

The ultimate collision between overlord colors.

One is a pioneer with the torrent of humanity and historical years, and the other is the maritime overlord who inherits the free thoughts of One Piece. When swords collide, thoughts collide with thoughts.

Shanks has gone all out at this time. Noah at this time can be regarded as one of the more difficult opponents he has fought. Even Captain Roger's Divine Evasion cannot be defeated. It seems that the opponent can only rely on his own swordsmanship.

Everyone has their own style of swordsmanship that they are good at. Captain Roger's divine avoidance was the most commonly used move by Shanks during his debut. Later, his strength improved rapidly and he has found his own way.

Noah had gone all out for a long time. He was not qualified to retain his strength for the emperor who was about to stand on the top of the sea. This time when the overlord color entangled him, he could feel that the resonance between himself and the sword was deeper.

The dark clouds on the desert island seemed to have pressed down on the sea. Lightning and thunder roared endlessly between the sky and the earth. The waves were affected by human power, setting off monstrous tsunamis in all directions. The white air waves escaped outward in circles, making the whole world seem to be shaking.

There was also an unnatural sway on the Red Foss in the distance. Feeling the various natural disasters coming from the distance, the three-masted battleship also seemed a bit fragile.

Red Foss, move back another 5 nautical miles.

Beckman gave orders decisively, and the front line was obviously preparing to decide the outcome with one move. This strong sense of crisis allowed him to make the right decision. He believed in the strength of his unreliable captain, so he just had to protect his pirate ship at this time.

However, that Noah is really strong. From what he saw, the aura emanating from the small island in the distance had become confusing, and he could only feel the boundless sword energy of two large sharp knives fighting. Unexpectedly, the great swordsman who broke through not long ago already has such combat power. If this Noah is an enemy, it is best to kill him with one blow.

Suddenly, the clanging of swords overwhelmed the fury of nature. Red and black lightning exploded uncontrollably, and the island slowly cracked under the impact of the huge force.

The unparalleled sword energy cuts across the desert island, the sea, and the sky wantonly. Those who stood in front of the sword energy, whether they were mountains, sea kings, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, were all destroyed.

Finally, when the two men's sword energy surged to its highest peak, the force that cut mountains and divided seas finally poured out into the sky, tearing apart even the dark clouds in the sky.

The storm subsided and the sun fell on the sea. On the deserted island that had been torn apart, Noah and Shanks stood opposite each other.

Both of them had wounds on their bodies, but the red-haired one had fewer wounds. As for Noah, Zhan couldn't stand upright after being slashed, so he stood still with his sword. As for the clothes, when fighting to the extreme, can the armed colors be wrapped around the jacket? They are all dressed in beggar attire, all covered with gray hair and face, and they don’t have the demeanor of a peerless strong man at all.

After actually traveling to the world of One Piece, Noah knew that the clothes in shonen comics would not be damaged was a theorem limited by the writers. In a real battle, how could the clothes not be torn? This refers specifically to battles at the same level, and abuse of food does not count.

After a moment of silence, Noah adjusted his breathing.

I lost.

He admitted this very frankly. In the last sword attack, Noah's sword energy was suppressed by Red Hair, and it was Red Hair who finally guided the sword energy to the sky, so the loser was Noah. This must be recognized.

You're already very strong, you bastard. You're pretty heavy-handed. Do you want to kill me?

The red-haired man pointed at a small wound in his heart and said that he was almost taken away just now.

Each other, each other.

Noah touched his throat, and there was a red line on it. It was really terrifying swordsmanship. It turned out that the red-haired swordsmanship was not inferior to his domineering skills. If you can hang out in Hawkeye's circle of friends, your swordsmanship is good, and those who are slightly bad will fail.

After this fight, the red-haired man initially recognized Noah. People can lie, but swordsmanship and domineering cannot. Noah's overlord color is a noble and righteous way, and it contains hot and fiery ideals. This kind of person will not be as sinister as the gossip.

So Noah, can we talk now?

Hold on.

Under Shanks' surprised eyes, Noah reached out to open the space door and walked in. After a while, he changed into clean clothes and walked out again, even arranging his messy hair.

The Menmen Fruit did not surprise Red Hair. He has been walking on the sea for so many years and has seen ruthless people one after another. He has also seen countless types of fruit abilities, so he will not be surprised.

But Noah's actions made Shanks feel a little irritated. This is wrong. We had a fierce fight on the island. There were dark clouds and lightning, violent storms, and the island was torn apart. of. As a result, you immediately changed into clean clothes after the fight, and when my crew came over, you thought I had lost the fight!

This scheming is so bitchy~~

Noah is also very innocent. He has such a convenient fruit power. After the fight, it is not too much to take a shower and change into clean clothes. We didn't have the conditions before, but now we have the conditions, so we must take advantage of it. It's pragmatism.

As for the red-haired worry, Noah scoffed. No one on the sea knows what your crew is like. They are all fun-loving people. They will be ridiculed whether they win or lose.

Ahem, men on the sea shouldn't care about their appearance. A bloody man like me won't care about this.

He raised his hand, and two more rags fell off the red-haired man.

There are some wound medicine and clean clothes in my space, do you want them?


The red-haired man answered crisply and calmly walked into the space behind the Menmen Fruit. He is not worried at all that something bad will happen to him.

One is that he believes in Noah's innermost feelings shown by his overbearing color. The second is that he trusts his crew more. If he encounters any trouble, Beckman will definitely lead the fun-loving people to rescue him. The last one is his absolute confidence in his own strength, and no difficulty can defeat him.

Oh~~, it's so interesting here. What is this?

Listening to the red hair picking at the space, several veins popped out of Noah's forehead.

Asshole, get it out of here quickly and don't wander around in other people's spaces!

I know, I know.

After a while, the red-haired man changed into new clothes and arranged his hair.

A bloody man?

Ahem, why don't we talk about something else?

Now the two of them casually found a slightly flat place to sit down.

I would like to apologize to all readers. I have been too busy these days. I only started writing in the early morning and wrote until 5 o'clock, including today. I just couldn't stand it any longer. The last update yesterday was a bit abrupt.

I used to think of this as a hobby, but after getting more and more readers, I felt that I couldn’t live up to everyone’s expectations, so I wrote more and more.

But sometimes there is indeed a lack of time. I will continue to maintain the current amount of updates.

I went to bed early today, I will post one chapter in the morning, and I will make up for the rest during the day.

I hope everyone will support me more, that’s all.

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