Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 131 The battle of swords

Another desert island.

Noah and the redhead stood opposite each other.

The redhead thought he should say hello first, so Noah should get ready.


The overlord color, the domineering power of the red-haired Shanks among the future Yonko, and the oppressive feeling of the most domineering man, made Noah feel excited. The overlord color started, and I also like it very much!


Noah's overlord color is also revealed, and the illusory figure and rich red color come to the world again. The confrontation between two overlords is a scene that can only be seen on the top battlefields in the new world.

Oh~ This strange Overlord color scene opened Shanks's eyes. It turns out that Overlord color has such a way to play. I'm really, really excited! Take the intensity up another level.

Dark red lightning appeared at the junction of the domineering battle, and bursts of roaring sounds were heard in the void. The dark clouds in the sky were also divided into two camps by the domineering colors of the two, rushing and sweeping each other across the sky.

The rocks around the two of them have been crushed into pieces, the earth is cracked, torrents caused by strong winds are raging on the island, and the forest closest to them has been crushed. This is the ultimate battle for dominance.

As the confrontation gradually escalated, the scope became larger and larger. Combined with the rolling dark clouds and lightning in the sky, it looked like a natural disaster.

In the distance, everyone on the Red Foss looked at the strange scene on the island, and they were all secretly surprised. This was the first time they saw a domineering figure that could rival the captain.

No, in terms of color, Noah is stronger! The cold captain expressed his judgment.

This, how is this possible! The crew members received a violent shock.

There is nothing impossible. If Shanks has the upper hand, he will take the initiative to withdraw his Haki, so that it will not affect the subsequent kendo battle. But now that Shanks is still releasing his Overlord color, that can only It shows that the opponent is extremely domineering!

Then this doesn't mean that the captain has lost.

Look at the sky. The direction of the dark clouds has shifted towards Shanks. The captain is also a human being. The showdown between great swordsmen is ultimately about swordsmanship. The starting hand does not mean anything.

That's what he said, but when he saw Noah's outrageous overlord color, Beckman silently made a note in his heart: The overlord color is different from ordinary people, and the intensity is also abnormally high. He can try super long-distance containment to create a better future. A sure-kill opportunity.

Although Shanks would not adopt this suggestion, he still had to have a plan. He was such a worried first officer.

On the battlefield, Shanks' fighting spirit was completely ignited after he felt that his domineering look was slightly inferior to Noah's. This was how it felt. The feeling of oppression from the opponent!

The two looked at each other in tacit understanding, and at the same time withdrew their domineering aura. At this time, the entire island was in a mess, with trees flying everywhere.

The sound of two swords being unsheathed echoed across the island. The chilling atmosphere was far more dangerous than before.

The two walked towards each other slowly, faster and faster, then trotted, then accelerated again, and started running rapidly.

Noah, don't die!

The same to you.

The two of them jumped up at the same time, Griffin slashed down with a determined and armed look, while Noah let the word Hedao turn into plain moonlight, showing a halo-like trajectory, and steadily took the shot. A sword.


The sound of the two swords clashing spread throughout the island and to the far reaches of the sea. Level 12 strong winds burst out from the collision point of the swords again, sweeping across the entire island instantly. This time, the plants on the island suffered a devastating disaster and were destroyed. Uprooted. Waves also rose on the sea in the distance, sweeping towards the depths of the sea in a circular shape.

The two warring parties did not care about this impact and were still in a stalemate. This sword cannot be retreated! Both sides looked at the unyielding fighting spirit in each other's pupils, and couldn't help but use greater strength again, pressing their opponents with their swords.

Then, the intersection of power could not withstand such an impact. After continuing to exert great energy, it exploded directly, pushing away the two guys who were unwilling to take a step back.

A strong shock wave spread from the center, shattering the earth into pieces.

The two people who were temporarily pushed back by the shock wave waved their weapons to attack each other again. This time it was a duel between swordsmanship. In the hands of the two great swordsmen, the basic swordsmanship turned rotten into magical displays that ordinary people could not imagine. The power and sword speed are getting faster and faster, and then they will fight with their top-notch Haki and swordsman's intuition.

Wisdom and color can be deceived by moves, and sometimes intuition can be used, so there is experience to assist. When it comes to experience, Shanks is far stronger than Noah, so on the second day, Noah slowly fell into a disadvantage.

Ben Beckman, who was in the distant sea, smashed the waves with his punch again. He didn't expect that he could be affected from such a distance. The two people on the island were indeed strong men standing on the top of the sea. Shanks has always been very strong, but he didn't expect that the one from the Revolutionary Army was also very strong. In the intelligence, it has never been recorded that Noah has such strength.

Either he has been hiding, or he is making rapid progress. Judging from next year, the latter is more likely. What a terrible person.

The red-haired man on the island was not only excited but also a little bit surprised. On the second day, with his rich fighting experience, he had actually slightly suppressed his opponent, but his opponent's learning ability was terrifying, and he quickly made up for his own weaknesses in one day.

The same mistake will only be made once, and there are some unconventional tricks to restore the situation. The more intense the battle, the greater the opponent's progress. What a genius.

Since he officially set sail, the name of genius has been attached to his head. He lived up to this reputation and grew up at an extremely fast speed. From a trainee crew member on the Pirate King's ship, he became the top pirate with the best chance of becoming the overlord of the sea.

This battle with Noah made him feel the mood of the senior pirates who had fought with him before. This guy is progressing so fast. He is going to speed up, he must defeat his opponent as he continues to get stronger and win!

The opponent's moves became more and more cruel, making Noah feel the boundless pressure again. He was like a sponge before, constantly absorbing the strengths of his opponents and quickly making up for the experience of fighting between top combat forces. At the same time, the impurities in the way of swordsmanship were also forged out in this duel between great swordsmen.

Another day and night passed, and this was the third day. The fight between the two sides became more fierce. At this time, the competition was about physical strength, willpower and experience. It was obvious that Shanks had a great advantage.

Since you will lose if you continue to stand in a stalemate, let's make a desperate move and use the last sword to decide the outcome!

He swung his sword hard and forced Shanks back.

Noah calmed down his breathing, then raised his sword, and the overlord's entanglement began. Thanks to the high-intensity fighting in the past few days, his mastery of the sword has reached a new height. The dangerous red overlord color is completed in just one breath.

One sword determines the outcome?

Come on then. The red-haired man who has already shown his royal status will never back down!

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