Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1316 The kaleidoscope of red thoughts

The current records are a bit exaggerated, such as the strongest wind shadow and the strongest fire.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask Jiu Lama, he should know those two people best.

On the other side, Kyuubi was internally mocking Uchiha for being such fools.

Why do I really want to recall those past events?

Being controlled and used as the most obedient mount to fight, and being forced to sign a psychic contract is the most humiliating thing in its animal life.

The second most humiliating thing was being choked after being given 999 hands, and that idiot said I was too dangerous.

The instant EMO of the Nine Lamas was the greatest affirmation, and Shisui's world view was reshaped.

So the Kyuubi was really given to Uchiha Madara!? And to Hashirama-sama!?

My child, there are some things you don’t need to say half of the time and leave the other half behind.

But Noah was wrong. Shisui, a young man, was quite vindictive. Having been stabbed in the heart by Shuoyue Kendo before, he took the opportunity to get a small revenge.

At least Kyuubi is now back in the sealed space and starting to study sealing techniques in seclusion. The outside world is not that fun.

If you see those two bastards again, use the sealing technique to smear them in the face!

Ahem, let's get back to the topic. Chakra can be transmitted spiritually. And blood inheritance is an inheritance deeply embedded in the bloodline.

Orochimaru has studied this a lot, and you can also learn more about the genetics of the ninja world.

As long as the person who is the source of your bloodline is strong enough, his thoughts and character will be passed on to the next generation of clan members.

For example, emotionally unstable, arrogant, too extreme, etc.

Uchiha Madara is like this, Uchiha Obito is like this, Uchiha Shisui is like this, and you, Uchiha Shisui, are still like this, including your descendant Uchiha Itachi and a certain little baby.

The deeper the blood successor digs, the more he returns to his ancestors, so this is the origin of the temperament of the Uchiha clan.

Teacher, you're saying that it's a bit of a curse. Our ancestors of the Uchiha clan have such a bad temper?

Well, Indra's temper is not a question of good or bad, but a question of axis.

Of course, his younger brother is no different. Both brothers are very powerful people.

Otherwise, how could they have been in love and killing each other for thousands of years? Of course, this cannot be said directly. After all, there is a bitter old father who is still watching from the outside world.

The main reason is that Uchiha loves too deeply, and those who are stimulated and hate will be very extreme.

This is the source of your strength, and it is also the existence that scares the world.

This is also why the second generation Hokage is so wary of the Uchiha clan.

After hearing this, Shisui thought about it and nodded.

Love, that's what it is.

No one in the Uchiha clan would argue this way, but Senju Tobirama discovered the truth.

It is true that the behavior of the clan members seemed very bad, but they were also Konoha ninjas who loved passionately at the beginning, but their temperament changed drastically after experiencing the moment of opening their eyes.

A ninja who is uncontrolled by his emotions is a real danger to the same camp.

But the awakening of the blood inheritance boundary is like this. Is it necessary for the tribe to give up their power?

“The current process of opening the Sharingan is actually taking shortcuts.

Breaking through the bottleneck through a strong conversion of love and hate will of course affect the spirit. Originally, Yin chakra has a huge impact on the will.

During the transition, the emotion that makes you unforgettable and heartbreaking will promote the growth of the Blood Chakra Eye, and in the future you will move towards the abyss of hatred.

I hate that this world is not peaceful, I hate that this world is not under my control, I hate that this world does not have a certain woman.

You see, such nonsense reasons may break the boundaries.

It is not necessarily the great love of the world and goods that possesses powerful power. Sometimes small loves can also burst out with incredibly stubborn and incredible power.

The so-called ambition to become Hokage is not the reason for the destruction at all. Which family in the village does not have the ambition to become Hokage? It is just that it is difficult for you, the Uchiha clan, to control your emotions and behavior.

The truth is so cruel and outrageous

The teacher is right, but the wording is a bit exaggerated.

Shisui didn't believe that he would destroy the world for the sake of a woman. Uchiha's love and hatred were not so extreme.

So according to the teacher, blood successors like Uchiha will never be able to truly integrate into Konoha, and coupled with the Sandaime's suppression of the clan, the future outcome is already doomed?

No, there is still hope.

The relationship between Konoha and Uchiha used to be very good. Even the name of the village was named after Madara Uchiha.


At a young age, Shisui could not imagine how the village and its people could live in harmony.

Faced with the boy's curious eyes, Noah told him a story about Uchiha Aotian.

I have had ideals since I was a child, and I have to be strong since I was a kid, and I have been really strong since I was a kid.

For the ideal of peace, Uchiha Madara, who has an aura of 1.8 meters, and the equally perverted Senju joined forces to pacify the four countries and ushered in a brief peace.

At that time, the Uchiha clan members were not so proud, because the proudest person directly suppressed the entire clan.

So if it's for a short period of peace, then you will suppress the entire clan by yourself.

At the same time, he showed his combat power to the people in charge of Konoha who could directly overturn the table. Whoever dared to touch Uchiha would be dragged into the abyss along with Konoha.

Protect your tribe from harm and maintain the balance of the village.

Even if Konoha is afraid of your combat power, they won't fall out easily. This method is for you.

Shisui assessed his own combat prowess and said without humility that he was at the forefront of the clan.

But the strength of the patriarch to suppress the entire clan is unfathomable.

And a short period of peace? The greedy boy wanted to ask if there would be long-term peace.

Long-term peace means transforming the Land of Fire, transforming Konoha, and breaking all old orders and rules.

Create a new Fire Nation that most people will accept.

As for one person who can't do it, it's a coincidence. There is also a group of young people in Konoha who want to change the status quo and are working hard.

A certain white-haired ninja has become famous in the thunder and fire border, and several teenagers are promoting the will of fire belonging to the new generation in the village.

At this time, what is needed is a high-end combat power and a coordinator between the ninja clan to return.

Kakashi, Shisui, Asuma, Gai, Iruka.

The potential and abilities of these few backbones are not weak in the Akatsuki organization, especially Iruka. Even the Kingdom of Rain lacks such talents.

These people need strategies, abilities, and channels. As long as such a youth group accumulates enough time, it can easily replace the Sandaime group.

Even the development plan for the follow-up branch has been drawn up by Noah, and he is just waiting for Kakashi to gather momentum and complete it.

Noah now wants to lead Shisui, the child, on the right path and awaken his new power.

As for the mental problems carried in the Uchiha bloodline, it is easy to solve.

Beat them all first, get rid of those who are so radical as to be brainless, and vacillately present facts and reason.

The new generation of Uchiha began to fully study theoretical ideas from the Shisui management clan, and understood several elements needed to build a peaceful world.

Only by studying more can we get rid of the ignorance of dreams and understand the truth. Only illiterate people will use the most brutal method to bring false peace.

Uchiha Madara is not named here, nor is Uchiha Obito.

As for the source issue, it was just a matter of convenience when the Burning World Ultimate happened. It was time to settle the affairs of the Otsutsuki family.

The world is not a stage for family ethics dramas.

The two of them walked and talked like this, Shisui's thinking became more and more broadened.

It turns out that as long as you are not within the rules, you can find countless ways, and you will learn from it.

Now I have a different understanding when reading the book Will of Fire, and the doubts I had in the past are slowly being cleared away.

The Yin attribute chakra in his mind became active again, but the Sharingan still did not appear. It seemed that this time Shisui was slowly and firmly breaking through the door.

Noah and Kyuubi also noticed the changes in the boy.

Looking forward to what kind of power Kaleidoscope can awaken after the invasion of red thoughts.

There are only two chapters today. I got stuck on my first day at work.

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