Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1315 The truth in history

The trials for the Kingdom of Water are in full swing, and there will be several heavyweight players taking action one after another.

And Noah's side finally crossed the border between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Fire.

The Kingdom of Water is located above the sea, southeast of the Kingdom of Fire.

You have to go all the way from the southeastern coast to the Islands of the Country of Waves or the Country of Original Whirlpools and take a boat to get to the water country.

If you don't want to take this shortcut within the Fire Country, you have to enter the Country of Grass along the north, then go to the Country of Yu, and finally go out to the sea from the Country of Waves.

Not only does the detour take several times the distance, but it also crosses two small countries where the two countries of Thunder and Fire are in conflict with each other.

Although it was not a full-scale war but a border friction, going across the border would be more dangerous, so the route they chose was across the entire Fire Country.

Noah was still sitting in the car without makeup, while Shisui changed into a non-ninja outfit.

It just so happens that his Blood Chakra Eye has been unable to activate recently due to looking directly at the sun, so it becomes more natural.

The Nine-Tails transformed into a small pet fox and swaggered around on Noah's shoulders. As long as he restrained his chakra fluctuations, no one would believe that such a cute fox could be the legendary Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

Of course, the Nine Lamas must remember not to speak carelessly, otherwise they will attract hatred with every opening of their mouth.

Maybe a new war will start if we can't reach the Kingdom of Water.

Shisui wiped the blood from the short knife in his hand and felt extremely speechless.

In the wilderness of the Country of Fire, demons are dancing wildly, and bandits of all kinds are rampant.

Cats have their own ways, mice have their own ways, and many people are very well-informed, especially those who often go to gold exchanges.

This group of people knew how to survive deeply, so they stayed in the stronghold during the real three wars.

And this kind of small friction is their favorite stage of chaos. Konoha could not spare ninjas to strangle this group of ninjas, so they all ran out and started burning, killing and looting.

A weak scholar who didn't seem to be intimidating, a handsome young man who was holding a pet fox.

This group is so arrogant, so arrogant that everyone wants to rob them.

Bandits are not all fools. The most powerful ones in the Fire Country are the Leaf Village, followed by the daimyo and the monks of the Fire Temple.

Now the thunder and fire war will definitely involve all Konoha's masters, so naturally they will not be afraid of this combination.

Of course, all the thieves who came one after another were killed by Shisui's merciless swordsmanship.

Wiping the blood off the knife, he was in a very bad mood.

It's not that the Sharingan was temporarily unable to be used because of the damage, it was because he overestimated his ability and insisted on using illusions in a one-on-one duel with Noah.

Of course, I still can’t figure out what I saw at that moment. There was only endless light that blinded my eyes.

It also takes a lot of time to recover after being treated by Kyuubi. After all, letting a Yin-attributed Nine Lamas use Yang Escape will definitely not be that powerful.

The reason why I feel bad is because the contrast between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain is too obvious.

The country is peaceful and peaceful in the Country of Rain, bandits and bandits have begun to undergo execution and labor reform, but there is still no change in the Country of Fire.

He understood more and more what Noah meant by a success story before.

What I mean is that you big countries that always advocate peace and justice should take a look at what a country that really does it looks like.

Teacher Noah, if the fifth generation Hokage learns the experience of labor reform in the Country of Rain, will it be able to change the security of part of the Country of Fire?

Shisui's question made Noah almost laugh.

Sarutobi didn't dare to do this, Tsunade didn't dare to do it, and Naruto didn't dare to do it either.

The boss wants to help the younger brother make a living, not to destroy the younger brother's job.

So he was very direct and made Shisui scared again.

.Then this Hokage may be assassinated within three days.

? !

The changes in the Kingdom of Rain are that all the order from the bottom to the top has been broken. Konoha will definitely not be able to do it if it only relies on one outstanding Hokage.

Let's just talk about these bandits. After all these bandits are eradicated, will the merchants still hire genin teams to protect them? It's like directly completing the C-level mission. What will those ninjas eat and drink?

One country, one village, and the village is the guarantee of force. The extraordinary ninja who has no place to use will eventually do something to express his power.

Don't say bandits are afraid, merchants are afraid, even daimyo are afraid.

This system affects the whole system at one moment. It can either completely break it or maintain a balanced order.

Shisui understood a little bit, but not everything.

Order, balance, threats, interests, total negation from top to bottom.

It's so complicated. It would be great if I could control everything like a genjutsu.

The young man's unintentional complaints made Noah feel tired. If other people said that, I would just smile. If you say that, I would be more energetic.

Shisui. If there is something you don't understand, you must ask. Don't figure it out on your own.

Seeing that the boy seemed to be thinking divergently, Noah hurriedly said not to think too much. Uchiha was really not suitable for deep thinking.

Teacher, are you biased against Uchiha, or do you not believe in the wisdom of young people?

Shisui was a little surprised, this attitude was a bit weird.

He is not a fool. Teacher Orochimaru never asks him to give answers, and Teacher Noah only guides himself to discover the laws of things.

Moreover, it seems that the abnormal movements of the Sharingan after the Night of the Kyuubi and the feeling of spiritual fragmentation in the Land of Rain can be connected together.

Strange, why didn't I notice it before?

Because the mind will be more relaxed when the Sharingan is not opened, and it falls within the scope of normal people's mental activity. In this way, problems that were not noticed before will be discovered.

This answer can be given directly. To put it in more popular terms, it means that after the performance of the second grade students declined, the IQ has once again taken over the high ground.

Shisui thought about it and recognized this sentence to a certain extent, although the reason was nonsense.

Even though he doesn't show his eyes everywhere like his peers, he really doesn't care about the impact of Sharingan on his emotions most of the time.

The Sharingan, the blood successor limit, is the pinnacle of the Yin attribute chakra, and it is also the peak of many blood successors. It is precisely because it is too powerful that the Uchiha clan will be affected by the bloodline.

Shisui was naturally very proud of the Sharingan, but the praise he received from Teacher Noah for being at the peak of blood succession felt a bit exaggerated.

Uchiha has never stood at the top since he can remember, and the three magatama have little suppression on the elite jounin.

On the contrary, it is the secrets such as Dust Escape, Flying Thunder God, and Thunder Escape Armor that dominate the scene.

He knew even more clearly that if Uchiha didn't attach himself to Konoha, he would be beaten to death within minutes of leaving.

He didn't even believe in Uchiha Madara's achievements written in the family tree. How could humans achieve that level?

Even though the tribesmen say they miss their past glory, they don't believe that anyone can suppress the nations by themselves.

Thousand-meter-high Buddha statues, swords cutting through mountain peaks, meteorites, etc. are all rhetorical techniques used by later generations to beautify their ancestors.

Otherwise, why didn't such a powerful force appear in any of the three great ninja wars?

Noah thought for a while, the atmosphere of the ninja world was ruined by some people.

“Many records in the early years are in a relatively realistic style and can still be believed.

This is especially true for the records of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama's battles.

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