Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1314 The trials of the Kingdom of Water and the uneasy Obito

That's it?

The Uchiha's genius is far from perfect.

Shuangyue Kendo. Kill people and kill the heart.

It seems that this fox really learned a lot when training Kakashi, poor Shisui.

Don't be discouraged. Nine Lamas are relatively powerful in the ninja world.

Does Teacher Noah being able to get along well with the Nine Lamas mean that his strength is also extraordinary and holy?

After Shisui discovered that the Akatsuki organization was audacious, he also discovered that this group of people from the peace organization might have explosive force levels.

Before, I had been so overwhelmed by all kinds of thoughts that I couldn't be distracted. Now, after being hammered by the Nine-Tails, I discovered the blind spots that had been ignored.

Don't you want to spar with me too?

Please enlighten me.

Shisui thought that since he would not die and there were medical ninjutsu that could treat him, it would be good to get some information.

Teacher Noah is so mysterious.

The Nine Lama standing on his shoulder looked at Shisui with strange eyes, this kid couldn't have been stunned by the beating I just made, right?

However, the Uchiha head iron is also inherited from ancestors, so there is nothing wrong with it.

The venue is changed, Shisui VS Noah.

The Uchiha genius decided to change his thinking. Such a strong man would at least have no flaws in ninjutsu.

After careful analysis, the mysterious teacher may have taught Kyuubi the ninjutsu just now!

Then use illusion to strike first!

The illusion of the three Magatama Sharingan was fully activated, and the Yin attribute chakra started to attack with the programmed illusion.

Noah and Kyuubi showed a sinister smile.

ah! ! ! !

The young boy Shisui started to roll on the ground. That is to say, the boy didn't have a plug-in with him, so he stopped his hand deep in his will. Otherwise,

But the pleasure of collecting stamps is very interesting. This is the third Sharingan that has fallen in front of me.

The little Kyuubi stepped on the boy's face to perform a medical ninjutsu and then laughed loudly. This kid was so interesting.

No matter how steady and cold Uchiha is, he still has such a ridiculous side.

Then the combination of two people and one beast completed their first friendly exchange, and just stepped into the turmoil of the ninja world.

After leaving the Kingdom of Rain, Noah took Shisui, who had recently been unable to use the Sharingan, to start the work of picking up people.

The destination this time is actually Kirigakure Village in the Kingdom of Water and several nearby countries.

The Kingdom of Water is the place where most blood descendants and secret families drop out of the Kingdom of Fire.

At this stage, there is only one place where potential stocks can be picked.

The Country of Wind is so barren that it doesn't even have any decent geniuses, so we can't just pick up Gaara, the one-tailed jinchūriki.

In that case, it would be a head-on battle with a great ninja village. No matter how desperate Luo Sha was, he would not give up the village's ultimate weapon.

You must know that during the First Kage Conference, the Kazekage voluntarily gave up the ownership of a tailed beast in order to obtain a better land.

This is the only tailed beast they have, and it is also a frequent visitor to the battlefield.

As for the Kingdom of Earth~~The Kingdom of Earth is basically the second generation of fusion bloodstains. The strong ones basically comply with the laws of the ninja world and become famous in their twenties and thirties.

The thoughts of these people have been solidified, and it is very difficult to re-transmit thoughts.

The most rebellious Deidara is too young now, but he is still Ohnoki's favorite genius.

Let's take the child away when he takes the initiative to escape. Now let the Third Tsuchikage help train them.

The Kingdom of Water is different. It can be said to be the most miserable country after World War III, even worse than the Kingdom of Wind.

The Fourth Mizukage Yagura has long been controlled, and with Obito working diligently on things in the Blood Mist, the Blood Successor Family is slowly leaving the Kingdom of Water and scattering to the surrounding areas.

If you want to pick someone up, that should be the most suitable place.

Obito, who knew nothing about Noah's impending arrival, was still in the village conducting trials.

According to his assumptions, it was still some distance away from the finals, and not many people died at all.

First of all, Obito hates Kirigakure Village. No matter how many ninjas here die, he won't feel the slightest bit distressed. He will even feel happy because the resistance is reduced.

The Kingdom of Fire has been crippled, so the Kingdom of Water should not be idle. As for the other countries, take their time.

The so-called selection competition is to kill each other and carry out bloody massacres in this turbulent village.

And he found his favorite subordinates and gathered them in.

The method is simple and crude, and does not require anyone to be ambitious or ideal, just strong and obedient.

For example, the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost has surrendered.

As the only two ninjas among the Seven Swordsmen to escape, his courage had long been lost in the process of competing with the Fire Nation.

The blood-red steam was the lingering haze in his life.

Because his self-esteem was frustrated in the external war, he became particularly fragile. He wanted to find a sense of presence and awe among his fellow villagers, so he became even more cruel.

In the Blood Mist is something that fits his heart very well, and he even thinks that the Fourth Mizukage did a good job.

If those trash ninjas died in this turmoil, it would mean nothing more than that.

Holding a Ninja Sword, he, who is standing in the upper echelon of Mist Ninja Village, will naturally not be affected by this. As for other people contacting him to form an alliance, he does not care, because he has already knelt down to the big boss behind the scenes.

The other ninja clan in Kirigakure Village are under great pressure. They feel that their power is being oppressed and their interests are being lost, so they are preparing to launch a coup.

Momochi Zabuza, the holder of the new ninja sword in the village, was already incited to assassinate the Mizukage.

In fact, this guy is just a sword introduced by the blood step family. He uses his sense of responsibility to fool him into being passionate and fights to change Kirigakure.

Zabuza, who did not have much power and strength, had no idea at this time that what he was doing was just exploring a path.

The second leader that the ninja clan deceived was the Kaguya clan. This clan usually thinks that it is so powerful that all its members are soldiers!

I heard that a blood genius was born in the family. In short, not a single bone in this family is soft from head to toe.

If the coup succeeds, the leader of the Kaguya clan will be elected as the new Mizukage. This is the promise made by Minazuki and the Oniden family, with the encouragement of the Genshi behind it.

But all of this was understood by Hei Jue. Apart from the fact that the Yuan Master's location could not be found, there were almost no secrets in the entire village.

He and Obito were in the Water Shadow Studio, preparing to quietly enjoy the two farces.

Suddenly Obito's eyelids twitched unnaturally, and the injuries on his body felt like they had recurred.

Strange, why do I always have an uneasy feeling?

Early warning? Or is it just a physiological phenomenon?

Don't worry, Noah doesn't look down on this kind of small place. When we are fully developed, we won't have to worry about those clowns anymore.

Black Zetsu replaced some sensitive words very considerately, but Obito couldn't hear this.

Taking advantage of the situation, he also gave some information that the other party was interested in.

Kakashi is very active at the junction of thunder and fire. He has a new name called Blood Thunder. Sarutobi Hiruzen is suppressing his opponent's reputation in the village.

Kakashi! ! ! Obito clenched his fist, why does this guy keep getting better and better?

Isn't the title of Bloody Thunder too overbearing? Minato Namikaze's nickname back then was nothing more than that.

Taking a deep breath, he was already a mature villain and could no longer get angry because of Kakashi.

Haha, Konoha will be over sooner or later! After we deal with these rebellious ninjas, we will quietly go to Konoha like before. The Uchiha clan should also make some contributions to the Eye of the Moon Project.


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