Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1308 After blood comes thunder

In the forest, the figures of Kakashi and Konoha's talented seniors overlapped.

The arrogance of equality for all beings is really similar to Namikaze Minato. The Fourth Hokage was also a ruthless person who seemed gentle but actually said very pretentious words.

In a hurry? No, it’s a declaration that I want to carry everyone.

The results of the hell training under the pressure of the kendo teacher are ready to shine with the glory they deserve at this moment.

Hatake Kakashi, the top genius who almost lost the plot in the Hayate Era, returned from the Land of Snow with a different core.

The tough body contains powerful power, and the abundant chakra contains the immortal will.

The compatibility of the re-adapted Sharingan has skyrocketed, and the swordsmanship from the top swordsman carries the original desire to fight.

And Shuangyue Kendo, which is most suitable for the battlefield, created a different kind of genius.

Chakra fluctuations from all directions could not hide from his body's instinctive perception.

Ninja tools flying around in the battlefield and damage from spilled ninjutsu cannot escape the lock of the Sharingan.

Zila, zila, zila, blue arcs of electricity wrapped around the body.

call out! !

The young man's figure passed through various dangerous moves and went straight to the target.

A surprise attack team cannot be composed entirely of Jonin. There are also a large number of Chuunin and special Jonin to provide assistance.

The breakthrough point Kakashi chose was this group.

The Sharingan sees through it, gets close at high speed, draws the sword and swings it, killing the enemy.

With a simple move of his hand, Kakashi began to harvest heads crazily while walking around.

Pieces of blood flowers bloomed after the thunder, unstoppable and irresistible.

This kind of killing frequency does have a bit of the Yondaime's style, and it also brings the role of the speed ninja to the extreme.

At the tactical level, he began to smooth out the numerical gap between the two sides and prevent the re-establishment of joint ninjutsu. He didn't want to hit the lightning again just now.

This touch-and-go combat method caused the cloud ninjas to suffer a huge blow in a short period of time. Without preparation, it was difficult for the jounin to intercept Kakashi, who had already rushed into the crowd.

In the end, the range sealing technique of Thunder Release·Four Pillar Binding Technique jointly performed by the Kumo Ninja Jonin was forced out of this area.

In just a few minutes, Kakashi's unscrupulous attacks consumed nearly 1/3 of his chakra, and at the same time completely turned the battle situation from an unfavorable situation to an evenly matched situation.

It's amazing that a ninja who can't use space and time ninjutsu can do this to such an extent. The ninja who can be brought into the surprise attack force is one of the best in a hundred, even if he is a chuunin.

It's really unacceptable to be killed by the opponent like this.

The commander of Yun Ninja already hated this strong young man who came out of nowhere.

It's not that he hates the opponent's amazing strength. Konoha can always see such people appear to turn the tide in critical moments.

It's not that they have never made such a plan. As long as they are cautious when facing the sudden outbreak of strong men, they can reduce losses.

What he hates is that Kakashi has no youthful spirit!

Shouldn't someone with such great strength find an elite jounin to fight fiercely?

This is enough to be passionate, okay? How can you be very restrained in finding weak points to kill?

Who taught you to do this?

What a ninja!

If Kakashi knew what the other person was thinking, he would definitely be very proud and say nothing.

Letting the other party die in ignorance and depression is the best choice.

Seeing that the surprise attack failed, the Kumo ninja began to regroup and maintain a confrontational posture with the Konoha troops.

Konoha's Anbu also reunited from the scattered formations they had just escaped from the thunder.

Although Kakashi was given a show just now, the battle ended too quickly, otherwise the ANBU could have taken advantage of the situation and launched a killing spree.

Silver hair, Sharingan, chirping of a thousand birds, Hatake Kakashi, I will remember you.

If you survive today, you can be on Kumo Ninja's must-kill list.

Commander Kumo Ninja looked at the plain young ninja with hatred in his eyes, he was really jealous at his age.

With the first kunai flying at each other, the battle between the two troops officially began.

The three Kumo ninja jounin rushed towards Kakashi at the command of the commander.

3 on 1, this is the highest standard that can be faced below the film level.

A three-person team is the initial standard configuration for all ninjas in the Ninja Village, because the three people can combine the most abundant tactics and fighting methods.

It can improve the comprehensive combat capabilities of ninjas to a level that is not theirs.

And the formation formed by three Jonin who had fought for the rest of their lives was terrifyingly strong.

Even a Kage-level powerhouse like Namikaze Minato would have a hard time killing without the assistance of time and space ninjutsu.

Faced with such a face-saving combination, Kakashi also began to go all out. It was a mistake that should not be made to underestimate any enemy on the battlefield.

The overall level of a great country jounin is definitely not bad. There are basically no weaknesses in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu.

The combat experience and fighting style are strong men who have been tested in wars, far from being a jonin like Langya Avalanche who only knows how to amplify his moves.

Especially the age and aura of the three opponents can show that they are at the peak of ninja status.

Such enemies have been faced before.

Back then, Kakashi was the youngest genius jounin and had a serious battle with the rock ninja jounin.

I paid tuition once and was beaten to death.

His best friend died tragically, and he also got a new eye.

But now there should be a different ending.

He tightened his grip on the handle of the knife, and the electric current wrapped around his body was flowing wildly, and then the sound began to decrease to a low, muffled sound of thunder.

The full power form was activated, and the murderous aura in his eyes began to be restrained to the point where Gujing Wubo was in control.

You have to be as unpretentious as Frosty Moon in your heart to be able to cut out the wonderful sword light. At the same time, the Sharingan begins to rotate and heat up, constantly analyzing and discerning every movement of the enemy.

Kakashi was extremely serious, and the three ninjas on the opposite side were even more cautious, keeping their formations intact.

As they are proficient in Thunder Release, they naturally know what high-level Thunder Release Chakra Ninja Technique is like. It is really unsettling that this Konoha boy has mastered this secret technique inexplicably.

Clang! *3

In the blink of an eye, with three sword strikes, the young man's figure appeared in front of the enemy like lightning and struck out with three sword strikes.

Unfortunately, the first two swords were blocked by the concentrated ninja, and even the last sword was eaten alive by the thunder armor, only scratching the surface a little.

It's not that they don't want to use force, it's just that the attacks of the two ninjas have arrived and they have to retreat.

The attacked ninja was covered in cold sweat, as he had been affected by the illusion for a moment.

If his companions hadn't struck quickly enough and been killed on the spot, the battle of the speed ninja would have been really unreasonable.

The three jounin who were stimulated became even more vigilant. Even if they were able to drag him down with their combined attack and defense, they could drag this genius to death.

Kakashi frowned, the teacher was right and his strength was still far behind.

Not fast enough, not strong enough, chakra not powerful enough, swordsmanship not extreme enough.

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