Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1312 Mental Therapy to Control Shisui’s Chaos

One country and one village do not interfere with each other. This was a policy of stabilizing the world promoted by the first Daimyos of the Kingdom of Shadow and Fire, but it was shattered by the Akatsuki organization.

This will probably cause chaos all over the world. Just think about the daimyo of other countries who will never allow such a thing to happen. And what will happen if other ninja villages are aroused in their ambitions?

It is a sign that the order of the world is beginning to collapse, and a war sweeping the entire world may be coming.

The scene in the future caused cold sweat to break out on Shisui's body, and even his Sharingan began to fluctuate abnormally, as if something was breaking out.

No, I want to save the Land of Rain and the entire ninja world!

Shisui's sense of mission began to burn, and he could only...


A big hand patted Shisui on the shoulder, and the unique power dispersed the Yin-type chakra that was about to gather.

I told you to calm down.

With Shisui's current state and thoughts, if he awakens the kaleidoscope ability, he may be another god, maybe a certain god plus, because this crisis is no longer the peace within the shinobi village.

Uchiha's diodes and twisted wishes will give birth to kaleidoscope skills that suit his own mind. It's not the time to awaken at this moment, so where can he go?

“Don’t rush to conclusions, think more and take a closer look.”

Shisui, who couldn't get rid of this hand, could only be forced to calm down, and then nodded silently.

There is nothing I can do if I don't remain silent. The teacher's strength is really terrifying.

Taking Shisui, they found Yahiko, who was coordinating the entire process.

There are piles of papers and drawings everywhere. This is Noah's training for him.

Huang Mao used his limited chakra to drive two clones to help him handle government affairs, and many people also came in and out to submit new data.

Teacher is here! I just have a question. Can the machinery needed for the fields be brought from the east?

When Yahiko saw Noah, he seemed to see a savior. This teacher really left him dozens of ways in handling government affairs.

This is not okay. You have to shoulder your responsibilities now. After all, you founded the Akatsuki organization yourself. Don't let other people laugh at the leader of the Akatsuki organization for being illiterate, okay?

Callous rejection is heartbreaking. Now is no longer the time for the Akatsuki organization to be founded.

If he can't handle this matter well, then Noah will have to take the time to drag Yahiko to hell and have a good chat.

Among the three disciples, this guy was the only one holding him back. Once Orochimaru's research yielded results, he would be strengthened.

Letting Yahiko roll aside to deal with government affairs, Noah took Shisui and began to walk around among the piles of data.

He took out a stack of paper and showed it to Shisui.

Your eyes will deceive you, your feelings will deceive you, your experience will deceive you, but mathematics will not.

Comparing the changes in the Kingdom of Rain over the years with these statistical data, as well as the planning of the development model should be able to answer part of the answer.

First use the Sharingan to write down all these data here, and then think about it carefully. We will set off in three days.

Fortunately, the total changes in the Land of Rain have only been a few years, and the data here have not yet reached a daunting level.

So for three days, Shisui looked at one piece of data after another, ranging from education to people's livelihood infrastructure, health, and changes in the birth rate.

The more data he read, the more confused he became. With the daimyo and powerful people being controlled, the Land of Rain was developing rapidly at a terrifying speed.

Of course, it can be said that the management philosophy of Xiao organization is relatively advanced, and it can be said that the new industrial model has liberated productivity.

Inevitably, a question arises, what is the significance of the existence of nobles like daimyo? What was theirs now seemed like a useless continuation.

The entire country would be better off if it did not need the existence of this group of people. Then the Country of Fire and the Country of Water

They are all a useless class, but their wealth is...

Looking at the current Rain Country, as long as no one knows the true situation of the daimyo, the war will not break out, so is the one-country-one-village system really necessary?

When doubts arise, there will be countless arguments to add proof, and Shisui falls into deep confusion.

He just wanted to know about the incompatibility between the Will of Fire and various aspects of Konoha Village, and his horizons were suddenly opened up.

Someone rudely destroyed the relationship between daimyo, ninja village, and ordinary people into his head.

what is this?

In endless confusion, Shisui's Sharingan began to spin again, but was interrupted by Noah again.

Children who are still in the confused stage don’t know what will awaken, so it’s still not the right time.

Okay, let's keep walking.

This time we came to a new town, and the busy construction site was full of hopeful people. Even the bandit refugees who were captured to work did not have much reluctance on their faces.

They can eat well, wear well and sleep well if they can work here. As long as you complete the labor reform, you can become a citizen of the Kingdom of Rain and enjoy the same rights as ordinary citizens.

Their children are no longer subject to freedom restrictions, but have been sent to schools for learning.

Moral concepts, collective concepts and other ideas that they have never been exposed to are teaching them how to be a person, not a wandering ghost.

Building new towns is now their job responsibility, and they even have some sense of mission.

Those who were disobedient, those who incited rebellion, and those who committed heinous crimes were all executed.

We are not good people, we just put fairness and dignity in front of everyone.

So they don't need to be grateful, they just use labor to exchange for freedom.

Noah spoke cold words and didn't seem to care at all. But Zhisui knew that everyone here was grateful for their current life from the bottom of their hearts.

I have seen the cottage refugees in the Kingdom of Fire, and I have done many C-level missions to clean up bandits, but only the Kingdom of Rain can solve all these problems from the source.

After visiting the domestic Ame Ninja Village, Daming Castle, and new towns, Shisui had more questions that he didn't understand.

The Kingdom of Rain, which has obviously done so many things that go against common sense, conventions, and rules, is more in line with the paradise kingdom in people's imagination.

So who is at fault?

Teacher Noah, why do you want to build the Kingdom of Rain like this?

The nobility is for the right to rule and benefits, so what is the Akatsuki organization for?

First of all, our Akatsuki organization is a peaceful organization!

Noah went out of his way to emphasize this point, even though everyone would misunderstand it.

Secondly, we're just moving the world in the right direction.

Finally, the Country of Rain is not my Country of Rain, nor is it the Country of Rain organized by Akatsuki.


It is the Land of Rain that belongs to everyone. Otherwise, who do you think so many infrastructures and livelihood facilities are built for?

This is a win-win situation. The citizens have improved their living standards, education and economic income.

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