Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1301 A country separated from the world

Going in the northwest direction, Kabuto and Anko were able to practice their actual combat abilities on the way. All the bandits and some Lang Ninja became their prey.

The techniques in the Book of Sealings were also spread to two people, and he was never stingy with his disciples.

Kabuto's chakra control is very talented, and Anko's explosive power is not weak either.

Orochimaru didn't want his disciple to be lost among everyone in the future, and he wouldn't admit such a disciple.

Specifically refers to red beans. This child is still young and cannot realize it now, but when his strength with the other two reaches a huge level, his mentality will be unbalanced.

There are quite a few people falling behind in the three-person team because they can't keep up. We can't always imagine that we can catch up with those in front.

In addition to practicing, he also explained to them some common sense about the ninja world.

For example, when you meet ninjas from the five major countries when you go out, don't use your name as teacher, as it will attract hatred.

Orochimaru, who is not perverted, is a very responsible teacher. No matter what the reason is, if he accepts him, he must teach him well.

Shisui has always been a teaching assistant, and his basic teaching and ability system have been completed within Uchiha.

After becoming a disciple of Orochimaru, he made further progress in learning and using the technique. Of course, the biggest gain is still the Will of Fire.

Therefore, in daily training, I help the teacher teach the two junior brothers and sisters, helping them to seriously understand their own progress.

At the same time, he also has the greatest expectations for the Kingdom of Rain.

Teacher Orochimaru said that there was a person there who could help him solve various problems related to the Will of Fire, including the dilemmas within Uchiha and the village.

Although it was very strange for someone from the Kingdom of Rain to answer the question of the Will of Fire from the Kingdom of Fire, he was also looking forward to this out of his trust in the teacher.

Across here is the country of rain. It rains all year round, so your rain gear should be ready at all times.

At the beginning, this was the place where the Three Kingdoms fought, and many famous and powerful men fell here.

Orochimaru looked at the land in front of him with somewhat complicated memories.

The experience of being defeated by Sanshouyu Hanzo, and the experience of being invited back as a guest by someone.

Now that I have taken the initiative to work here, it is really a confusing place.

The three disciples were a little confused by the teacher's complicated tone, so after putting on their equipment, they officially left the country.

I originally thought I would see a very desolate and dilapidated small country, but now it seems that I was misled by my imaginary stereotype. It is no different from the Land of Fire.

No, it's surprisingly peaceful here.

Shisui secretly increased his vigilance, and even Anko and Kabuto took out their weapons.

It stands to reason that the border areas are the most chaotic, and should be where bandits are entrenched and where there are a lot of refugees.

There are very few ninjas in this kind of neglected place who come to specifically encircle and suppress these garbage with little oil and water, so there should be an area for human activities.

As a ninja Shisui who had participated in the third Ninja War and had seen the world, he knew this very well, but as soon as he entered the Kingdom of Rain, the traces of these wave ninjas completely disappeared.

He had specially investigated the bandit's camp, and there were only some traces of the people who had lived there, but all the people were gone.

There were no men, women, or children, and the unusual phenomenon of these people walking in a hurry, as if they had been captured after the camp was breached, made him wary.

Teacher, what happened if all the bandits here disappeared?

No, it's just that any labor force here is a valuable resource.

Shisui frowned and didn't understand.

The reason why bandits and rogue ninjas can only encircle and suppress people is because they no longer have the idea of ​​a peaceful life. The lifestyle of robbing homes and homes destroys these people's ability to return to normal society.

The Land of Rain seems to be covered with a mysterious veil.

When I walked further inside, I ran into the rain ninja on patrol.

Stop, who is it?

The rain ninja very cautiously stopped in front of everyone. Even when facing the ninjas of Konoha, they did not show any fear. Such energy did not look like the ninjas of a small country.

Shisui and the others felt that attitude, and even thought there would be a fight.

Suddenly a sign was thrown into Yu Ren's hand. After checking it, the other party saluted directly.

He asked in a very respectful tone if he wanted to lead the way, but Orochimaru refused.

Three disciples:.

Teacher, this doesn’t look like an ordinary person who comes here to study.

Just this moment, Shisui's mind ran into thousands of times. This child sometimes thinks too much.

Going further, the other two children also felt something was wrong. Isn't this Rain Country a bit exaggerated? Are roads being built in the wilderness?

No one has ever taken the initiative to build this kind of road outside the village. Consolidating the dirt road is already something only a big country would do.

According to the map, both Yunin Village and Daming City are far apart. What is the purpose of building a road in such a wilderness?

As for the disappeared bandits, wandering ninjas and refugees, they have been seen everywhere, so they are all here.

Each of the prisoners looked fierce, but they were surprisingly clean.

He had uniform short hair and was wearing uniform prison uniform. There were no traces of dirt on his body except dirt.

Although he is a prisoner, he looks cleaner than the village refugees in the Fire Country.

The other part of the civilian population also wears very clean clothes. Their job is no longer to do heavy physical work but to operate some machinery to transport heavier stones.

That kind of mechanical style Shisui has only been seen on puppets in Suna Ninja Village. It is simple in style but very practical.

The rain ninja on the side just stayed there and kept watch. With such management intensity, these prisoners didn't even escape. I don't know what they went through.

Orochimaru looked at the machines in the hands of civilians and thought for a moment.

“A very streamlined product, very mechanically sound, and full of beauty in its architecture.

It seems that guy didn't lie to me, and he did find some amazing talents.

It's amazing to see the various mechanisms of Sand Ninja Village from this simplest instrument.

The conception and perspective are not something that people who have mastered puppetry at their peak level do not have this ability. Even those rigid-minded idiots in Amomori Village will not be able to use it at all. Neither can that old woman Chiyo.

Although the focus is on different subjects, Orochimaru, as a representative of the science side, is also curious about that person.

As for the direction and width of the road construction, it seems that the ambition of the Kingdom of Rain is being realized step by step by that man. He is really a madman.

Without much explanation, he led a few disciples and continued walking deeper into the Kingdom of Rain along the road being paved.

The deeper we go, the more people there become.

The three disciples were all numb. The country's style and the ninja world were constantly being separated.

Factories, dams, power plants, telephone poles, etc. that are being built are all formed at high speed under the power of ninjas.

All the projects here can see the cooperation between ordinary people and ninjas.

Especially when entering farmland areas and population gathering areas, it brings a strong impact.

The neat and uniform farmland is full of mechanically beautiful agricultural equipment. Obviously the number of farmers is decreasing, but the scope of cultivated land is expanding, forming a special production method.

Even ninjas who don't do much farming can feel that this country's agricultural development trend is about to surpass that of the largest Fire Nation.

Shisui, who was deeply impressed by the war, had already begun to calculate how much combat power such productivity could support.

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