Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1298 The Sandaime and Orochimaru’s counterattack after making a choice

Nonoyu felt that the time was almost up, so he disappeared and began to eliminate all traces of his existence.

Kojima Temple is indeed a chess piece of the root, but her intelligence guidance during this period has been distorted by her.

It is not difficult to do this with the familiarity of the roots and his top espionage abilities, especially after knowing Danzo's plan.

This was the first time she had used this method to people in the village, twisting the information bit by bit so that even if the two of them faced each other face to face, it would be difficult to tell what went wrong.

Kojima Temple always thought that today's launch was because Elder Danzo was supporting him, but sometimes the positions of prey and hunter were opposite.

It should be said that this method is still very vicious.

Kabuto. If you can follow such a teacher, you will definitely not suffer in the future.

At the same time, Orochimaru's subordinates also began to slowly clean up all traces, preparing to enjoy the performance of this cold king.

The information also spread in the village at the speed of light, and the heads of the major ninja clans, the Sandaime and Danzo all received the information.

They set off to the scene of the incident almost at the same time, nothing can happen to Konoha now!

If Orochimaru takes action, the will of fire in this village will be severely damaged in an instant, especially when the Kumo ninja is about to attack.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that his soul was almost gone, so he could only pray secretly.

Orochimaru, you must calm down!

When Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo and others arrived, they found that the situation had reached an extremely ugly stalemate.

Danzo was even more confused when he set off. Wasn't this plan postponed? Why is it still continuing?

At the same time, I was a little panicked in my heart. That Kojima Temple was really the person with whom I had secret contact. If something happened, I would be dead.

Fortunately, the core area is not big, and everyone gathered in minutes to prepare to suppress the storm.

Orochimaru, I will go to the Hokage Tower to accuse you and seek justice for those dead companions!

! ! !

The Sandaime almost collapsed after hearing such a powerful sentence as soon as he arrived. Why didn't this guy come directly to the Hokage Tower and insist on doing this in public!

Do you still need the Ninja's Code of Secrecy? ! ! !

Orochimaru saw that everyone had arrived and started the final performance.

Kojimaji, is this how you repay my life-saving grace?

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and murderous intent was pouring into the crowd of spectators like a tide, and everyone's hearts were beating wildly. Something happened. Something happened.

The dignity of the strong cannot be insulted, and one person must die to end this matter today.

I'm here for the Will of Fire!!! And my comrades who disappeared inexplicably on the front line!!!

The Sandaime's foot that was about to take a step froze in mid-air. Why did he seem to hear this so often recently? Why is everything the Will of Fire? Will of Fire didn't teach you this.

Then people in the crowd who had been bribed by the root connection jumped out and started to accuse.

They are not ordinary ninjas, some are ordinary people who have been paid, and some are ninjas who have been manipulated.

This group of non-staff personnel is Danzo's weapon to control public opinion in the village. It was these people who attacked White Fang in the first place.

Now, in addition to those who died in the war, those who are still alive still jump out.

The list of roots itself may have been so well hidden that even Obito didn't get it.

However, the intelligence level of peripheral members is not enough. Orochimaru got this list by himself without Noah's help at all.

Orochimaru can be said to be the pinnacle of IQ among Hokages. If the Sandaime had passed the position to him earlier, he might have already driven the spaceship to attack Otsutsuki by the time of the original work.

What's more, no one in this village can stop him.

Out of control, completely out of control.

The emotions brewing behind this period of time all burst out with this direct conflict. This was an even more terrifying emotional catharsis than White Fang's time.

Kakashi stood outside the crowd with an indifferent expression and watched this familiar scene, as if he had returned to the scene when he and his father returned that day and were surrounded by a crowd.

At that time, there was also a person who stood up and accused his father of saving Konoha even though he saved him.

After seeing the same scene again, his mood did not fluctuate as much as he imagined.

It even felt sad that they were accusing a ninja who had dedicated himself to Konoha just by relying on rumors.

The will of fire that Sarutobi Hiruzen had always preached did not appear at all in this incident, and false things could not enter people's hearts.

And Kai didn't know when he came behind Kakashi and chose to stand with his good friends and watch all this.

The precious beasts of Konoha also thought of what their friends had experienced, so they used this method to support their friends.

Standing on the other side was Asuma.

He still knew some things. Although Kakashi was accompanied by a friend, he still came over very awkwardly.

I've been acknowledging this bastard lately, so it's not too much to stand together.

In the center of the field that Wanfu pointed to, Orochimaru was looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen among the crowd. The profound meaning in his eyes made someone feel guilty.

The Sandaime's eyes were a little dodgey, and he subconsciously thought that this was a sign that Danzo had messed up.

Hokage-sama happens to be here, let Hokage comment!!!

The Hokage doesn't want to comment, he just wants you all to get out of here.


Hello everyone, I am Hiruzen Sarutobi. I will handle this matter. I will immediately launch an investigation into the so-called human experiment. Let's all go away!

Will you protect your disciple? Hokage-sama!

Xiaodao Temple's courage at this time is a mess, he is really brave today.

When the surging crowd gathered together, Hiruzen Sarutobi no longer had the calmness he had when giving speeches in the past.

The tendency of unexpected events to go against his will made people feel panicked. This is the biggest crisis of trust since the founding of Konoha.

It is true that Orochimaru's reputation has been pushed to the bottom due to the combined efforts of him and Danzo, but after all, he is his disciple.

But looking at the eyes of everyone below, he didn't have the courage to tell the truth, because the truth was that Orochimaru did not use people in the village to conduct experiments, and the booing in the crowd and the previous campaign were all arranged by us.

Konoha will not let go of anyone who hurts everyone.

I can only wrong my disciple and apologize after the storm has passed, hoping that he can forgive me.

We must first deal with today's loss of control.

Orochimaru, stand where you are and don't resist. I will apologize if there are no problems in the investigation.

The categorical words eased the tense atmosphere here, and the Sandaime still had his prestige.

The ANBU were also slowly approaching, they were really scared.

The crowd was excited. This is the good leader that everyone believes in.

The Third Generation is trustworthy. We believe it.

But Orochimaru's counterattack has begun~~

ah! ! !

A scream caught everyone's attention.

The teammate of Kojima Temple suddenly rose up and chopped down today's MVP, and then it was his turn to carry the audience.

Shut up idiot! Because your affairs have plunged Konoha into chaos, people like you don't deserve to be called human at all!

Originally Orochimaru-sama didn't let me say it, but...but

Classic Japanese tears.

A story about a misunderstanding was told. A companion donated organs to save Kojima Temple, but he didn't want the other party to feel guilty, so he asked everyone present not to tell it.

I cremated Satomi's body with my own hands. Do you still remember the field of wild flowers I took you to see once? The ashes are buried there instead of in the memorial monument.

As he spoke, he burst into tears. The shocking turn made everyone confused. What kind of TV series was this?

Orochimaru didn't like this story either, because it was too bloody.

And it's not that I really didn't remember such a small thing to help keep it secret. For him, this transplant is just a try.

Even the guy named Kojima Temple didn't even have an experiment number, and he didn't have any talent. Dust can't get into the eyes of the cold Uncle Snake.

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