Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1302 Meeting and giving gifts

Afterwards, the rich supplies and various rules in the town made it rich and orderly.

There was even a school in every town. This kind of educational coverage made Shisui worried.

Teacher, the ambition of the Kingdom of Rain is too great.

The child began to worry about his responsibilities as a Konoha ninja, but a common problem with Uchiha was that he had bad eyesight.

A friend said that if you just want to make ordinary people's lives better, then productivity will inevitably increase. It's not an ambition.

Since you are here, don't regard yourself as a representative of the Fire Nation, but integrate into ordinary people.

We can't just let these people continue to live the same life as before just to protect peace, or can the Fire Country provide them with this level of life?

If you can't do it yourself, don't block ordinary people from pursuing a happy life, otherwise they will be overthrown by awakened people.

Orochimaru rarely used the words of his colleagues to educate Shisui, and his tone was very serious.

Although he himself does not have this awareness, he does not want his disciples to go to the opposite side.

Because if you walk to the opposite side, some monster may gouge out the eyeballs of people before they awaken and kill them directly.

Uchiha's sometimes overly extreme way of thinking is a recipe for death.

Noah seems to be a nice person, but anyone who stands in his way will die, even if he is an immortal.

Orochimaru also had good intentions in order for Shisui to survive.

There was no further communication after that, and they were still traveling through the Kingdom of Rain.

Instead of using the ninja way of traveling, we took them to observe the country from all angles.

Finally the road ends at a huge construction site.

Viewed from a high place, it is a very large town that is not inferior to Konoha Village.

The sound of various machines is deafening, completely different from ordinary Japanese construction sites.

A large amount of stone and wood were delivered one by one via transportation vehicles, and the throughput was not small.

The display of large and small unnamed machines made several Konoha ninjas who had never seen much of the world a bit stunned.

This is the power of industry!

And here Orochimaru also found his greeter.

Welcome to the Land of Rain. No! Welcome back to the Land of Rain, Comrade Orochimaru.

What a unique welcome. Didn't you say in your letter that you are very busy?

Something happened here. Let's deal with it temporarily. Otherwise, I should go to the border of the Country of Fire to pick you up.

Orochimaru smiled. In his opinion, there were too many idiots in the world.

The only thing that he couldn't understand and that had such high vision that no one could match was the tough bastard in front of him who kept him in the Land of Rain.

Okay, things here have been taken care of. Just leave the follow-up work to Yahiko. Let's go back to Yu Ninja Village as soon as possible. You have too much backlogged work.

According to your plan, it should have just begun now. Why is it so far ahead of schedule?

When they started talking about work, Orochi was a little speechless, but considering the other party's behavior style, it was acceptable. It's just been more than a year since he last came to Yu Ninja Village, so why has it changed so much.

You don't know that there is a guy who keeps sending talents to the organization, and there is another guy who keeps sending resources. That's why the development progress is so far ahead of schedule.

Noah didn't expect progress to be so fast. He can only say that there are many good people in the ninja world.

Okay, let's change clothes first. The waterproof material of the red cloud robe with black background can keep you dry even in the land of rain.

Orochimaru was not in a hurry to wear it when he got it in his hand, but felt the difference in the clothes.

The materials are good, but the shape is a bit uncharacteristic of a good person. Of course, the most important thing is that the sealing technique here is a bit weird.

Use sealing to waterproof? In his impression, there are very few people who can do this kind of ability, and even he himself can't do it.

And someone who has the ability to do this would probably not be bored enough to apply a waterproof sealing technique to this ordinary cloak.

Looking at Orochimaru's surprised eyes, Noah smiled slightly.

They are just acquaintances with some connections. We can be considered colleagues and we can communicate more in the future.

This dress was made by Kushina, and she was really bored to death under the outside demon.

I had nothing to do all day, so I started tinkering with various sealing techniques. After all, being unable to escape this distance was almost the same as going to jail.

Of course, her mood has improved a lot now, and she is chatting and wiping away tears with Xiang Ling's mother and several other tribe members.

She was really grateful to Noah for helping her find her clan members. The feeling of being alone in this world without any support was too cruel for Kushina.

Sometimes she would think about destroying the world in the middle of the night. As expected, people turn dark when they are bored.

Noah's move also saved a sealing master who almost became a villain.

Nagato didn't show up.

First of all, it is not convenient to show up in reincarnation. Even if he wears a layer of contact lenses, he is not very willing to recognize these tribesmen.

Just leave some space to Kushina. He usually gets together with his friends or helps them deal with some things.

After putting on the black red cloud robe, Orochimaru's temperament became less evil and more cold.

Raise the aura of the Akatsuki organization further.

Then Noah pulled Orochimaru and the others onto the rail car and headed towards the Rain Ninja Village.

Daming City, Yuren Village and Xincheng Town are all connected by rails. This is also set up to make it more convenient to transport personnel and materials.

As for the locomotives such as trains that have not been built yet, after all, they have to be done step by step. The Country of Rain does not have such strong industrial power yet.

While in the car, the three disciples were making eye contact. They were becoming more and more curious about this unique country. Shisui also had both expectations and uneasiness.

Noah looked at the three children and nodded and said hello to each of them. These are all preliminary members of the Akatsuki organization.

He smiled warmly when he looked at Shisui.

My name is Noah, and I will be one of your teachers in the future. Orochimaru told me that you have always thought deeply about peace and the will of fire, so you should be prepared for the exam.

If you pass the exam, you will have the opportunity to see the most real world operation rules.

No matter how he looked, Zhisui couldn't see how powerful the man in front of him was, which made him even more cautious.

After all, it can be seen from the conversation and body movements between the teacher and this man that my teacher seems to be the weak one.

As for the reward, he was very satisfied.

The true laws of operation of the world are probably the reason why I have always believed that there is no coordination between the Sandaime and the Will of Fire.

Noah then patted Kabuto on the head.

You should also study hard here. We will continue to send funds and assistance to the orphanage. Dean Noonoyu will be taken care of, so don't worry.

Kabuto is actually not very ambitious. He wants to protect the place where his heart belongs.

So Noah also gave him a very sincere promise, which eliminated the hidden uneasiness in the other party's heart.

Finally, there is Hongdou. This kid looks very reckless on the outside, but he is not so determined on the inside. His body is a little stiff when Noah takes a look at it.

Anko Mitarashi, Orochimaru's most valued direct disciple, right? He is indeed very spiritual!

As soon as Hongdou said this, he immediately lowered his guard and felt that the person in front of him was a very discerning and good person.

It was immediately obvious that his identity was different from others, and he smiled and nodded frequently.

The three of them have their own gifts, so will I also have one when I return?

Of course, do you remember the reincarnation eye?

Oh~~You want to give me that thing to study?

No, Nagato is our colleague. What I am saying is that I have something more powerful than the Rinnegan to give you, the true origin of chakra, the ultimate secret of the ninja world!

Can your car be any faster?

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