

Back then, when Jiraiya was looking for Tsunade, he just went there after hearing that there was a big fat sheep hanging around in the short side street. This was also the reason.

So if Konoha really wants to find her, it's not like she can't be found. It's just that she stopped sending people after she was sternly rejected after looking for her in the past.

Among the five major countries, the Fire Country has the best environment and atmosphere. After all, it is the most powerful country in terms of economic strength.

The Country of Wind is a barren mess, and even Daming City is barely enough to see.

The Kingdom of Water is no better than the Kingdom of Wind now? The period when ninjas staged an armed coup would cross the line a little.

The Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth are slightly stronger, but during the 3rd Ninja War, Tsunade, as one of the three ninjas, would be subject to supervision no matter how she went to the enemy's country.

The reason why there was no encirclement and killing was because of Tsunade's special status.

The granddaughter of the god of the ninja world is definitely useless. Ninjas are very realistic in their behavior.

In an era when the Senju Clan has disappeared, the name Princess Tsunade is no longer as useful as it used to be.

The point is that she is the strongest doctor in the ninja world, the Medical Saint respected by all medical ninjas in the ninja world.

That's why I can travel between countries, especially some rich people or famous people who regard this person as a guest.

During the later peace period, the team members led by the Fourth Raikage were infected by blasting parasites. He was left out in the wind and rain all night in order to ask Tsunade to take action.

This is the status of a top doctor, and one of the talents that the Rain Country longs for.

Although Tsunade can travel across the kingdoms, she appears most often in the Land of Fire.

For people like Noah who have traveled through the Fire Country several times, the probability of encountering this person in a bustling town is not very small.

It's just that this time, Noah rushed to pick up the person but didn't think of meeting him immediately. According to the previous plan, he should use Jiraiya's introduction to formally meet him.

As for persuading the other party to invest in building the Kingdom of Rain, that would be difficult.

Orochimaru, the most persuasive among the three ninjas, the Rinnegan Eye, the Heretic Golem, the Immortal Human Body and other items are placed there, and you can hold them securely without having to do anything.

Tsunade's difficulty suddenly rose to a new level. This woman is now in the stage of autism.

Without the power of mouth escape and an appearance similar to the Senju Roden Tree, it is basically difficult to impress this person.

Anyway, Noah would never be able to say that as long as you listen to me, you can ignore reality and lead to ideals.

And Shisui next to him had better hide his Uchiha identity.

Of course, Jiraiya is the most difficult to conquer among the three ninjas. It is not difficult to make friends with that person, but it is absolutely impossible to pull Jiraiya to resist the Sandaime and others.

Because he is a man who knows how to conquer himself emotionally and is deeply involved in it.

Fortunately, Jiraiya himself is of little value and can hardly provide much help other than writing folklore entertainment novels.

Only this time it was Tsunade who noticed Noah first.

Relying on her attainments in medical ninjutsu, she accidentally saw a face that was neither alive nor dead when she was sweeping through the crowd.

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