Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1309 Shuangyue Sword Technique Shows Its Power

Even the Sharingan illusions of the three of them would be interrupted at any time, so it seemed that they could only use some tactics.

I'm sorry, Hokage-sama!

The sound of the Chidori sounded, and Kakashi began a high-speed battle without stopping, continuously consuming his own chakra to put pressure on the enemy.

This style of play has no effect other than making the opponent unable to think deeply. It may seem stupid, but a bold plan is being implemented.

A gap allowed the young man enough sprint distance, and the sparkle of lightning on the long knife in his hand brought an ultimate sense of danger.

Lei Qie. Cut!

When the lightning struck, the three of them formed a response formation.

Thunder Release·Web Spider, Thunder Release·Four-Pillar Binding Technique, Thunder Release·Thunder Arrow.

Defend, capture, attack.

The trinity combination can easily resolve such an attack. In a one-on-one situation, Reiki may be a secret-level attack, but in a three-on-one situation, a single attack is most easily broken.

Unless the boy's move is called the Hell Pass!

This is the fighting method of the real ninja class. At this stage, relying on ultimate moves to kill people instantly only appears in myths.

The reason why Konoha's boy is using single-target secrets now must be because chakra consumption is too fast and he is unable to continue the speed mode, and the defense of the three of his own is indeed impeccable, so he is forced to go to a dead end.

It seems that the legend of Hatake Kakashi will fall before it spreads.

A genius who can only amaze for a moment is not a genius.

There is a huge difference compared to his teacher, the Fourth Hokage.


When the lightning struck, the boy turned into white mist.

Is it a clone? ! ! !

Where are the people? ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

Violent fluctuations came from the underground, and several walls rose from the ground. This was Earth Escape. Earth Flow Wall. Change!

There were no dog heads, just a few thick walls between the three jounin.

Thunder Escape restrained Earth Escape, so they didn't expect anyone to actually use this method to cut on the battlefield.

The technique of sneaking in the earth is a successor to the technique of earth flowing wall.

The combination of the best earth escape ninjutsu used by Kakashi produced a unique effect here.

It's not that other ninjas can't use it, but that no one can suppress chakra fluctuations to such a low perception limit like him.

It can be said that in order to avoid a certain attack that was powerful enough to tear the earth apart, the young man shed too many blood and tears under the stealth technique.

Of course, it was also due to the clone on the front. It was even more unexpected that the violent chakra fluctuations were a deception.

The chakra fluctuations that attracted the full attention of the three Jonin were certainly not fake, as 1/3 of the chakra was used on it.

Next is the performance time of Shuangyue Kendo.

In order to end the battle as quickly as possible, he decided to use special skills. The teacher said that in order to overcome the disadvantage, he must use dangerous moves or strange moves.

Then sneak up and surface, the transformation technique!

The transformation technique is useful except for stealing information. Another possibility is to shock the enemy's mind.

Of course, there are many limitations to this move, and it must be done by someone who has seen it personally and understands it well.

And the assistance of the Sharingan is also essential to intimidate the enemy.

When the first Kumo ninja was about to use ninjutsu to break the wall, a figure appeared in front of him.

Golden hair, handsome face, white imperial robes fluttering in the wind, blue eyes with plain killing intent.

When it comes to the strongest deterrent to Kumo ninja, it is definitely the Fourth Hokage who showed off his skills in the three battles.

The yin-type chakra of the Hypnotic Eye only affected him for less than a second, but this second was enough.

The combination of illusion and transformation completed its intended effect.

The cloud ninja was stunned. This was equivalent to being targeted by the god of death while bullying others.

The legend that one can only wait for death in the face of Namikaze Minato has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. With the addition of the legend, even the experienced Kumo ninja has to be confused.

Moreover, there are several conspiracy theories in various countries about the death of the Fourth Hokage in less than a year, and there are also many who say that he faked his death.

Just thinking about the despair of all beings being equal before time and space can drive people crazy. Who would dare to do something that is worthless and lead to death.

Four hisses!!!

With the blessing of chakra, the long knife finally broke through the thunder armor, and finally cut deeply into the throat. The blood filled the sky like a curtain.

He had broken the guidance of the genjutsu just before his death. I don't know how unjust this Kumo ninja was.

Blood was gushing out from his neck, and his trachea was severed. He couldn't even use his last breath of life to warn.

Kakashi is not sure about three versus one, but if it is two versus one, he will have the advantage.


The wall on the left was breached. Kakashi threw a special kunai over without thinking, and then flashed out.

The Lei Shun Shen, who was trained under the swordsman's blade at such a close distance, was not much slower than time and space.

A second victim emerges.

The moment the three-pronged kunai was blocked, the Cloud Ninja was ready. If the memory is correct, this was specially marked in the Cloud Ninja Ninja Manual. The Flying Thunder God Kunai.

The unique shape and the incantation on the handle. And the sudden appearance of the Fourth Hokage! ! ! !

His mind was lost in an instant, and his last thought was not why Namikaze Minato was not dead, but why this god of death had a Sharingan.

One-on-one, close range, possessed by illusions, disciple of a swordsman.

In short, this jounin died neatly. The young man raised his head after shaking off the blood stains remaining on the knife.

There was silence when the last Kumo ninja appeared.

Perhaps this transformation technique was too amazing, and it brought a special impact to all the ninjas present, and the entire battlefield came to a standstill for a moment.

Both the Kumo ninja and the ninjas of Konoha felt absurd. The transformation technique can transform into a particularly familiar person, but transforming into a shadow of a village is more or less strange.

Use this image to bless illusions. Are the new generation of ninjas really so wild?

Besides, the Yondaime really doesn’t know how to do this. Oh, the Yondaime is gone.

An emotion that wanted to say but didn't know what to say was stuck in the chest of the Konoha ANBU captain.

Is this the Will of Fire?

But what Kakashi learned is that as long as he can survive and win on the battlefield, these methods are insignificant.

Even if the teacher is still alive, he definitely won't mind. Being able to exchange the lives of two Hidden Cloud Ninja Jonin only shows that the teacher's intimidation is still so terrifying.

The young man with a very determined heart showed a kind smile to the last cloud ninja.

Illusion. Infinite

Under the blood moon, the swordsman dragged the enemy into an endless hell where he could not die.

Finally, he could perform this genjutsu seriously, and Kakashi felt very satisfied when he saw the enemy's body frozen in place and trembling.

What a wonderful illusion, always interrupted by various external forces.

You are lucky to be able to enjoy this move seriously, and then kill the enemy with one sword.

In this way, all three jounin were wiped out, and his own chakra was almost bottomed out.

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