Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1295 A gentle fool can also become a hero

After finishing his mission, Kakashi began to look for new targets in the village.

His aloof personality meant that he could not mingle with his friends as freely as Kai or others.

Therefore, every goal must be chosen very carefully.

Just like Teacher Adam said, this ninja can have average talent and no blood limit, but he must have a powerful and gentle heart.

Although Asma looks a little sloppy on the outside and has only the same strength, underneath her appearance, she really has a heart that is willing to think and the most basic kindness.

This is why Kakashi is willing to accept him.

Kai's purity and passion are also rare talents in the village, and his spirit of never giving up after being determined on the road puts even Kakashi to shame.

It was not yet time for the other big clans to come into contact with each other, so the young man always remembered to seize the opportunity and not act recklessly.

Next, the boy began to observe ordinary ninjas in the village.

There are still a lot of young ninjas in the village. Maybe they are not very outstanding in the original work and some of them are not even worthy of their names.

But these people will become the backbone of Konoha in the future. Not everyone can be promoted to Jonin, and not everyone can have so many plots.

What Kakashi did was still very coldly brushing his face to make himself appear more often in their world.

Change must be carried out slowly, especially in an environment like Konoha and integrated into their lives in a subtle and silent way.

As for your own cultivation.

Soyousuke-sensei said that he has reached his strongest state at this stage, and he only needs to maintain his skills on a daily basis.

The places where the Sharingan can be developed have been developed, but the higher barriers have not yet been touched.

There is research on the technical aspects every day, no rush, no delay.

Without the immortal cheat, Kakashi, who has returned to the path of a normal ninja, can only accept this speed of practice.

At this time, a child sitting by the river and crying caught his attention.

It's Umino Ikkaku's son, I think his name is Iruka.

Umino Ikkaku and his wife Kairi are both Jounin of Konoha, and both come from the common class.

The jounin in the ninja village will be more or less famous. The growth history of every living jounin can be said to be a legend full of crises and death.

If his parents had survived, Iruka might not have become an ordinary Konoha teacher like he would have in the future.

But the night of the Nine-Tails was so cruel. Although the swordsman entered and repelled the Nine-Tails, there would always be someone who stepped forward to stop these dangers from the damage caused before.

Descendants of heroes, go and see.

Iruka stopped sobbing instantly when he realized there was someone next to him. A man's tears cannot be seen by others.

It's Kakashi!

He can also be considered a child of the ninja family. In terms of age, Iruka is only three or four years younger than Kakashi.

But the white-haired ninja in front of him was the childhood nightmare of all Konoha children.

Which parent wouldn't talk about other people's children when educating their children? Even the Hokage family is not exempt from this custom.

Iruka thought that he would never interact with such a genius in his life, but he was actually seen by the other party when he was most embarrassed.

Really Iruka? Why are you crying?

This was the most comforting thing Kakashi could think of, and he hit him hard.

Adam said that this disciple needs to keep learning. This is why there is a big deficiency in communication between people.

The current Kakashi is not the future teacher who will say all kinds of classic quotes, but a precocious genius in his teenage years.

At this moment, Iruka, who was seen crying, no longer looked like he was pretending to be happy in front of his companions.

What I hate the most is this kind of condescending advice from a guy who is not much older than me.

I'm not crying!


Kakashi's silence was not sarcasm, but he just didn't know how to continue. It seemed that his words were always a little ordinary and could not touch the other person's heart.

It would be great if Teacher Adam was here, he could always infect everyone's emotions.

But this silence misunderstood Iruka, and he felt that the other party was looking down on him, so he became even more annoyed. The grievances and anger in my heart no longer want to be disguised.

We are obviously from two different worlds. You are the dazzling star in the sky and I am just a weed on the ground. Why do you come to show off everything you have!

So all the emotions during this period came out.

What does a genius like you know?

I am just an ordinary person. In school, my ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu are just average. I am just a loser.

Even my parents left me to protect the village during the night of Kyuubi, and I have nothing left.

No parents, no talent, no strength and no one who needed me.

While talking, he shed tears. He also wanted to have extraordinary talents to make his parents proud, and he also wanted to help them resist the demon fox. But he couldn't do anything after all.

As Kakashi looked at the child, a red dot suddenly flashed in the middle of his eyebrows, and some strange pictures flashed through his mind.

The blond boy who lost his parents on the sea was also very clumsy at first. He wanted strength but not strength, and he wanted ability but not ability.

Even if he chooses to go undercover and goes on a mission, he will be discovered by others.

He even almost left this world in order to save a child. The original ending was to die quietly in a deserted corner.

The story of Rosinandi and the story that happened later told by the teacher are completely different from each other.

Do you want to say that people who do great things may not necessarily be geniuses in childhood, but may also be gentle fools?

So he smiled, a smile that made Iruka feel deeply humiliated and ridiculed.

But the words that followed deeply overturned the child's understanding.

It's unfortunate. I used to be alone. The people who were important to me and who wanted to care about me were all killed.


What! What?

Iruka was shocked to see this boy who was only three or four years older than him saying such cruel words in a gentle tone.

Mother, father, best friend, teacher, I have very little left to lose.

So I used to understand and understand your feelings very well.

As for crying, it is not shameful. Being able to cry when you want to cry is also a kind of strength.

No one can stay with anyone for a lifetime. That's just the way people are. You have to get used to losing.

Parents, lovers, family, and friendship are all the most precious bonds for ninjas. Even if the ones we cherish leave us and go to the Pure Land, those who are still alive still have to carry their dreams and move forward.

But don't worry, I will protect the village and you from now on. No one can hurt you before I die.

Kakashi expressed his determination with a smile, and the sunset gave this young man who had experienced countless hardships a golden edge.

Finally, he solemnly took out a copy of Will of Fire and handed it to Iruka.

Study hard. The future of this village not only needs me but also you. Umino Iruka!

Then he left very casually.

For Kakashi, it is just a trivial matter. For Iruka,

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