Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1294 The branch is making good progress

But no matter how he explained it, the Sandaime didn't believe it, insisting that this old guy always wanted to force Orochimaru into the darkness to help him study Wood Release.

Disappointed, so disappointed.

Orochimaru is currently the most suitable fighting force in Konoha. He can't let himself, the Hokage, personally take part in the confrontation with Kumo Ninja.

There is no overall perspective at all. Are the roots really the roots of Konoha?

After receiving another beating, Sarutobi Hiruzen put down his harsh words.

I don't care what method you use, just take control of the situation immediately!

.What if I say what if I can't control it?


I mean, don't worry if you leave it to me.

After Danzo returned to his roots, he began to review it, and as he reviewed it, he suddenly felt that this was actually not bad.

Orochimaru was not the persistent swordsman that White Fang was, and he would not commit suicide under any circumstances.

It's better to take this opportunity to let this guy devote himself to the roots for experiments earlier. That bastard stole a lot of my money, so it would be nice to teach him a lesson.

Keep holding it and tighten it a little bit.


After Sandai found out, he could only wait and see what would happen next. He always had an ominous premonition.

Under such a concentrated fire, even if Orochimaru rarely went out, he would still be looked at by some strange eyes.

And his three disciples also began to be affected to a certain extent.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, there is no difference between these three people and crazy accomplices, and the person who handed the knife to the butcher is definitely not a good person.

As a transparent person, Kabuto naturally suffered a lot of malice. People are always better at bullying the weak.

It's a pity that this orphan with no background has a very strong desire for strength. After becoming a teacher, his strength has improved a lot. Most Ninja students are no match for him.

And wisdom is also a weapon in Kabuto's hands, which can avoid a lot of trouble. As for bullying the small, is Orochimaru really afraid to kill?

As for Shisui, the double buffs of the Uchiha clan and Orochimaru's accomplices are fully stacked, but Uchiha has a vicious reputation and not many people dare to point fingers at him.

That family holds the power of the police force, so it would be too scary to take them in for an investigation.

In the end, Anko, who had always claimed that she was the orthodox heir of Lord Orochimaru, received the most powerful baptism.

Even the Mitarashi family began to seriously consider this master-disciple relationship.

The small family really couldn't bear the strong wind and waves. They thought they were boarding a big ship, but it turned out to be a big ship that was about to sink.

The dark side of the family and the malice of the outside world were exposed to the girl's eyes without any hindrance.

When children face this kind of situation, they will naturally panic and seek care from adults, and Orochimaru naturally accepted this kind of emotional sustenance at this time.

Let Hongdou's trust and dependence on him reach a deep-rooted level, just do it casually.

As for external pressure, he doesn't care.

Of course, the things he caused didn't have so much psychological pressure. By the way, it also allowed him to see the deeper depths of the horror and fickleness of the human heart.

He even thought that what Noah had to do was to fight against people's hearts, and he understood even more how dangerous the path taken by the Akatsuki organization was.

Haha, this kind of road is charming. Sure enough, I have nothing in common with these mediocre people.

Orochimaru continued to pack his luggage and information, and after a while he would almost reach the peak.

And the plot to clear myself up has been prepared for a long time. When the time comes, it will explode and then leave in style, perfect.

In the midst of this turmoil, some people were anxious and others were watching indifferently.

This week made Kakashi understand even more what kind of situation he was facing.

He also understood the rank of the Sandaime, Danzo and others and their control over the village.

All these changes actually made him feel a lot more stable. If it is to this extent, then the chances are much greater.

The human heart is unpredictable.

During this time, Kakashi accepted the challenge from two people.

One is Sarutobi Asuma who comes here for the second time. New ninjutsu, new ways of defeat.

Cruelly, Asuma witnessed another weakness of his. The child was still unconvinced and said he would challenge again next time.

Kakashi took advantage of the situation and gave the other party a few words.

If you were like this just now...then you won't be so embarrassed later...if you make such a mistake again on the battlefield, you will die.

Asuma was a little stunned by the cold concern.

What~ It turns out that this guy can also speak some human words.

Moreover, the other party was very forceful and gave him some guidance, making it difficult for him to continue to get angry, which would make him look stingy.

I softened my attitude a little and said I would come again next time and limped away.

On the way out of the training ground, I was still thinking that it was indeed feasible to follow Kakashi's ideas. As expected, progress can only be made in such actual combat. What did the family teacher teach?

He also didn't think about how a third-generation tutor could beat him to death. It's even less possible to use that humiliating style of play.

Another point is that the Hokage's instructor is extremely inferior to the reborn Kakashi.

Both in terms of timing and strength, they are far behind.

After returning home, Asma continued to work hard, which gave the anxious third generation the only relief in the near future.

Another person who often comes to Kakashi is Metkai.

This guy basically keeps coming to Kakashi once a week, trying to use this method to help his good friends get out of the haze and sadness of the past.

But this guy with too thick lines didn't realize that he was not sad at all now, but was full of fighting spirit and passion.

Kakashi did not refuse this guy impatiently as usual, but would knock the opponent down hard every time after a few casual moves.

The use of pure physical skills stunned Kaidu.

Kakashi, how did you become so strong!

Maybe he was infected by your warm blood.

Okay, I decided to go around the village for a while.

.Let me tell you how to fight.

As a taijutsu-type chuunin, Metkai's performance in missions often fails to reach the level that a comprehensive ninja can achieve.

Not all tasks can be solved by flying bricks, and he is often disliked by his teammates because of his shortcomings in illusion resistance and tactical thinking.

He cherished this sincere friend Kakashi very much, so he imparted his experience to him.

As for teaching Kai Xin the will of fire, let's take it easy for the time being. I realize that it will take many years of practice before this stubborn guy can understand every word he says.

Kai, I need to learn more to survive. I'm still waiting for you to help me.

Oh ho ho ho! I'm so touched! Kakashi still needs my help. I will practice harder!!!

In conjunction with the passionate movements, white flashes of light exploded at the corners of his mouth.

In the evening of a new day, Kakashi completed a surveillance mission in the ANBU.

There was a villager who had been behaving very strangely recently. He had been spotted by ANBU after spreading rumors about Orochimaru's experiments. After surveillance and investigation, it was discovered that he was a subordinate of the Roots.

As a result, the case was completely closed, and from now on it was a relationship issue that only the AN Minister could deal with.

This kind of surveillance and investigation task is also the one that Kakashi has received the most recently. It seems that those at the top are conducting in-depth investigations into the public opinion storm. What do they seem to be worried about?

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