Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1311 Yes, Sharingan Illusion

Okay, Master Noah.

Shisui, just call me sensei.

When going out to pick up people, it is best not to bring a tow bottle or the like. It is normal to find a follower who is a little stronger and more sensible.

Because sometimes Noah's talent introduction methods are not so legal, or they cannot get the consent of the country and the ninja clan involved.

At this time, in order to rescue these talents, the methods will be a little extreme.

Having a partner with a strong running ability can save you a lot of worry.

Moreover, Shisui's work ability, attitude, and auxiliary methods such as the Sharingan Eye are very suitable.

Among Orochimaru's three disciples, this one was the one that made him most reassured and the one that made him most uneasy.

That bastard felt at ease and relaxed a lot when he left Shisui to Noah.

Teaching the geniuses of the Uchiha tribe requires a lot of patience, and Orochimaru has no intention of such a thing now.

Unless Shisui is willing to give his Sharingan to Orochimaru for research, he still has to queue up in the project department.

As for Kabuto, he was thrown into the biology laboratory.

Don't get me wrong, he just started working as a junior assistant while studying.

Basic scientific knowledge and experiment manuals can be learned directly. As for the talent of medical ninjutsu, Noah will find a way to find a suitable teacher in the later stage to allow him to continue to grow.

The Land of Rain lacks a master of orthodox medical ninjutsu.

Orochimaru's method is more in the direction of biological research, and Xiaobai cannot use his fusion ability to save diseases and treat people at any time because of his special nature.

The Rain Country is lacking in terms of system. There are no reliable people in the country except for the doctors who treat the daimyo.

The hospital has already started to be built, so Noah has found a target but lacks a suitable entry point.

The arrangement of Hongdou is very interesting.

This girl belongs to a relatively average group of people in terms of talents and talents. Normally speaking, after many years, one will reach the level of a special jounin.

It's just that she is lucky now. There are too many ways to improve her strength in the Kingdom of Rain. And he won't be stingy with this little girl.

After all, the other party signed a contract with the accurate coordinates of Longdi Cave, and that contract can also serve as a reverse channeling positioning function.

When Orochimaru is marked by White Snake Sage, only Anko may have a chance to break through the blockade.

When you need a large amount of fairy snakes in the future, you can purchase them through this channel.

This is what Orochimaru said, not what Noah planned.

In view of this, I always feel that I should treat the little girl better, so Noah plans to cultivate a sense of responsibility and a more stable temperament in her before improving her strength.

Therefore, the title of Child King of the Land of Rain was awarded to Anko.

The children who were picked up need a strong elder sister to lead them to eliminate their fear of unfamiliar environments.

Because of their long-term displacement and unusual life experiences, it is difficult for them to integrate into society.

For example, there are several children of the Uzumaki clan and Jugo, etc., including the children who arrived one after another in the later period.

At this time, Hongdou can set a good example. His silly enthusiasm and slightly domineering style are very suitable for this kind of work.

And the cost of doing this is very small, there is no need to pay anything at all.

All you need to do is praise Anko as a good child. If she does well, she will be appreciated by Orochimaru, and it will also prove that she is the eldest sister among the new generation.

Every word here is a top temptation for Hongdou. What kid doesn't want to be the boss?

So Mitarashi Kid King officially fell, immersed in his own sense of mission.

Every day, he would go to the children of the Uzumaki clan and Jugo on time to urge the children to go to school and practice.

Everyone can be a talent as long as they are placed in the right position.

Noah took Shisui with a brisk pace and started the Uchiha training method, the mental stimulation method.

When they came out of the tower, they saw construction and busy ordinary people in the Kingdom of Rain.

The renovation of Yu Nin Village is also carried out simultaneously, and Yu Nin's office will not be moved to the new town.

All the tall towers, giant drainage pipes, and ninja-style shopping streets are being upgraded.

Noah especially liked seeing this scene and couldn't get enough of it. It seemed that he could see the scene after the timeline through this scene.

At that time, the large-scale development of the South China Sea was also in full swing.

Shisui, did you feel anything?

I feel the vigorous vitality and vitality, as well as the strength of the rain ninja.

Shisui gave his answer with reservations. In fact, after power comes ambition.

When a village is so keen on construction, it means that the big moves in the future will not be small.

Remember, among the few questions you don't understand, the answer can be summarized for everything you see now.

Don't be impulsive. The Yin chakra of the Sharingan will be extremely unstable when it reaches a certain limit.

After saying this, Noah boldly took Shisui to Daming City.

This is one of the top ten secrets in the Kingdom of Rain that cannot be known to outsiders. It also shows that there are too many secret things that the Dawn Organization has to do.

Teacher Noah, is there anything I need to pay attention to when meeting a great name?

Maybe it was because Konoha Village had always adhered to the one-country-one-village policy while still retaining some of its loyalty to the daimyo, so Shisui was still very uncomfortable about going to the daimyo city. After all, he was still a child and had never seen the big world.

Moreover, Shisui also believed that the daimyo of the Rain Country was a very ambitious and unconventional noble, otherwise it would be impossible to allow teachers Orochimaru and Noah to do this.

Noah's reply was much cooler.

As long as you stay calm.

The rail car arrived here without any obstruction, and no one was questioned after getting off the train.

Although he had never met the Daimyo, Shisui still felt that there seemed to be a problem with being so casual.

Walking into the small imperial palace northeast of Zichen Palace, they finally met this daimyo who was very ambitious and courageous in Shisui's heart.


Yeah, Sharingan Genjutsu.

The genjutsu on the daimyo's body could not be hidden from Shisui, a master of genjutsu, and the shock in his heart almost overwhelmed his mind.

There is no need to stress what type of illusion, you guys do this. Huh? Why is there Sharingan involved~~

I have been thinking about how enlightened the Daimyo of the Rain Country must be to allow the Akatsuki Organization and the Rain Ninja Village to control the entire country's economic lifeline and people's lifeline, and even start to guide them ideologically.

Now it seems that it is not that the Daimyos of the Land of Rain are opening up more, but that the Daimyos are being opened up.

Don't worry, you will only fall into the illusion when meeting outsiders. They will be relieved when they are in the Daiming Castle.

And a life without worries about food and clothing is already considered a preferential treatment for him.

Teacher Noah, is this a matter of having enough food and clothing?

Shisui walked around in pain, and the top dignitaries in Daimyo City had all fallen into the illusion.

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