Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1293 Orochimaru takes action

If he still needs ninjutsu, set a standard and give him a new one after reaching it. This is a critical period for this child's growth.


The third generation feels that Kakashi's mission may need to be adjusted again, and it is really hard to find a mentor who can help Asuma improve.

But what he didn't expect was that Asuma was practicing hard just to be able to become a companion with an extremely dangerous person.

Kakashi is no longer the easy-to-handle autistic genius.

There are many unknown secrets hidden in the night. The Hokage and Danzo are plotting, and Orochimaru is not idle either.

It was easy to cultivate a group of die-hard fans in Konoha with his personality charm and methods over the years.

The methods of the former cult leader should not be underestimated. He still has many fans and internal helpers after leaving Konoha for more than ten years. Maybe this is also the purpose of learning from the third generation.

In a secret room, Orochimaru summoned several capable men to gather together.

But the order given surprised these people.

They actually asked this group of people to spread the word about Orochimaru's human experiments within Konoha, and they even said so in a bad way.

It's nothing to experiment on the people of this village. Uchiha's Sharingan, Hinata's Byakugan, and even Ino Shikacho are so crazy that they want to capture them for experiments.

This move of me hacking myself really shocked these die-hard fans, and they even wondered if Lord Orochimaru was confused.

But Uncle Snake in the dark showed a mysterious smile and said it didn't matter if he just did as I said.

Everyone left after confirming again and again.

Turn around and come to another room.


I don't dare. It's an honor for me to be summoned by you. That kid Kabuto has caused trouble for you.

The visitor was Nonoyu, the pharmacist from the Konoha Orphanage.

No need to hide anything, I just need you to help me do something.

Please give your orders.

Amano Nou has been prepared for this for a long time. When she was apprenticed to Kabuto, she said that she would contribute her strength to Lord Orochimaru.

Now the public opinion in the village has appeared, and the method is from the root, so how could she not know it.

What was said just now was repeated again, and Nonoyu was not surprised but accepted the order happily.

“Remember, get people at the roots involved.”


That's the only good thing about a ninja born from a humble background, he's obedient.

With Nonoyu's withdrawal, Orochimaru felt new pleasure.

There is nothing wrong with science being his hobby and pursuit, but there are many other interesting things that can arouse his interest.

Use Konoha as a battlefield to fight a war without smoke. The enemy is his teacher and Danzo elder.

Haha, Noah has designed several procedures for his peaceful escape, and his favorite is this most radical method.

Continue to be crazy like this. When it gets out of control, it won't be you who panics, but those few people who are behind it.

When the truth comes out when he leaves with the injustice, the backlash from public opinion will make those old guys unable to bear the consequences.

Just thinking about that scene made him tremble with excitement. How could Orochimaru be so arrogant and willing to leave Konoha in such a dejected manner.

Even if he leaves, he must leave his own legend to consolidate his prestige in Konoha, and at the same time let those old guys see blood.

He is not an unimaginable princess like Tsunade who is basically stable. Even if she has been away for many years, countless people will still believe her.

He is not the kind of person like Jiraiya who is so free and easy that he doesn't care about anything. He has been wandering the ninja world for many years for an illusory thing.

He is a persistent person, a very, very persistent person.

I had devoted my feelings to this village, had hopes for the teacher, and even had certain expectations for the position of Hokage.

But after being fooled so many times, I really wanted to do something.

Let the storm come more violently now.

At dawn the next day, all the secret plans seemed to have never happened, and the village returned to its usual rhythm.

It's just that some rumors are spreading in the village, and the people's emotions are slowly rising.

Driven by Danzo and Orochimaru himself, some dark conspiracies spread at a very fast speed.

In less than a week, Orochimaru's frenzied human experiments were almost all revealed to the world.

It seemed like everyone on the streets knew about this, and vividly described how he experimented with the village ninjas.

Hey~~ Do you know that Sharingan is on Orochimaru's research list?

You are already out of date. I already know everything about Hinata.

Ah? What's going on with Hinata? Aren't their clan's Byakugan very careful?

That's Leng Jun Orochimaru, the former commander-in-chief of Konoha's front, and the man who almost became the Hokage. With his methods, the Hyuga clan can't help it.

Hiss! You're talking about the ninjas who died in the war.

The discussions among the villagers were all about the people with noses and eyes. Everyone liked to chew on the privacy of these powerful people, not to mention it was so explosive.

Even within these ninja clan, some people began to doubt the authenticity of this matter. After all, Orochimaru's reputation had been suppressed in the late third war.

The ninjas at the root felt that their push this time went extremely smoothly.

Are rumors very popular within Konoha now? Even the manipulation of the White Fang incident was not so simple before.

After all, someone has to question why Orochimaru-sama is a good person, how much Orochimaru-sama has paid for Konoha, and so on.

These people will be suppressed in the repeated tug-of-war, and then the final sprint will come.

Why do you feel that people in the village believe whatever they say now? Is there another force secretly involved in Black Orochimaru?

They immediately reported this unusual incident to Shimura Danzo.

Danzo was also puzzled. Now this trend was so big that he felt it was unreasonable.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of anyone else who had such hatred for Orochimaru, and actually used this to commit suicide.

Danzo-sama, the Third Hokage has invited me.

He had a bad feeling.

He went to the Hokage Tower with a slumped face. It is difficult to explain this matter clearly.

As expected, he was scolded all over the place after entering. Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't even cover up his anger by banging the table and throwing cups.

When the ANBU handed over this information, he was shocked. Danzo, is this what you mean by peace of mind?

It’s said that we should learn from experience, but have you learned the opposite? You thought the speed at which White Fang was driven to death was too slow, so you accelerated it this time?

Danzo! Orochimaru is my disciple, my direct disciple, do you understand?

How dare you do this? Have you forgotten everything before?

Now Yun Ren is stationing troops at the border. If you are so confident in causing trouble, you really think I don't dare to kill you!

With a murderous look on his face, Sarutobi Hiruzen lowered his voice and sprayed his best friend crazily.

If it wasn't the right time to explain those disgusting things clearly during the day, he would have yelled out loud.

Danzo was also aggrieved. After receiving so many blows, Genbu no longer had its original influence. It was impossible to worsen the reputation to such an extent within a week.

Moreover, dragging Uchiha, Hinata and all the big clans in is simply insane. No normal person would dare to do such a mindless thing.

If he really had this ability, he would definitely not be the first one to kill Sarutobi. He would be aiming at a more important goal.

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