Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1307 The Era of Hatake Kakashi

Everyone gave him their blessing, and Asuma even asked for a few thunder escape ninjutsu from Hiruzen.

The Third Generation didn't stop this from creating more bonds with his son, even if the person giving it was Kakashi.

The chance of a genius surviving without the care of a strong person is not high, especially since the ANBU's activities are still within the Kingdom of Thunder.

Kakashi's return gift was his own opinion on the new Will of Fire.

If the Sandaime knew this, he might not give him the Thunder Release Ninjutsu, but reward him with a few large rounds of ammunition.

Why did you guys catch my son so hard?

Asuma said very arrogantly that my strength will catch up with you sooner or later, and when the time comes, I will go to the front line to help you.

It was a pity for the son of the Hokage not to be able to compete on the battlefield with his recognized enemy for the first time.

Kakashi said, You are right, and I feel sorry for him too.

Finally, he told Asma not to delay studying ideas and helping his companions improve their strength in the village.

The boy who has been influenced by Noah and Kakashi no longer thinks about who is Jade. Because the fact that neither the Hokage nor the Daimyo is Jade has long been discovered by the clever third generation son.

Kai's side is very good at playing. It's enough to let the opponent practice well and wait for him to return before dueling.

It's just that this time I enjoyed the other party's passionate farewell ceremony, which was so embarrassing that I almost died.

Why say goodbye to this social terrorist on the street with that weird cry that will attract the police, asshole.

In the end, Kakashi realized that there were really not many people he could say goodbye to before leaving, only these few.

So he went to see the crying boy Iruka by accident.

Hey, boy, are you skipping class?

No, I am practicing seriously and then go to the front line to defend the village.

“That’s it~~”

Then he was held down by Kakashi and started to send him to the ninja school.

There are many ways to help the village. If I let a weak ninja like you go to the battlefield and die, I would be doing something wrong. That's not what The Will of Fire says.

But this kind of persuasion was resisted by Iruka, and the child was still a bit rebellious.

So Kakashi put his arm around the boy's shoulders very seriously.

If you want to help me, just study the Will of Fire that I gave you, and then let your classmates study together.

The inheritance of will can help me more than killing enemies on the battlefield. This is a very difficult task, can you do it?

Is this so important? You won't lie to me, right?

Of course it is important. Only when everyone in this village ignites the ideological flame, will the darkness in the ninja world and the village be burned away, and our sacrifices will be more valuable.

The decisive answer made Iruka feel a heavy sense of trust and strength.

It seemed that he was helping this genius complete some important mission.

Umino. Iruka. Tell me your answer.

The young man nodded seriously, his eyes full of determination.

Maybe I'm not as good as you in terms of strength, but I will pass on this idea.

The two made an agreement on this.

By the time Kakashi returns from the front line, the will of fire will surely be burning in the school.

The second day.

As the villagers watched, the elite troops set off again, and Kakashi's ANBU team set off in the early morning.

The Sandaime looked at this scene and felt endless fatigue, if the war could be ended.

A group of people wearing masks on the tree were heading to the border without saying a word, and the atmosphere was very heavy.

Kakashi also adjusted his state and sword heart while walking.

Mr. Soyousuke said that his strength has reached the limit at this stage, and if he wants to make progress, he can only rely on hard work to break through the bottleneck, or war.

Although it is cruel, for geniuses, war is the best catalyst as long as they do not die.

Maybe his progress depends on the lives of these cloud ninjas.

We're almost there, be careful. It's a trap!!

The advancing squadron leader noticed something was wrong. The defense line originally stationed here did not have any warning signals.

Yun Ninja actually captured this node in advance and laid a trap to kill him. There was a huge flaw in the intelligence!

Then what you may have to face next is...

Rumble. The dark clouds in the sky have dragged this forest into darkness.


The huge thunder fell from the sky and illuminated this small world. The power of the combined ninjutsu was almost impossible to confront head-on if prepared.

Kakashi's team was also within the range of this attack.

The newcomer Mandrill and the other two team members were filled with despair for a moment. The attack range was too large.

The blue light falling from the sky is impossible to resist, and the grim smile of death echoes in my ears. Is this the end?

A young man shook his head, is this just this?


The shrill chirping of thousands of birds sounded around the ANBU ninjas, and the intense electric current made the ANBU members beside them feel their hair stand on end.

What's this? !

This is a ninjutsu that is practiced to the extreme in changing the nature and form of thunder attribute chakra. It is also an S-level secret that young geniuses are proud of!

Complementing the thunder in the sky, the silver light has never been covered up.

boom! !

A figure faced the huge thunder in the sky and waved the slender thunder power in his hand without fear.

The contrast between big and small is so comical that people have no other emotions except admiration for this overconfident guy.



Two thunder escapes were actually fighting in the air, and the young man did not lose!

Even as time goes by, the scale of victory is tilting towards the incredible side.

Kakashi, who opened his Sharingan, was not afraid of this combined ninjutsu at all. The weakness of such loose thunder attribute chakra had long been seen through.

Then the next step is to chop it up!

His arms began to exert force, and the chakra in his body began to surge. Even if the boy was about to attach himself to the power of thunder, he did not waver at all.

I've even experienced the thunder hell, so what does this little electric light mean!!!

drink! ! !


Zhi! ! ! ! Click! ! ! !

In everyone's shocked eyes, the thick blue thunder made a shattering sound, and then was directly chopped into pieces by the young man on the spot.

Sparks of electric current overflowed in the void, and the black shadow shuttled through without any hindrance and landed steadily on the tree.

Jam, jam.

The mask was shattered by the overflowing power, revealing the face that was too young.

Silver hair, black mask. The red Sharingan is slowly rotating.

His expression was very calm, as if he had just done something not worth mentioning.

It's just the invincible arrogance in his eyes that tells what it means to be strong.

You guys don't understand Thunder Escape at all.


Drawing out his weapon, the young man raised his sword and looked at the vigilant Cloud Ninjas opposite him casually.

Sorry, I'm in a hurry.

During the Third Ninja War, the yellow flash appeared and shocked the world. Now it is time for the era named Hatake Kakashi.

It’s Dragon Boat Festival, don’t delay everyone’s celebration. Presented at the fifth update!

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