Does O'Hara's Tree of Omniscientity really contain many secrets?

After listening to Noah's rambling narration, I felt dizzy. Are all of you from O'Hara so knowledgeable?

Shanks asked with a confused look on his face, because he still couldn't understand why someone would know such a secret thing. In fact, even he didn't know much about many things.

It's not all in the Tree of Omniscient. There are a lot of things recorded in the historical text, which is still very interesting.

Ah, it is normal for people who interpret history to know more.

I don't know much about the Straw Hat, D, and Fruit, and I don't want to know the specifics. I just hope you can keep it a secret. Little Luffy is so fun. The world will be very boring without such an interesting person. The future will still be It’s up to them.”

Noah didn't agree with the red hair's words in his heart. He will not bet the future on a certain person or successor in the future. He would rather his own generation finish everything and build a new, peaceful, and happy world for future generations.

The points of disagreement have existed since the beginning, and Noah will not force others to change their minds, especially the minds of the future King of the Sea. That would be stupid. As long as a good friendship is established, it is enough.

It is impossible to form an alliance. From the conversation with the red-haired man, it can be heard that this man's views on order and freedom are different from Noah's. He's a good person, but it's a shame.

After the communication, the Red Forth happened to arrive at the edge of the island. I wonder if Beckman had been eavesdropping with a sense of knowledge. It felt like the ship arrived just after the conversation was finished. It was quite a coincidence.

Shanks strongly invited Noah to go back on his ship. His enthusiasm was as if the two had been friends for many years. This kind of personality is really endearing. No wonder he can attract so many fun people to come on board. Beckman, it’s hard for you. .

Since it was hard to refuse Shanks's kindness, Noah didn't hesitate and walked up directly. The crew members on the red-haired ship are also very interesting. Since the red-haired person personally invited them, they should not be enemies, and they also entertained Noah warmly.

The people on Shanks' ship are really powerful, and everyone has social phobia. I don’t know what happened when I first came up. In just a few words, we are about to prepare for a banquet?

Entertaining guests from far away? Well, you guys who have been stationed in Windmill Village for more than a year can indeed be regarded as hosts, but you really can’t blame the red hair after you held the banquet so casually. Except for Beckman, who didn’t speak, everyone else raised their hands. Agree. Can this kind of pirate ship be saved?

The group of people happily returned to Windmill Village. In such a short journey, the crew on the ship performed the characteristics of various atmosphere groups. Noah thought that if he could transcend time and put the Red Hair Pirates and the Lombard Pirates together, it would be great fun. We really went to Lovedru eating hot pot and singing songs all the way.

We finally arrived. The peaceful and peaceful Windmill Village is so beautiful. I got off the boat and took a deep breath. For those who like silence, a redhead's boat is hell.

The red-haired group of people surrounded Noah and went to Maginot's tavern to relax first, and then go to the beach for a party in the evening. There is not enough wine on the ship, so we have to order a few barrels through Miss Maginot and have them delivered before evening.

But what about the people in the village? Where have they all gone?

In this plot, is Luffy still captured? That's right, the plot hasn't been affected yet, then.

The red light flashed in his eyes, and he saw, heard, felt, and was there.

Shanks also sensed it, and a group of people rushed to the scene slowly but really quickly. I wonder if playing a hero in front of children is a talent that everyone has. At the critical moment, everyone felt that a hero had appeared.

Listen to me, bandit. If you pour wine or food on my head, or spit on me, I will laugh it off. However, no matter what your reasons are, I will not tolerate anyone who hurts my friends. I’ll let him go!”

The red-haired man said these words with a serious face, which was really contagious. Not only Luffy showed his starry eyes, but even Maginot looked at Shanks with big eyes.

Then it was the battle between the Four Emperors and the Sig bandits. The fighting was very fierce, with constant shouting. These guys didn't forget to pose when they were fighting. For example, this guy Beckman talked a lot and had the most outrageous moves. What about burning cigarette butts, pistol home runs, etc. I'm speechless. I can't see that you, a villain with a gloomy face, still have this side.

But no matter how hard we set our sights on the sea, the enemy is too weak and will be defeated in just a few hits. Looking at his little brother rolling on the ground, bandit king Sig took courage. In his life, he can be considered a legend. From an ordinary person to a bandit king, he can be called inspirational. This is not the first time that this kind of overturn by an opponent has occurred.


With a mocking face, he threw out a smoke bomb, turned around and ran away with Luffy in hand.

When we get here, something is wrong. We have already pretended. Why would anyone think that Sig can run away? Noah thought he could try to break this plot.

It's okay, he can't run away, boss, let's go find him quickly.

Lucky Lu did a great job with his praise. Is this how you guys have fun every day? Scared. Scared.

Noah walked to the pier speechlessly. He remembered that the bandit king rowed a small boat, but when he arrived at the pier, he didn't see the boat. This was because he was careful and had killed people. Maybe there was an escape boat hidden somewhere else. That kind of recklessness. The guy who just ran away could do it.

You still have to rely on sight and feeling. After walking around the island, opening the door and passing through the space a few times, you can sense it.

Straight through the air, he watched a ferocious King of the Sea appear, swallow the Bandit King in one go, and then pounce on Luffy.

Noah took out the word Hedao. At this moment, there was one thing he wanted to do but couldn't bear.


A flying slash appeared, cutting directly through the sea and cutting off the fish head of the offshore king. Shanks, who had just arrived to hug Luffy, looked at Noah in the air with a complicated expression. This guy

The kid Luffy was still a little frightened, and at the same time he felt a little aggrieved after seeing Shanks. Started crying loudly. Shanks had no choice but to soak in the sea water to comfort him.

Hmph, want to bet an arm on the future? I turned the table over for you. At this moment, the satisfaction from cutting off fate arises spontaneously. Isn't that what you should do when you come to this world and change some things about the future that you don't like?

Back on the shore, Beckman was waiting there, looking at Noah, showing a sincere smile and giving a thumbs up.

Young ladies, get ready for the party!

The red-haired mate was happy today.

No, although I'm very sleepy, I persevered, so I'll continue coding for you.

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