Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1313 Shuangyue Nine Lama

Chapter 1313 Frost Moon.Nine Lamas

And we have all gained confirmation of our ideas and an example that proves our ideas to people with ideals all over the world.

As long as we treat people as human beings, the world will be much more peaceful.

Shisui was speechless, why the previous Hokage didn't have this idea. On the contrary, there are people outside who are practicing the concept of peace in other ways.

Noah gave him this answer directly.

Senju Hashirama is too powerful. He and Uchiha Madara are born to transcend the times. In the eyes of the god of the ninja world who is no different from the gods, the safety of ordinary people only needs to be protected by him alone.

Senju Tobirama is too smart. Smart people will weigh everything. For example, ordinary people's problems are far less important than Uchiha's. Only after Uchiha and other important things have been dealt with will it be ordinary people's turn.

Sarutobi Hiruzen. He may be the Hokage who understands ordinary people best. He has carried forward the will of fire. But ordinary people can also fall and become corrupt.

So it is unrealistic to rely on a great leader. Even if there is a sage Hokage, who can guarantee that every Hokage in the future will be wise and powerful.

The Akatsuki organization will not always rule the Kingdom of Rain in the future. The consequences of absolute power are absolutely wrong.

Zhisui thought as he walked, and based on the comparison between the Fire Country and the Rain Country, he found that at least what Noah said was not wrong.

The spirit and thoughts described by the Sandaime-sama are more consistent in the Land of Rain.

It’s just that the more I think about it, the more headache I get, and it seems that the problem has deepened. The resistance in the blood began to appear, trying to guide him towards an extreme idea.

Noah sighed, Indra couldn't be illiterate, right? It's just that blood inheritance is so perverted.

Thinking about it this way, Sasuke is really an outstanding good boy. Although his life has been manipulated by others and he often jumps back and forth, this also indirectly shows that he listens to advice.

Another stroke of reason calmed him down.

Shisui, calm down.

The biggest problem of the Uchiha clan is that they cannot look at a certain problem comprehensively. I hope you can persevere.

After walking through the three places, he helped Shisui firm up some ideas, break some things, and inject some soul into him. After that, Noah took him and prepared to officially leave the Country of Rain.

But at some point, he unexpectedly appeared, and the third guy who was traveling with him ran out a little unwillingly.

Putting on its little robe and squatting on Noah's shoulders, it looked like a cute little fox.

It's just that this little fox frightened Shisui so much that the Nine Lamas were so evil that they didn't deliberately restrain their chakra and gave the boy a vicious fantasy shock.

It's a bit tired of staying in the Rain Country and it's now seeking death. It's so fun to bully an unawakened Uchiha.

The boy who had experienced the night of the Nine-Tails felt cold all over. The scene of the roaring beasts plundering the ninja village under the moon was a memory that could never be erased.

It was also this night that pushed Uchiha into the abyss. The fate of the village and the family was doomed from now on.

The lingering nightmare is right in front of you. Although the body shape is different, the endless malice transmitted by the chakra is unmistakable.

Shisui's Sharingan moved crazily, and his eyelids began to turn red, as if red blood might flow out at any time.

Hey~~Why are you stimulating him at this time?

This stupid fox didn't even think that the kaleidoscope skill Shisui awakened at this time must be aimed at the tailed beasts. Maybe the situation where the nine-tailed demon fox was manipulated by the boy would happen again.

In order to suppress the chakra of the Sharingan Yin attribute at this time, Noah spent a lot of effort.

Kyuubi's affairs are very complicated, and you can't get in touch with them yet. Don't forget that there is a Jinchuuriki in Konoha.

Shisui calmed down again after hearing the last sentence. The jinchūriki in the village could never lie.

So what happened on the night of Kyuubi? Lots of conspiracy theories swirling in my head.

Noah was helpless. Xiaobai was a VIP in Orochimaru's laboratory, so he could only take Kyuubi out as a plug-in. It turned out that the fox was really worried.

But hasn't Shisui always pretended to be an alternative Uchiha? Words such as enthusiasm, calmness, maturity, etc. can all be used on him. ,

Why do I always wake up the kaleidoscope when I go out?

If Shisui knew what Noah was thinking, he would have scolded him directly, the daimyo would be controlled, and Kyuubi would stick to his face. How could something like this not awaken Kaleidoscope?

Kid, you look very dissatisfied with this look. Do you want to discuss it with me?

Shisui was not a fool, so how could he fight a tailed beast in a duel?

I can kill you with just one tail, Sharingan. There is so much honor under these eyes.

This tsk tsk tsk has the essence of Shougetsu Kendo, and opening the Sharingan and closing the mouth about family honor is too exciting for Shisui.

The fox wouldn't study seriously when teaching Kakashi.

Hey, I won't beat you to death anyway, why don't you take the opportunity to take revenge? How brave is the brat of the Uchiha family?

The Nine Lamas, with the full power of yin and yang, mocked crazily, admitting that they had a personal grudge against the Sharingan.

Anyway, Shisui kind of wanted to stab this fox hard.

What triggered the war was Noah's words.

How about you guys just have a simple spar?

Kyuubi is still very measured, and it is also crucial to re-establish a peaceful bridge between the tailed beasts and the Uchiha family.

There will definitely be a lot of contact between one person and one fox during the subsequent journey, so why not get to know them now.

And at his current age, Shisui is not someone who can always suppress his anger. If he doesn't seek victory, he can at least give this arrogant fox a big mouth to relieve his anger.

In the open space of the Kingdom of Rain, a fox as tall as a person was holding his arms like a human being. The seemingly careless contempt in his narrow eyes was actually an eagerness to try.

After staying with Noah for a long time, his character has returned to the arrogant stage of his childhood.

Shuoyue Jiuwei took the lead in opening the Mouth Escape!

Sharingan, haha.

After hehe, Shisui drew his knife. Today, only one person can leave standing.

Then the Sharingan of the Three Magatama saw a horrifying scene, the chakra materialized into the multi-hand seal, and the five-attribute cleansing began.

The one-tailed Kyuubi only lowers the upper limit of chakra output, but the total amount is still unlimited.

The extremely brilliant light and shadow effects directly covered the sky and the earth, and the big fox was proudly showing off its fancy operations.

Noah was right when he first let him learn ninjutsu, but it was too monotonous to always use tailed beast jade.

The result of the final exchange was that Shisui was beaten by the Nine Horns. Without a kaleidoscope, he was helpless in the face of a terrifying tailed beast ninjutsu doctor like the Nine Tails, and was overthrown in just a few moves.

He stopped the water in an instant and threw himself into the street.

After beating the Uchiha tribesman and venting his anger, Kurama felt refreshed and even used medical ninjutsu to treat Shisui's injuries.

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