Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1296 Noah returns to his old business

The land of grass.

Noah and the Rain Ninja had just rescued several Uzumaki clan members.

That is, Uzumaki Koro, her mother, and the few clan members who are still alive.

Because there are still a few Uzumaki clan members alive here who came early.

There is no miserable appearance like in the original work where only Xiang Phosphorus is left, but everyone is tortured to the point where they can hardly be seen as human.

His red hair was dry and colorless, and his skinny body was covered with teeth marks and wounds.

It is quite miserable for a top bloodline to be reduced to a slave like this.

The Country of Whirlpool was completely destroyed during the Second Ninja War, and its members were either killed during resistance or captured. Those who can escape are scattered around the world.

The destruction of the Whirlpool Country was a carnival for the entire ninja world. Without the foundation of the entire system, it would be too difficult to learn more advanced sealing techniques.

The strategic role of sealing techniques and the restraint of tailed beasts are resources that cannot be ignored by any country.

Originally, all countries were worried about this matter, and there were only some low-end and simple inheritances in their own countries.

You must know that the inheritance of sealing techniques is a very unique knowledge system. In order to survive, many powerful ninjas actively use this system to improve their survivability and attack.

Almost no family dares to use sealing techniques as the foundation of their lives. Only the people of the Uzumaki clan can live freely by relying on their massive chakra and strong vitality.

Over a long period of time, the sealing talent in the bloodline has been constantly building the entire system, and Uzumaki Ashina is even called the founder of Konoha's sealing technique.

As a result, the Senju clan lost power in Konoha, and even the most domineering Uchiha did not have much ability to meddle in other people's affairs.

So for others, can this cousin ally be moved?

So under the inexplicable indulgence of the Fire Nation, the country completely perished.

After being captured by a big country and squeezed out of the seal, they will basically be slaughtered. They will not leave such a bloodline full of potential to take revenge.

If the Uzumaki clan who fled to a small country found miserable medical materials, they would basically not die a happy death.

Maybe except for Kushina, who was sent to Konoha and was considered the best, the others really didn't have much feelings for their clansmen.

It can only be said that they trust their allies too much and are a little arrogant.

Yes, still arrogant.

Clan as powerful as the Uchiha all live together in Konoha. Once they dare to go out independently, their bloodline will be divided up by the major countries.

The Uzumaki clan may have been really strong before, so they established a separate country, but that was during the period when the Senju were in power, and having true allies like the two Senju brothers at that time could naturally protect them.

But after the three generations of senior Senju disappeared, their political awareness was too slow and they did not take the initiative to get closer.

After being drained of all the sealing techniques and the best blood resources, it is understandable that the rescue was not timely.

In other words, Konoha at that time did not have much ability to save its allies. It had to face the attack of the four countries and was already stretched.

Now, after being rescued, this group of Uzumaki clan members are waiting in fear for the judgment of fate. It's really fate.

“Then it’s up to you to take them back to the Country of Rain.

Walk slower on the road, as these people's bodies may not be able to withstand the bumps. Pull them directly to settle near the new city and ask the doctor to treat them and provide them with sufficient food and water.


Noah didn’t want to come either, he had a lot of things to deal with. No matter how strong the work ability of the clone is, it is not a perpetual motion machine.

Countless information flow feedback also requires processing time. The will can bear it, but the processor still belongs to the human category.

It stands to reason that the team looking for talents outside should solve the problem by themselves, but after all, the Country of Grass can be regarded as a country with ninja villages.

Although they are not strong enough, these rain ninjas are not strong enough to come in and out freely and lead a group of people out.

So I can only turn to Noah, the only expert in the village who can go out.

After arriving, just open a vest and kill randomly in the grass ninja village. What these ninjas do is to cut down every other one without making any mistakes.

If ninjas from small countries want to make money, they must be more bottomless and cheaper than those from big countries before anyone can hire them. Otherwise, why not go to the ninja villages of the five big countries?

At this time, Noah walked up to the group of rescued whirlpool tribesmen.

This group of poor people were looking at the ninjas who had hijacked them with horrified faces, feeling at a loss and even fear.

Hmm. Understandable.

A group of ninjas came in, killed people, set fire to them, and then brought them out in sacks. This operation was too purposeful. The Uzumaki clan members, who had a full understanding of the properties of their goods, were already preparing to accept the new arrangement.

Maybe after escaping this hell, I will go to the next hell.

Noah came in front of these people without any pleasant words or trying to say anything touching.

The other party wouldn’t believe it, and Noah couldn’t say it.

People from the Uzumaki clan have Kagura's inner eye or some weird skills, so just say so.

There are two reasons for saving you. One is that I am more optimistic about the abilities of your clan, which of course is not that important.

The second is because I have two companions who are members of your tribe, and I hope to give them some motivation to work and enhance their sense of belonging.

Now take you to a new place to live and don't try to do weird things.

It would be very pitiful to die on the way.

This group of people who are full of doubts about the world have been tortured. What if they want to commit suicide? It would be a bit ridiculous to die miserably before seeing a new life, so he had to make it clear to these people to guard against anything stupid happening.

What he said was true, the Uzumaki clan was indeed considered talented.

Of course, this batch can't do it. The adults in this batch are basically exhausted to the limit. They can only survive because of the power of blood factors.

Maybe their next generation will still have a chance to thrive, such as Xiang Phosphorus who is already two or three years old.

As for enhancing the sense of belonging, it is to make people in the Akatsuki organization full of love.

The top brass are indeed among the best geniuses in the ninja world, but they are also a group of people prone to illness.

In order to ensure the physical and mental health of Akatsuki members, it is necessary to create a safe and comfortable environment for them.

Nagato's bloodline is also quite atavistic, Senju + Uzumaki, and equipped with Uchiha's top psychotic eye.

It can be said that all kinds of unstable factors are superimposed, and this child is destined to have great power.

In addition to revolutionary ideological guidance, these tribesmen are also what he needs.

Of course, the sealing technique teacher Kushina needs it more. This woman's heart is not as firm as Nagato's.

Being stuck in one place all year round can easily lead to extreme and complete darkness, so let her lead a whirlpool sealing class out.

Our sealing class in the Kingdom of Rain must also be top-notch.

After settling the matter in the Country of Grass, Noah started running to the next location.

A village full of natural energy.

In the entire world, except for external chakra, the local natural energy has always been invisible, but there are also some people whose destiny will be integrated with such power.

The Three Holy Lands have always controlled immortal arts because they can control energy in their own unique ways. On the contrary, human beings' use of natural energy has gradually become extinct.

Only by signing a contract with this group of psychic beasts can one learn to use magical chakra.

But there are always surprises, such as a natural bearer of magic who has had a curse seal since childhood.

A wild immortal seedling is a rare potential stock, and must help Chongwu get on the right path.

Instead of becoming Orochimaru's primary test subject, that guy's curse seal path was on the right track but he didn't continue to study it.

It's all Jiraiya's fault for lowering the level of natural energy and preventing such a good talent from being better cultivated.

Noah, who came to the village, easily found out Chongwu's location because the child had already started to get sick.

Maybe it was a natural warning that made the little monster start to escape quickly, but he was still stopped.

The restless Jonggo had already begun to gather his strength for a last-ditch effort.

This damn thing is 5 years old!

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