Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1304 I understand sustainable development

But if snakes of that quality can continue to be provided, can they be exchanged for some chakra?

The White Snake Immortal of Longdi Cave:.

Orochimaru turned his attention to the remaining three new members.

It turned out that the second one was staring at Xiaobai.

With Orochimaru's vicious eyes, he could tell at a glance that Xiaobai was not a human being.

Although there was a Sharingan inserted into the opponent's eye socket, it was not a human aura.

This is confirmed by the abundant yang chakra and the active wood texture.

Having done the first-generation wood escape experiment, he later came into contact with the piece of white body tissue given by Noah, so he instantly connected with it.

At first, I always felt that the activity of the body tissue Noah sent was too high, and even the first-generation cells did not feel like they had just been cut out.

So now the mystery is solved, that is, this bastard has a special humanoid experimental body.

And just as he expected, there is a connection between Wood Release and Sharingan.

The Sharingan embedded in this strange-looking humanoid creature is very coordinated, which is a level that cannot be achieved in any experiment. How could there be such a strange existence in this world?

Kakashi, that brat, did have a certain trend after his mission in the Land of Snow, but it was a pity that Noah paid too close attention to him.

The terrifying scientist with high IQ instantly locked onto the second research target.

He couldn't wait to drag Xiaobai into the laboratory immediately to study what he had always envisioned.

The Akatsuki organization was great, Orochimaru felt happy.

He felt that his scientific research path here would reach a level that was unimaginable before, because someone had already put all the answers in front of him, and he only needed to work backwards to decipher the secret of the bloodline between Senju and Uchiha.

What will be born when the two strongest blood successors in the ninja world unite with a certain force?

This burning and happy look made Xiaobai feel a little scared.

He had seen this snake-like guy several times before when he was possessed by Noah, but now it seems that he is really not a good person.

Noah also hurriedly stood in front of Xiaobai. This was his good partner, don't give it to Huo Huo.

Calm down, this is Xiaobai. He is also one of our members. In fact, he has been here before but has never appeared.

You lied to me, Noah.

Orochimaru was referring to the piece of white human tissue as salary.

It's not a lie, you can also buy some body materials from Xiaobai in the future.

Communicate more and communicate more, and there will be many projects related to him in the future.

But don’t force novices to do anything. You can experiment with resource replacement and other methods.

Noah plausibly said that Orochimaru at that time was half forced and half lured into the gang, and he would have to return to Konoha for a while.

Of course, out of caution, I can’t say a lot of things. Now that I’m back, I’ll see Xiaobai.

Hehehe, I understand. It's called sustainable development, right? I've also read your book.

Noah, what revision are you looking at?

Xiao Bai also felt that this guy seemed to know something extraordinary.

The next introduction was much more normal. The person Noah introduced to Orochimaru was the Red Sand Scorpion, one of the current heads of the scientific team of the Akatsuki organization.

The top genius puppet master in Sand Ninja Village has recently become a mechanical artist.

All mechanization and industrialization in the village were promoted by this young man.

Even the basic materials laboratory is under construction. It can be said that it has single-handedly supported half of the scientific development of the Land of Rain.

At this time, Orochimaru became much more serious, maintaining a certain degree of respect and recognition for professionals who were also on the scientific side.

The simplified versions of the equipment on the way here already reflect this person's level.

The two shook hands and exchanged a few words. Orochimaru, as a master who has made great achievements in the field of biological sciences, did not fall behind.

During the brief exchange, they expressed the idea that both parties could jointly design some equipment and instruments.

Of course, there are also competitive emotions, and Orochimaru needs some products to prove himself.

The current atmosphere of the Akatsuki organization makes him very comfortable. There have been many improvements from experimental materials to projects to scientific soil, and Noah is still vigorously promoting basic science. It feels like he is in the right place.

The last one present is Comrade Kakuzu of our Akatsuki organization. The legendary immortal ninja who once assassinated the first Hokage.

Noah began to introduce Orochimaru as before, and also specifically mentioned the opponent's glorious record.

After all, fighting against the first generation without dying in this era is indeed worthy of bragging for a lifetime. The remaining tasks of the gold exchange are too low-end and are not worthy of appearing in such a warm atmosphere before.

The immortal old man puffed up his chest. He also felt that the atmosphere of today's meeting was very good.

This junior named Orochimaru has always been extremely famous in the ninja world. When he came to their Akatsuki organization, he was shocked.

With Yourong, what is high-level? This is called advanced.

I, Mr. Kakuzu, am quite famous in the dark world, and I have lived a long time and my secret skills are powerful enough. No matter what, I can cause the other party to be shocked again.


You, how are you going to die? !

Immortal Legend feels uncomfortable, why were you shocked and coveted before, but in the end you communicated with that brat Scorpion on an equal footing and respected each other.

He just said a simple greeting to me. Does this mean he looks down on me or does he really look down on me? !

The old man's nose was almost crooked with anger, and his self-esteem was shattered.

What do you mean? Is it because I'm not perverted enough that I can't fit into the atmosphere here?

Orochimaru really didn't like this guy. Scientists are more pragmatic.

Among this group of people, Kakuzu's aura is just a little stronger than Yahiko's, and his sense of danger is not much better than that of Konan.

And the most powerful thing in Noah's introduction is that he fought with the first generation without dying. Through Tsunade's past descriptions, Orochimaru is one of the few people in the village who knows the character of the first generation.

There is a slight gap between the words described by others as wise, divine, martial and decisive, so I don't really approve of Kakuzu's record.

It's just that living long is not worthy of Orochimaru's eyes. He already has a new path with the idea of ​​​​the art of immortality.

In the end, Noah saw Kakuzu's depression. He was always so concerned about the mental state of his employees.

Don't let this emotion affect your work status. There are not many people in the Akatsuki organization who can work all day long.

So I started to elevate the importance of the other party.

Kakuzu is also the core person in charge of finance in our Akatsuki organization. You will have many opportunities to communicate in the future.

Orochimaru immediately gave him a warm handshake when he heard about the funds.

As a scientist, he understands the mentality of people who give out money very well, and he can directly give them enough face.

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