Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1319 Listen to me, the will of fire is actually

Chapter 1319 Listen to me, the will of fire is actually...

How could Danzo and Hiruzen not study such a terrifying skill in depth?

As for the fact that they will die after being released, the two bosses did not take it into consideration at all. As a tool, ninjas have already had this awareness of dying together.

The key is that such a powerful force can be obtained at a small price.

However, after research, both Genbu and Anbu gave up their plan to secretly practice the secret of Taijutsu.

At the same time, he also realized that those who can cultivate to the 8th level are geniuses among geniuses in physical arts and monsters in will.

So the Sandaime didn't want his son to mess with such people, and he also wanted the next generation of the village to unite with each other, so he told Asuma about this.

The second person he was looking for was a ninja school student named Umino Iruka.

This is a person that Kakashi asked him to take care of before he left. He is said to be a child who understands the will of fire very well.

His parents were Jounin of Konoha, but both were killed in the Night of the Nine-Tails. As the son of a hero, Asuma did not underestimate him, even though he was just a very embarrassed brat when they met.

The last one is Yuhi Hong, this is his selfishness.

When boys want to do something particularly powerful, they always hope that girls can see their greatness.

And it's very cool to help an opponent you recognize become famous. Let Hong see how broad his heart is.

The four of them gathered together, and Asma showed off her precocious appearance by holding a cigarette in a very social manner.

Ahem, this guy Kakashi has made great contributions on the front line, but the village's publicity can't keep up, and the hero is left unknown. I, Yuan Fei Asuma, can't bear this.

The table was smacked, Asuma was furious, and at the same time he glanced red.

Yuhi Hong didn't react at all, and she didn't even know why she was here.

I just came because my classmates from Ninja School asked me to have a party, and it turned out that this was the case.

There is no preparation for joining this small group. This son of the Hokage family is really a fool.

Kai immediately responded to Asuma. As a very enthusiastic person, he gave the organizers a lot of face today. His eyes filled with tears, he roared loudly, and even made strange screams.

Is it too much to make Asma feel that this enthusiasm is too much, and she is a little embarrassed and wants the other party to calm down?

Umino Iruka was silent. He felt that he was not qualified to sit with these famous ninjas.

But since Brother Kakashi has made such a great contribution on the front line, it is a bit too much to have so few rumors in the village, so he also wanted to do his part and responded a few times.

Hong asked calmly.

Then how are you going to make Kakashi famous?

Hokage-sama should have his own consideration as to whether it is inappropriate for us to do this.

The unique style of genjutsu ninja caused this roaring group to be frozen in an instant.

But at this time, Asuma was full of confidence. The old man knew nothing about Hokage, so he had to rely on me to support the village.

In the eyes of the rebellious boy, the Third Hokage has long since aged out, and it is time for their generation to take their place.

The method is also very simple. As the top second generation in the village, he can use his funds and face to gather his peers together and discuss Kakashi's record.

When the time comes, Hong and Kai, please cooperate and help me introduce the topic.

At that time, I will focus on how I fought with Kakashi several times without deciding the outcome. Of course, I can also talk about Kakashi’s record in the Land of Thunder at the end.

This method is much more reliable than Kai's so-called running in a circle while standing on his head while shouting about Kakashi's record.

After hearing countless plans from the rare beasts, Kurenai actually felt that Asuma still had something to offer.

This look made the son of the Hokage drift away instantly, and he suddenly felt that he was too smart and great.

Iruka said that he could tell everyone about Kakashi's record in the Ninja School.

In short, after the negotiation, the first very rough action of the youth team began.

The effect is just like what Asuma said. With his current reputation, if he really wants to invite some ninjas from the same period to have a meal, no one will not give him face.

In the past, he had avoided talking about Kakashi, the genius who crushed him, but since he became Kakashi's destined opponent, he had to talk about these things.

In short, in that deliberate and funny way, Bloody Thunder officially began to become famous in Konoha Village.

And these people who were at the same time as Asuma also spread the news after returning home, and more and more people knew that Hatake Kakashi once again bloomed with dazzling brilliance on the Thunder Fire Front.

The heir to Konoha's White Fang and Golden Flash has made his official debut.

And who came from this information?

Sarutobi Asuma! This is the youngest son of Lord Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Does it mean that Lord Sandaime is reminding everyone to use Kakashi's deeds to boost the morale of Konoha?

This accidental operation actually improved Konoha's morale a lot.

The ninjas also began to prepare to go to the front line at any time. The Sandaime used Kakashi to point us, and it would be dangerous to pretend to be dead again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen

After learning about this crude and massive publicity plan through ANBU, I felt a headache.

There was indeed nothing wrong with what Asuma wanted to do, it just interrupted his plan a little bit.

But it didn't matter. Kakashi killed another Jonin on the front line. This momentum could no longer be suppressed, so he acquiesced to this matter.

By the river, Iruka was telling the story of Bloody Thunder with his friends.

The civilian class ninja students basically know the most popular news in Konoha from Iruka.

And being able to have a relationship with such a legendary big man has made other people look at this former crane tail with admiration.

Only one boy's eyes were filled with jealousy.

It's a lie! Big men like them will only recognize people of equal strength. How can you possibly get into the eyes of that grown-up with your strength?

It is said in the Will of Fire that all men are created equal.

.The inner strength is the real strength.

So Brother Kakashi has never looked down on me. Maybe I was a coward who only knew how to be funny in the past, but after learning the Will of Fire, I understood that no one is born strong. Past experiences and the love of people in the past for me It will allow me to continue to grow.”

A handsome speech made all the friends' admiration for Iruka skyrocket. Children are the least resistant to such words.

Even the classmate named Mizuki was infected to a certain extent.

So Mizuki-san! Let's work together to build the future of this village!

Mizuki, whose mind had not yet been completely distorted, was shocked by such direct words and became a little out of sorts.

In the end, he said that he still had to work hard to practice, but he did not reject Iruka's kindness.

Such a generous temperament made an old man who was watching these children play open his eyes.

Kosuke Maruboshi never thought that he would be able to hear the new version of Will of Fire today. Could the Third Hokage really say such a thing?

When the other students dispersed and only Iruka was left, the old man came over.

My child, it seems that the words you said are not included in the Will of Fire.

Yes, grandpa, you may not understand this, but let me tell you that the will of fire is.

Iruka is burning

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