Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1297 Danzo’s plan is launched again

Noah casually swatted away a chakra cannon and made a small crater.

The power of this shot was almost a disaster in this village, and it was impossible to resist.

The little monster, already covered in brown-black cuticles, rushed forward at a very high speed. He punched instinctively and was directly caught by Noah and knocked down.

His speed is very fast, his strength is also very strong, his physique is not much worse than that of the Uzumaki clan, and he has accumulated a lot of chakra without having to practice hard.

The size is growing too fast.

Natural energy can allow the body of a living thing to continue to evolve to a certain limit. For example, if a toad is as big as a small mountain, then a child in the ninja world can naturally develop in advance.

However, this feeling is quite weird after all. Maybe Jugo himself resisted the intrusion of natural energy in the later period and only allowed himself to grow to 2 meters.

Simply take him away, and the child will have no feelings or connections with the villagers.

Although his behavior is a bit similar to that of human traffickers, it still solves the villagers' concerns.

In the traditional world, such shape-shifting destroyers are unwelcome.

Where are you taking me?

Rain Ninja Village.

I'm in danger.

Children in the ninja world mature precociously. Jugo, who had seen the fearful eyes of the villagers, turned out to be a very kind child after losing his mad state.

Don't be ridiculous, there are too many people out there who are more dangerous than you.

Noah had never done this kind of thing like picking up children after leaving the sea. The latest time he was picked up by someone else.

I didn't expect that when I came to the world of Naruto, I would have to go back to my old career, Xiang Lu, Jugo. I really didn't know who else.

When the construction of the Kingdom of Rain was in full swing, it was hard for Noah to have to look for people everywhere.

The shortage of people in Yuren Village has reached a very rare level, except for the bandits and idle labor in the village who have been controlled for work.

Noah has also set his sights on the entire ninja world, especially the special talents living in small countries. As for the talents of big countries, he is also slowly taking action.

This is still too slow~~~

It feels like it would be really difficult to gather talents without Obito's assistance.

The time and space ninjutsu and the blood wheel eye are simply standard equipment for human resources masters in the ninja world.

There is also a filial son who has been hiding in the darkness for thousands of years as an assistant, who can pull up a team in minutes.

The progress of my own Flying Thunder God is still relatively slow. It is not that simple to learn a special power system from scratch.

It is expected that it will take some time to complete the incantation of the fixed-point flying thunder god. Even with the help of the clone technique, it is still not that fast.

According to Kushina, even the sealing technique in the Uzumaki clan is difficult to master. Everyone in their ninja clan has a huge amount of chakra, so they can naturally use shadow clones to learn it.

However, there are only two people in the clan who have deduced this system to a very high level, one is Lord Uzumaki Mito and the other is Lord Uzumaki Ashina.

It's a miracle that someone like Minato Namikaze can master it once he learns it.

Well, it’s really a pity that the fourth generation Hokage has talent.

It's a pity that Obito and the others can't be guests when they just arrived in the Kingdom of Water. They can wait until the other party becomes more mature and then go there to get some souvenirs.

On the way back with Zhongwu, Noah saw a small snake emerging from the roadside.

Is this Orochimaru's final performance?

After squeezing the little snake to pieces, Noah lifted Jugo up.

We need to speed up a little bit. A good friend is finally coming to work.

What is work?

.You'll find out later.

This topic is too heavy for children.

While Noah was busy recruiting talents, the turmoil in Konoha Village had reached its peak.

The third generation looked on coldly, Danzo maintained his original rhythm, and Orochimaru's own forces were making waves crazily.

It was finally detonated at a special node.

Someone openly accused Orochimaru of what he did in public. And that person was Orochimaru's former subordinate.

He was able to survive the battlefield precisely because he was saved by Orochimaru.

Therefore, this ninja has always been a die-hard fan in the outside world, but his sudden betrayal shocked everyone who knew about it.

Kojima Temple was born as a civilian ninja and a chuunin who experienced the Third Ninja War.

On this day, he received a message in the dark, telling him that he could start revenge, so he came to the tavern in the core area of ​​Konoha.

This is the shop street of major ninja clans, and almost every store is inextricably related to ninjas.

The people coming in and out are also ninjas, wealthy businessmen, and some influential people.

The pale-faced Kojima Temple and his friend, who had no idea what was going to happen next, started drinking.

Ninjas basically don't talk about missions or training in their leisure time. Just chatting and gossiping like ordinary people.

The biggest gossip recently is...

boom! ! !

A wine glass fell to the ground, and then a man stood on the table, while his companion was pulling him down.

This little farce made the people around him frown. It was such an unlucky thing to encounter when they came out to relax.

The ninjas of the Akimichi clan appeared on the scene at some point. They are really brave enough to dare to come here to cause trouble!

Don’t you know what the power of a restaurant industry giant is? Still don’t take me, Yuu Wu Akimichi seriously? !

Just when he was about to step forward and throw the troublemaker out directly.

Orochimaru!!! He doesn't deserve to be a Konoha ninja at all!!!

After a moment of silence, the entire tavern was on its feet, and even the ninja group watching the excitement started to look seriously.

Akimichi Yongwu, who was extremely fierce, retracted his progress and moved to the corner. With a pale face, he told the people around him that the people who immediately informed the Uchiha Guards would take the blame. No, they were here to enforce the law.

There is still room for maneuver if some things are not said out loud, but if they are said out loud, it will be a big deal.

Kojima Temple, what are you talking about!! Don't forget

Yes! I admire Lord Orochimaru very much, and it is true that he saved my life.

But he is an executioner who conducts human experiments and is completely unscrupulous! It definitely goes against Lord Sandaime's will of fire.

How could such a person have the face to be called a Sannin along with the other two adults?

I'm not convinced! I demand a thorough investigation of Orochimaru's laboratory to find evidence of his crimes.

At this time, his companions immediately held him down. The people around him gasped and hoped that Uchiha would appear quickly.

The figure who is usually the most annoying is not here yet. He must be pretending to be dead.

That's not true, it's just that the security team was held back by all kinds of things that suddenly came out today and couldn't arrive in time at all. We can only let this matter spread.

What a coincidence, the person who was supposed to come didn't come, and the person who wasn't supposed to come happened to be passing by.

Suddenly the tavern became quiet, because Orochimaru was passing by with a cold look on his face.

Then he was followed by three students, who looked like they had just returned from the training ground.

Everyone knew Orochimaru heard it, but everyone hoped Orochimaru didn't hear it.

Symbols of power are sometimes symbols of fear.

Akimichi Yongwu's face was as pale as blanched pork. Why did this happen when he was in town?

It's over, it's over, this tavern can't be saved.

But Orochimaru continued walking as if nothing had happened, seemingly not hearing those crazy words.

Kabuto's expression remained unchanged as if he hadn't heard anything, and Shisui who followed him also acted as if all this didn't exist.

Only Hongdou's eyes were almost burning, and she wanted to teach that nonsense bastard a lesson.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as if this incident had just passed, and no one dared to actually confront the Sannin.

But the guy named Kojima Temple went completely crazy and rushed out to stop Orochimaru.


Fuck! !

The last time such an exciting scene was with Konoha White Fang.

There are more and more people gathering, and people in the village are not immune to the nature of watching the excitement.

More and more people gathered, and Orochimaru stood there coldly facing everyone's strange looks.

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