Drink, drink.

At this moment, Noah is already a real honored guest of the red-haired pirates, and the benefactor of Shanks who was saved. Some crew members didn't know the inside story. Although it was unbelievable that the captain was almost injured by a little thing like the King of the Offshore, he was rescued and he had to keep his guests' drinks company.

Those who know the inside story have more complicated emotions, but they are mostly grateful. To show your gratitude, drink it.

Drinking, who can Noah be afraid of? They have all been lying on the Fishman Island, come and fight.

If you don’t win a fight, you must not lose if you drink.

In the end, everyone was drunk. At this time, the red hair came over with a bucket of wine and threw it to Noah. I took it and saw it was a wine I had never seen before.

“After traveling half of the world, I still find this kind of wine the most palatable to my hometown.”

Oh~ let me try it.

Goo-dong, goo-dong, goo-dong, goo-dong.

Ah~burp~not bad.

Noah was also a little dizzy after drinking so much wine before.

Thank you for today.

You're welcome. I'm happy to help.

You're such a bastard.

After saying that, the redhead left.


The next day, Noah rowed the boat and left. The purpose of this visit was basically achieved. I had a fight with the redhead and lost, but I learned a lot.

Luffy has also seen it. Although there are various coincidences, he is currently an ordinary naughty kid.

By the way, I also saved the red-haired arm. I am happy that this good man has a safe life. Not only will Redhead thank me, but so will Hawkeye.

Returning to Shuangyue Village happily, Noah began his career of teaching disciples again.

This time, in addition to Kuina, he taught other tasks, including formulating plans for the Kingdom of Goa.

Garbage Mountain, Sabo, Draco. The three points are intertwined, and they are all places that need to be prepared.

To save Sabo before he was injured, to have a correct sense of right and wrong from a young age, and to betray his own class, to some extent, is worthy of respect. There is an unequal relationship between oppression and oppression between different classes, but he, who was born in the oppressing class, betrayed his class and worked for the oppressed. This surpasses 99.99% of the people on the sea.

At this point, several high-level officials within the Revolutionary Army are such people. Dragon, the class who betrayed his own naval family. The same goes for Big Bear and Ivankov. Therefore, Sabo is naturally more consistent with the position of the Revolutionary Army.

What shocked Long in the original work was that such a young child could say such words, prophesying that the country was really hopeless. The dragon at that time was unable to save the country, but now the revolutionary army is strong enough to intervene.

There is no need to overturn it directly. It is particularly important to save the people in the Uncertain Terminal first. Within the scope of our capabilities, any behavior that dehumanizes must be stopped.

In Sabo's words, although he has seen through the hypocrisy of aristocratic families at a young age and acts according to his own will, he is still impulsive and chaotic and still needs education. If he has time, Noah plans to give him lessons. Let him know what it means to truly see through the essence of nobility.

Recently, he was considering taking Kuina to travel in the East China Sea to clean up pirates and so on, so that his apprentice could see blood. When Garp leaves the East China Sea, we will go to the Kingdom of Goa together. Make up for some of her shortcomings. It would be good to act together with Saab then, and a deep revolutionary friendship can be established from an early age. The intricate environment in the uncertain terminal, the dangers of human nature, and the kindness of human nature are all things that Kuina lacks understanding of.

As for the Celestial Dragons, Noah plans to act alone at that time. Whether to kill the Celestial Dragons by force depends on the situation. If conditions permit, a Celestial Dragon is worth killing.

When they came to the back mountain, they saw Kuina sparring with Zoro. After just a few moves, Zoro was knocked away.

Damn it, why are you losing faster and faster!

Zoro was very unhappy. Although he had lost before, the time he persisted became longer each time. From the one-sword style to the two-sword style, and then to the three-sword style, he kept chasing the back of the girl in front of him.

Until one day, Kuina was accepted as a disciple by a man. That man was very strong and terrifying. The kind of peerless strong man who can cut through the sky with one sword.

Although he is shocked, he will not be afraid. He thinks that one day he can do the same thing. Before defeating the world's best swordsman and Kuina's master, defeating Kuina was the goal he set for himself, but as a result, this goal became more and more distant.

Getting up from the ground, Zoro said the classic saying for the thousandth time, Guina, I will definitely win, then turned around and ran away.

Hehehe, young man, the road is narrow.

Master, what does the narrow road mean?

Seeing the master coming, Guina was a little curious about the meaning of what she just said.

It's nothing. I took a look at your swordsmanship. It's not bad, but you don't have murderous intent. Let's get ready. We will travel around the East China Sea in the past few days, and then find a suitable place to make up for some of your shortcomings. Regarding this matter, I will talk to Master Koushiro later.

Yes, master.

Guina felt excited in her heart. Going to sea with a sword was the dream of many children in the gym. To eliminate violence on the sea and save the world from water and fire, this is how it is in the story. Although the parting came so quickly, I was a little reluctant to say goodbye, but no one who is willing to practice swordsmanship is content with the status quo.

In the evening, Noah went to tell Koushiro about it in person, and Koushiro also acknowledged the matter. He just said something when Noah left, asking Noah to take care of Kuina, and then left indifferently. But his emotions were all written on his face, and the word sorrow was written all over his face. It was really difficult for him.

The next day, Guina packed her luggage and came to see Noah excitedly. With space, Noah and Robin basically don't need to carry separate luggage when going out, they can just pack lightly.

However, Noah held a small package in his hand at this time and handed it to Guina, saying that this is the treasure passed down to you by the master. The master relied on this to survive several life and death crises. It can be used in battle and can play a role. The role of turning the tide of war into reverse.

Kuina accepted it happily. The battle treasure given by the master must be extraordinary. When she was about to open it, she was stopped by Noah. She said that it would not be too late to see it again on the ship. Kuina obediently put away the treasure. , the three of them arrived at the pier and boarded the Voyager.

Robin went to check the condition of the ship, while Guina couldn't wait to open the treasure given by the master. After opening it, there were packages of white powder?

Master. Is this...?

It's lime.

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