Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1299 Danzo, come with me

I only started designing after discovering that this was the chess piece at the root.

Kojima Temple was dumbfounded. Although he started doing this for resources, the starting point of joining forces with the roots was really to avenge his companions.

The guy with the face covered was obviously... They all found out that Orochimaru had captured his friend for human experimentation.

That's why he actively ran around in this incident and did a lot of things in secret, but the result was like this.

He is a hero! Although there are some benefits.

Danzo was also dumbfounded. This guy was so brave today just on his own initiative, okay?

Even if the control of the root becomes worse, it cannot make mistakes on such a big matter.

etc! This is not the first time that root intelligence has been leaked. From the speed to the intensity of the spread of public opinion among the crowd, it is abnormally crazy.

The target is not Orochimaru at all, but himself!

Who is it? Hiruzen? Will not. Move to two guys, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan? It's possible.

He suddenly paused when his eyes swept over Orochimaru.

Countless pieces of information were connected in this moment, and it was no one else!

It's you! ! !

There is a feeling of electricity passing through the back of the head. It is a one-man game from beginning to end.

My public pressure and Hiruzen's indulgence were all taken advantage of by this guy. He actually ignored Konoha's interests!

What can be gained by fighting back in this way? It will only bring disgrace to the village’s top management!

Why is awareness so low! Can't you suffer yourself any more for Konoha?

Isn’t the love for the village worth dedicating some honor to? Wouldn't it be good to spend the rest of my life anonymously conducting experiments for the village? Can Hiruzen really kill you?

snort! Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with targeting you!

Kodashima Temple's eyes became dazed as he stood there. Looking at the one-eyed bastard hiding in the crowd, he opened his mouth and asked why he lied to him?

call out! call out! call out!

Several kunai were inserted into his body, and his life ended.

Blood splashed onto Orochimaru's face, but he still didn't move. Just like the teacher said, there is no resistance.

But the ANBU people panicked and hurriedly changed their formations to protect themselves. Turns out it was the bastard who caused the riot who died.

It turned out that the Ninja who followed the instructions immediately killed Kojima Temple, and Danzo came out at this time.

After a moment of silence, he said something to smooth over the situation and framed the mainstay of Konoha, damn it!

There was silence, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Now how to do?

Those who had been clamoring for human experiments also discovered that something was wrong and began to slowly disappear, but they were thrown out by Orochimaru's men again.

At the beginning, White Fang was mentally defeated by the true face of the Sandaime and the will of fire in his heart. If he had seriously counterattacked, how could such a crude strategy hurt a strong man who had experienced hundreds of battles.

The scene fell into chaos, but the ninja was relatively calm. The civilians who were caught wanted to shake everything out on the spot.

Thanks to the ANBU's strong ability to directly control everyone from talking nonsense, otherwise Konoha's biggest scandal would have been uncontrollable.

When the commotion finally subsided, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression turned pale. He hastily announced that this was an action planned by spies from outside the village to frame the heroes of Konoha. Everyone must have confidence in Konoha.

Today I came here in a daze, got slapped in the face by a few loud mouths, and completely broke up with my disciple. Could it be called retribution?

Orochimaru moved at this time and walked step by step towards his former mentor.

The expression on his face was confusing, and then he stood next to the teacher.

Everyone, believe in Konoha and Naruto. As long as you adhere to the will of fire, you will not be used by the enemy!

Orochimaru personally came to the rescue for his teacher, and this kindness was his parting gift to his teacher.

At this moment, Hiruzen felt really guilty. He was so inhuman.

But this good disciple suddenly lowered his voice.

Hokage-sama, I need to take my disciples out of the village for a while to find the source of these spies, is that okay?

It really can't be done anymore.

He is no longer qualified to ask anything more from this child. He has really suffered too much.


Orochimaru walked away, carrying the guilt of everyone gathered here.

Kakashi and others also left here, and the crowd here dispersed in the blink of an eye, leaving only Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo who tried to reduce their presence.

Danzo, come to a place with me.

Danzo explained to his old friend as he walked down the road.

This is all Orochimaru's conspiracy! This guy is rebellious. He did these things in order to escape from Konoha smoothly.

Well, those people are from the roots, right.

The roots were also used. That bastard stole the secrets of the roots. This is a felony!

Why did you kill Kojima Temple?

This person is definitely trying to frame me. This is a very unfavorable situation for Konoha.

Well, the reason is acceptable.

As long as you understand, today is an emergency. When we go back, we need to make serious preparations to ensure that it won't happen again. By the way, this is the abandoned training ground No. 99?

Danzo was explaining everything along the way, from motives to personnel, and wanted to tell his old friend everything.

He knew that what he did today was really too much.

The Will of Fire, which Sarutobi Hiruzen valued most in his life, was thrown around like a piece of paper, and was finally thrown to the ground.

After talking all the way, Guoying suddenly found that the surroundings were so quiet. When he looked up again, he realized something was wrong.

It's the illusion that confuses my sense of distance and time!

Hiruzen, you!

The Sandaime, who was wearing a combat uniform, was looking at him with a cold expression, as if he were looking at an enemy.

Maybe it's the indulgence I gave you that made the village what it is today. You should be aware of the consequences of losing Orochimaru.

Don't you always want to be Hokage? Give you a chance, kill me or be killed by me here.

The ape demon has been channeled, and his murderous intent is undisguised.

Hiruzen, are you serious?

Seal! Compound Ninjutsu, Five Escapes, and Dalian Bullet Technique!

On the edge of Konoha Village, two powerful people started a deadly fight in an abandoned training ground.

In the end, Shinobu defeated the Darkness of the Shinobi World and achieved an overwhelming victory.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has no weaknesses, stands at the top of conventional ninjas just like Noah said, while Danzo, who was hiding in the dark, had long been thrown away by an unknown distance.

Sarutobi Hiruzen grabbed Shimura Danzo's throat with one hand and lifted him up, and his palm was continuously applying force.

No one can save Danzo. Before coming, he deliberately avoided the ninjas who were qualified to intervene, such as Koharu and Mito Kaden.

The Dark Ninja felt that he could hardly breathe, his oxygen was running out bit by bit, and death was pulling him firmly.

In a trance, I seemed to see the moment when the second generation was appointing Hiruzen to become the third generation. The last memory before death turned out to be this.

Now he had no defense except for the half-finished trump card on his arm, but he understood that there was only one thing that could save him at this time.

This sentence brought back the third generation's reason. It was a foregone conclusion that Orochimaru would leave the village, and it was also a foregone conclusion that the Kumo ninja would intensify the friction of the invasion.

Should we just let this bastard go?

The Sandaime sadly discovered that he could no longer decisively kill this monster that was corrupting the village, and he was no longer a pure Hokage.

Finally, he used the monkey demon to smash Danzo into a deep pit, and then walked away in anger.

Hiruzhan, you will regret it.

The pit is more comfortable, and for the time being, the Dark Ninja needs to lie down for a day or two, or he may be discovered by his subordinates.

On the other side, Orochimaru had prepared everything, and his disciples had already said goodbye to their families.

With the instructions personally signed by the Third Hokage to leave the village for a long-term mission, they left the village that had just experienced numerous turmoils.

Orochimaru is an orthodox Konoha ninja and cannot rebel against the village.

Teacher, will we come back?

Anko was a little scared when she left the village gate.

Yes, when the new forces need our help.

Then where should we go first?

Go directly to the terminal - the Land of Rain.

Today I asked authors to apply for text illustrations, and I originally wanted to participate. But one of them required a deposit of 20,000 manuscripts, which immediately turned me away. It's really sad, the author who didn't save the manuscript is really pitiful.

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