After all, Orochimaru did not see the gift he had longed for but was taken to the high tower of the Land of Rain.

Now that we are back, we need to get to know the new members. Many subsequent projects will require full cooperation.

It is also important to simply go through the process and show the current strength of the Akatsuki organization.

Shisui and the others were allowed to move around freely in the Rain Ninja Village to experience the characteristics of different Ninja Villages.

For the time being, the three children are not qualified to participate in the tower meeting, and Shisui has to wait until he awakens the kaleidoscope before he is qualified to step here.

It's not a question of strength, but a question of whether he is sick after awakening the kaleidoscope.

If you don't get sick, you can continue to study. If you get sick, Noah won't hold back.

He also somewhat understands Senju Tobirama's distress, because Uchiha is really a group of lunatics who don't know when they will slip from one extreme to another.

Only after characterization can we give full trust, and this is also for the sake of the organization.

Wouldn't it be funny if the child awakened something extraordinary and tried to make the Akatsuki organization operate according to his consciousness?

Pushing open the door to the conference room, those present including Orochimaru Issui, who had just entered, were wearing a black background and a red cloud.

The gatherings of peace organizations should be so energetic.

After Uncle Snake entered the door, he stopped in place in surprise and looked at all the members of the organization with some confusion. The experience from participating in two ninja wars told him that everyone in this room was an extremely dangerous and terrifying person.

The old members I had met before were all different. Sure enough, this organization was not normal.

Even the aura of the little girl using the secret technique of test paper has become much deeper, and the little yellow hair at the bottom is not as stretched as before.

Noah acted as an intermediary and began to introduce the returning member of the organization to everyone.

A veteran member of the Akatsuki organization, Cold Lord Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas of Konoha, and the leading biological scientist in the ninja world. I think everyone should know him.

The original four people didn't react at all, but the newcomers Xia and Kakuzu looked a little strange.

It was really a surprise that this was the returning member.

As mentioned before, Orochimaru has a high status in the ninja world. As the commander-in-chief of Konoha's front, his strength and the information he carries are the core of Konoha's core.

Normally speaking, even if such a person leaves Konoha, as long as he does not announce that he has rebelled against the village, he should not join any organization in other villages.

But it is really strange to come to a peace organization in the Kingdom of Rain to become the honorary leader, even earlier than the two of them.


Could it be that the so-called running away in anger was actually a scene directed by Noah?

The two of them instinctively began to think about this, because any strange things that happened to the leader of the Kingdom of Rain became ordinary.

And conspiracy theories can never be wrong when it comes to that man. Just think about the masked man who was beaten and had a broken mentality.

The potential of the Akatsuki organization is truly unfathomable.

The reason why Orochimaru was stunned was that there were four new members beside Noah, and each one gave him a different feeling.

One of them even gave me the feeling of looking directly at death, from the chakra to the appearance to the lawless aura. I even said hello to him not long ago, although it was not very friendly.

Noah, you didn't tell me that the members of the Akatsuki organization also include Kyuubi.

It has orange-red fur, sharp claws, an arrogant demeanor, and nine short chirping tails piled behind it.

A black red cloud robe covered his fox body. He stood on the round table so grandly.

People who don't know think this is some super cute mascot. Only those who know its details will know that this is the ultimate nuclear weapon in the ninja world.

The strongest tailed beast in the ninja world, the nine tails are the ones whose tail shakes the earth.

The Akatsuki organization relies on this foundation to look at the five major countries and it is a very explosive existence, on par with Konoha Shin.

Orochimaru directly ignored the other three newcomers. Just looking at Kyuubi, his eyes went straight. Aren't the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki in the village?

That was the help of someone who had personally confirmed it with the Sandaime. Orochimaru didn't believe that Sarutobi-sensei would be confused in this regard.

So. What happened that night when the peerless swordsman chased the Nine-Tails and the fourth generation sealed the Nine-Tails?

During this period, no Konoha ninja witnessed the real situation, and now it seems that the hidden secret is not simple.

In the original work, Sandai still led people to the scene. He even witnessed the operation of the 4th generation and the scene of the Nine-Tails in a row being witnessed by everyone.

But in this timeline, when they arrived, only a pool of blood on the ground and a lonely Naruto were left, so they assumed that the Kyuubi was sealed.

Even the half-length Kyuubi is an incomparably powerful being. Even with the third generation's knowledge, one really can't tell the difference between half and one.

Therefore, the cover-up was successful. Except for Hei Jue who learned the truth after enduring the roar of the Yifujiu Lama, only the top executives of the Akatsuki organization knew about it.

Kakuzu was a little confused when he first saw Kyuubi. He didn't understand why there were foxes joining the Akatsuki organization? Even on par with him, a powerful figure who assassinated the first Hokage.

Then he was educated by the Nine Lamas. After the big hand materialized, it started to slap.

Earthly Resentment Yu's so-called blood vessel attack was pitifully weak in front of the source of chakra, and was too severely restrained.

Unconvinced, he wanted to show off his ninjutsu, but was turned upside down by this ninjutsu doctor.

‘Are you the only one worthy of playing five-element ninjutsu? ’

The fox's ridicule completely hit the ninja's self-esteem. From then on, Kakuzu knew that he should just do his job related to finance, and he should be as honest as possible when facing cute animals.

The situation was a little awkward now, so Noah came out and briefly talked about the Nine Trumpets, and Orochimaru also swallowed this amazing fact.

Then he looked at Kyuubi with burning eyes. In his opinion, this was also a great research target.

Whether unlimited chakra is a legend or a reality, whether tailed beasts are flesh and blood, and their origins are all areas of interest to scientists.

Before, the strongest tailed beast had always been in the jinchuriki, and it was impossible for outsiders to study it, but now it has escaped, isn't this right?

Kid, if you look at me one more time, I'll kill you.

Finally, the taste of those two snakes is okay. The meat soaked in natural energy is very elastic.

Thousands of years of evil energy gathered into the shape of a fox, which shocked Orochimaru's mind in a way similar to an illusion attack.

At that moment, he seemed to see an upright fox roaring under the moon, and he instantly put away his somewhat revealing eyes.

Does the fox know magic? This is something I really can’t afford to offend for the time being. The remains of Red Fang and Green Snake in the scroll will all cry.

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