Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1306 The Third Generation without a Bottom Line

The origin of chakra. I am not qualified to study it now. I will not start the final project until I have everything ready.

Although there was reluctance and crazy impulse in his eyes, he was still suppressed by the strong will.

The current technology of Uncle Snake has not yet reached the explosive stage and needs to settle down.

Noah nodded, as expected of the perfect Orochimaru. His thoughts and willpower are not comparable to those during the period of madness, and rash soul transfer can really kill people.

Hey, why is Lord Orochimaru here?

Orochimaru looked towards the direction from which the sound came. A red-haired woman was also wearing a black red cloud robe. There is also a pipe connected to the outer demon statue on the back.

Kushina Uzumaki, it is indeed you.

The moment Orochimaru saw Kyuubi, he thought about the situation of the fourth generation couple who disappeared in the Night of Kyuubi.

There is no doubt that the Yondaime who casts the corpse seal will die. He knew this forbidden technique very well after studying it.

The ninja world has known for hundreds of years that a Jinchūriki who loses the Kyuubi will surely die.

However, the physique of the Uzumaki clan and the appearance of Noah that night could possibly change this outcome.

Kushina broke the common sense of the ninja world and the price of survival was probably not low. Her aura was weak and her vitality was solidified to the extreme, and her body was solidified into a strange state.

The Heretic Golem synchronizes this person's state with his own into the dead world, extending life in an alternative way.

Then we know the origin of the sealing technique on the robe. Noah is really scary.

He will do anything for the development of the Akatsuki organization and the Kingdom of Rain.

But it was a good save. As a scientist, he couldn't understand the key to sealing.

Many incredible things can be achieved using this ancient spell. This is the ability of another system.

When the two old men of Konoha met again, their faces were filled with sadness.

Kushina was familiar with the Sannin when she was following Namikaze Minato in the village, but she had always stayed away from Orochimaru.

The other person's aura and behavior pattern, as well as the fact that he almost took the position of the Fourth Hokage, all made her feel a little hostile towards the person in front of her.

But people who have left Konoha and died once again don't care about this now, and they feel a little warm when they see Orochimaru.

The two of them greeted each other very peacefully and expressed their feelings about the fourth generation.

Then Orochimaru reluctantly looked at the heretic demon for a few times and left here cruelly.

When he is ready, he will come back to spy on the ultimate goal of the ninja world. He is still too weak now, both in terms of ability and knowledge.

Take me to the laboratory. You can help me lead the disciples first.

Kakashi has been trained very well. I hope Shisui has that ability.

You also know Kabuto's path very well. After learning the basics of science, I asked him to help me in the laboratory.

As for Hongdou, he is a good boy. I believe in your guidance ability.

In the Land of Rain, Orochimaru found a good way to teach his disciples without delaying his own research, which was to throw the children to Noah.

This guy's training ability is really abnormal.

As Orochimaru returns to the Akatsuki organization, changes in the ninja world are also turbulent.

The constant friction and small-scale conflicts between the Kumo ninja finally detonated the stable situation between the two sides.

The word war appeared in Konoha Village again.

The villagers who had just experienced the Third Ninja War felt exhausted and numb.

The heart that had been saved by the Yondaime before sank into the war again.

The Sandaime was also very sad, but the other party seized on the incident of Orochimaru leaving the village and made a big fuss about it, and now it has reached the point where it has to fight.

He must not let the cloud ninja also hit the door of Konoha Village, otherwise his old face is really not qualified to be hung on the Hokage Rock.

In the history of Konoha, he was the only Hokage who was beaten to the door of his house, and he was the one who was beaten to the door of his house twice.

The strongest Hokage should not have been so embarrassed by impulsively advocating this.

First, they tried to contact Jiraiya, but this guy didn't leave his contact information in order to avoid being harassed by the village, so the other party received the information very slowly.

Tsunade forget it, Senju's experiments are still going on to this day. Orochimaru couldn't be found and couldn't be found.

Let's explore and explore potential within the village, such as Uchiha.

The previous pressure of public opinion can be relieved by loosening the clamp on this family a little and using more flattery.

You can also talk about the rumor that Uchiha is qualified to compete for the fifth generation in an informal setting, and the family can take advantage of it again.

Hinata is also going to fight, and the strategic role of Byakugan cannot be replaced at all.

Promising some permissions from other ninjas should be able to inspire some of the will to fight.

Several elders of the ninja clan will also send out more this time, and they can form a ninja army by piecing together.

Then look for external allies, such as provoking the Kingdom of Earth.

This country is very smart about sneak attacks and stud games from behind. What Sarutobi Hiruzen thought was that since the war started, dragging them into the quagmire together would be the best choice after the three wars.

Suna Ninja Village was poor, and their hatred for Konoha must be much greater than that of Kumo Ninja. It was better to let them return more supplies, and to guard against betrayal.

The Kingdom of Water, a lunatic country in the midst of internal strife, cannot be provoked.

Then he delegated power to Danzo so that he no longer had to worry about any means.

If there is any shameless method, use it immediately, and the people in the Cloud Ninja Village will not have an easy time.

Finally, the ANBU minister was summoned. This time the ANBU would also deploy a large number of manpower to fight in the Kingdom of Thunder.

The Hokage's personal guards even included the torture squad.

The Sandaime used almost all the methods he could use. He must not lose this time.

Konoha Village is a mess at the moment, full of veteran ninjas buying ninja tools, military pills and special props.

Many ninjas took away from their daily tasks and prepared to go to the Thunder Fire Frontier.

Because it was not a full-scale war but only small-scale confrontations and strangulations at the border, the genin cannon fodder army was not sent there for the time being. Instead, the elite ninja troops were led by the elite ninja troops to confront each other.

This year's Ninja students are lucky, their graduation rate is much lower than that of their predecessors.

As a famous Jonin, Kakashi is naturally on the recruitment list.

Most members of the Anbu will go to the Land of Thunder to perform tasks behind enemy lines, such as burning food and grass and harassing and assassinating people.

The mortality rate far exceeds that of the Ninja Legion in frontal combat.

The village's last kindness was to give these ninjas time to say goodbye. Normally, it would be difficult to receive information from the rear during a battle.

It's possible that when you come back, it will be a name on the memorial tablet.

Kakashi said goodbye to some of his friends before leaving.

The early wars were bloody confrontations between elites. His friends at the same time were not strong enough to participate in such strangulation, so they practiced hard in the village.

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