It’s not that I lost my pride after coming to the Country of Rain, but I mentally calculated the funds needed for the projects to be carried out.

A huge amount, Konoha would never want something that couldn't be produced.

Even if he becomes the fifth Hokage, he won't be able to raise enough funds to support the next experiment.

The funding gap that makes people desperate just thinking about it is really embarrassing.

As a result, Kakuzu gained a different kind of respect from the other party, although it was still not quite there, but that was it.

This guy didn't know that he would feel deep fear in his heart every time he saw Orochimaru and Scorpion in the following days.

If you want money, you need your life.

We still have one member who can't come for the time being. We'll take you to see her later.

Orochimaru nodded and sat behind the round table, all members in black red cloud robes in full aura.

Even if it says Peace Organization in big letters on the back, no one will believe it. To be honest, there are really not many people here who look like good people.

The following meeting was very brief, and basically focused on various coordination issues at the beginning of the five-year plan, as well as the progress of tasks within everyone's scope.

Among them, Scorpio is under the greatest pressure. Industrialization does not happen overnight. The human body also limits the time from 0 to 1.

However, his efficiency has improved a lot after the liver surgery.

Other members of the Akatsuki organization also talked about the lack of population and talent gaps.

Okay, okay, we'll solve it the same way.

The problem of physical fitness affecting the progress of the mission will be solved immediately. I will go out to pick up more talents in a while.

There are only so many Sharingan, we can't attack Konoha.

New City's Sealing Arts Association

Finally Orochimaru also received several backlogged tasks waiting for him to complete.

The construction of the primary biological laboratory has been completed, and both equipment and materials are in place.

Make sure these are equipment that Orochimaru can use easily. After all, the quality of products produced from the roots is guaranteed.

The funding for the science department has been communicated to Kakuzu, and all projects will be released as long as they are not particularly outrageous.

Orochimaru nodded and took out a pen and paper and started writing the project.

Tailed Beast Research, Senjutsu Research, First Generation Cell Research, White Zetsu Research, Uchiha and Senju

Ling Ling wrote a bunch of them and handed them in.

Just because all of these projects started out as S-level, a piece of seemingly light paper was a mortal curse for Kakuzu.

Noah was silent for a long time, but he put it away first.

Take it step by step, and you can’t kill the seniors all at once.

The initial task is still to strengthen the functions of human organs.

Some monsters' physiques are calculated separately, and the body organs of ordinary strong people cannot withstand such a high-intensity working frequency, such as Yahiko and the others.

Even if Yang chakra is occasionally supplemented, the failure of the liver and some internal organs is inevitable.

A strong person will be exhausted by trivial tasks, so strengthening his physical fitness has become Orochimaru's first difficulty.

There are two directions to solve this problem.

One of them is to extract biological agents from various energies to strengthen human organs, or to modify the human body through surgery and other methods.

Scorpio is already trying to do the latter, and with Xiaobai's assistance, his behavior is much more radical.

Biological drugs require Orochimaru's research and development capabilities.

There are so many samples available from the organization that there is bound to be one that suits you.

Another task being carried out at the same time is Xiaobai's clone.

I mentioned before that I wanted to use the Heretic Golem to cultivate a few more White Zetsus, and strive to equip each senior member with an auxiliary secretary.

Able to fight, carry, assist, and share chakra, Bai Zetsu is simply the personal secretary of his dreams.

Xiaobai didn't resist this matter either.

Currently, only his will has awakened among this group of creatures, so naturally he hopes to have a few more younger brothers.

Orochimaru happily accepted the order, and he knew that he couldn't study so much at once.

It is appropriate to use Bai Zetsu as a breakthrough point.

Thinking about the subsequent Tailed Beast Chakra, Immortal Curse Seal and other projects, his heart was filled with regret.

I began to regret why I had to wait so long in the Land of Fire. It would have been better to come earlier and do experiments earlier.

With abundant funds and top-notch materials, the project shocked the entire ninja world. This was simply a paradise for scientists.

After the meeting, everyone left immediately, and everyone had to concentrate on their work in their own field.

The Kingdom of Rain is very busy, and the top officials like them are even busier.

Noah is now going to lead the big guys on the science side to take a look at the ultimate secret.

Orochimaru's spirit was extremely active along the way. Perhaps it was urgent to strengthen human organs or improve physical fitness, because he needed it too.

It would be great if he could have the bloodline of the Senju or Uzumaki clan, so that he could use a lot of clone techniques to strengthen his research capabilities.

How on earth did you do that?


How was it possible to gather so many talents and gain access to the most unknown secrets of the ninja world?

It's very simple. I just wanted to destroy the world at first, so I purposefully searched for information related to this, and then I slowly discovered it.

Orochimaru shook his head. Although this starting point was a bit ridiculous, it was still somewhat reasonable.

Also, please stop talking nonsense about the Peace Organization brand from now on, okay?

I'm becoming more and more interested in that ultimate secret. Even existences like Nine-Tails and White Zetsu no longer need to be covered up. What kind of existence will they be after these layers of seals?

Is there really something that can destroy the world?

As the last warning zone was crossed, the last seal was released.

Orochimaru instantly attracted all the attention.

The huge human form has nine eyes, its color and body are like dead wood, with ten pillars protruding from its back, and a sudden crack between its eyebrows.

The behemoth in front of me stood there like a god or Buddha, but it was also as ferocious as a prehistoric beast.

plant? animal? Gods and demons?

There is no breath of life, but it doesn't look like a simple dead thing.

What's this?

This is the source of chakra and an extraterrestrial thing. It is also part of the power of the six paths.

Noah brought Orochimaru up to him and let him touch the heretic demon for induction.

When Orochimaru's chakra penetrated under the shell, he seemed to see an ocean.

The wildness, divinity, vitality, and the suppression from the life level make people feel frightened. Even the first-generation cells pale in comparison to this.

His own chakra seemed to have returned to his mother's body, and there were some signs of being out of control.

In fact, most people who rush into chakra without Noah's care are just delivering food to the heretic golem. It's just that when Noah is around, the instinct of the ten-tailed body will be even more dead.

Finally Orochimaru left the Heretic Golem in a cold sweat.

How about it?

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