Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1288 The third generation is vigilant


Kakashi arrived at the gate covered in dust.

After registering at the gate, he went straight to the ANBU base. As for the exaggeratedly expensive weapon, it was naturally sealed in a scroll and pretended to be as normal as possible.

Continuously traveling through unknown corners, the young man put on the mask and his heart became colder and colder.

Although this task was directly assigned by the Third Hokage, the task itself was carried out by members of the ANBU, so he had to go to the ANBU to cancel the task first.

After handing in the acknowledgment letter from Fuka Hayuki, Kakashi stood aside and waited for the ANBU chief to speak.

The generally recognized completion of a special task like this must be proved through a letter from the task target or some other means before settlement can be made.

Open-ended missions like the Land of Snow usually start at A-level, and those that involve major changes are at least S-level.

The completion of the task also depends on the evaluation of the target employer's receipt and the evaluation of the ANBU minister.

After reading it, the minister was a little distressed. This guy had completed his task thoroughly.

Directly suppressing the rebellion, is this what ninjas should do?


After the minister said this angrily, he took the task list and the reply letter and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he ordered Kakashi to report to the Hokage Tower.

In the Hokage Tower.

Kakashi~ I've almost estimated the time. Can you tell me how the mission has been completed this time?

The third generation was a little surprised when he looked through Fengka Hayuki's evaluation of the mission and the AN Minister's comments.

The evaluation of the leader of the Kingdom of Snow is very high, but the details of the mission are very brief.

This is also understandable. Most people in small countries don't know much about the fighting style and thinking of ninjas.

So he wanted to hear more about Kakashi's own report and what were the motivations for various actions during this mission?

To directly assassinate the leader of the rebel army was a bit over the line. Ninjas could not easily intervene in the political changes of a country.

Even for a small country in the border areas that not many people care about, this is not allowed.

He wanted to take the opportunity to beat Kakashi, and he couldn't let this child act so wantonly.

If you dare to directly intervene in the dispute now, then you will have to overthrow me as the Hokage.

As a result, he was a little surprised when he saw Kakashi. There was some light emanating from this child.

That is the unique light of confidence of young geniuses, which has not been seen in Konoha for a long time.

Kakashi has now made new progress in energy, which makes the Sandaime feel extremely puzzled. This child has not been beaten after experiencing all kinds of tragedies in Konoha. It is considered strong.

Going out to perform a mission vaguely raised another level. How on earth was it done?

Is this true genius? Then who am I, Hiruzen Sarutobi?

Kakashi knew that the situation of the Snow Country mission could not be hidden at all, so he did a little artistic processing.

In his words, he made some adjustments to the strength of the rebels such as Feng Hua Furu Tao. There are only a few wave ninjas in the rebel army, and the leader Feng Hua Furu Tao is average in strength.

The matter of the chakra armor was only briefly mentioned, indicating that it was a bit troublesome and it took a little force to cut through it.

The Sandaime agreed with this. Konoha must have heard the information about the chakra armor, but he really didn't take it to heart.

If Kakashi can cut through things, then there's nothing to worry about. The old man has seen this child's kendo abilities before.

No matter how much progress he made, it would only be the same without White Fang's teachings.

Combined with the letter from Fenghua Hayage, this description is reasonable. The leader of Snow Country is not a fool, so he will naturally downplay the threatening forces in his country.

The final summary is that the king's brother got a pair of armor that he thought was very powerful, and then his ambition exploded to seize power by force.

He used the funds to hire a few rogue ninjas and also coaxed and coerced some bandits and civilians to launch this operation.

As a result, it was only after Kakashi arrived that he discovered that the so-called Nami Ninja's strength was really average. He wiped it out in three strikes, five divided by two, and protected the safety of his employer and his daughter.

Finally, he couldn't bear the loss of life, and he remembered the teachings in the Will of Fire.

Only then did he angrily draw his sword and kill the enemy.

Yes, the will of fire taught by Hokage played a very important role.

The Sandaime finally nodded, expressing that he understood everything about the Snow Country.

These are all trivial matters, just a coup in a small border country.

Kakashi is the big thing that the Hokage should be wary of.

Kakashi, after all, we ninjas are just a military organization affiliated with the Country of Fire.

When it comes to disputes in other countries, ninjas cannot directly intervene without the approval of the daimyo.

Since we have extraordinary power, we must have the patience to exercise restraint and not use it arbitrarily because of our own feelings.

Maybe you think Feng Hua Cao Xue is a good person and kill Feng Hua Nu Tao, but who can know whether this is the truth or a lie? Even if he is the employer of our mission.

The Will of Fire actually is.

The Sandaime finally re-completed his understanding of the will of fire. This right of interpretation is an area that he must not lose.

Barabara after a long time.

It seems you still have a long way to go~~

The right words of instruction came out of his mouth, and he analyzed and guided the problems in this mission from various angles.

He tried to make Kakashi realize the seriousness of the problem and set up a boundary wall for this genius who could not act recklessly.

Hokage dislikes ninjas who have no boundaries, which means that such people will always escape from his control.

He was the only Hokage in the village who could cross the border or determine where the border was.

Ordinary ninjas would never have this opportunity to get involved. Even what their old friend Danzo did was the bottom line of his acquiescence and not beyond the bottom line.

In the past, Kakashi could only hear the positive energy and reflect on his own mistakes.

Now~~~After the teacher’s teachings, I can now hear some underlying meanings and the dark thoughts behind them.

The word high-sounding is interesting. It fits the label of a political creature too well.

'When you are weak, you must learn to hide your edge - Shuangyue Kendo. ’

So Kakashi apologized very sincerely to the Sandaime.

He said that his study of ninjas and the will of fire was not adequate, and he would further strengthen his study.

The Sandaime nodded, an obedient ninja is a good ninja.

It seems that Kakashi is not beyond hope yet, and he can consider reusing it after a few more years of polishing.

I will still give you S-level for this mission. I hope you can make more contributions to Konoha in the future.

We in this generation are burning ourselves to light the way forward for you. In the future, this village will still have to rely on young people.

Kakashi kept his face silent, he could only do this.

Finally, the Sandaime asked the second question.

“There are some rumors within small countries such as the Kingdom of Stone and the Kingdom of Birds that they saw visions of gods coming to the world.

The thunder in the sky is like the anger of the God of Thunder, and the sea of ​​fire is like the footprints of Kagutsuchi. There are also myths and legends such as the ancient god Shinatobi, the days of Suqiujin, etc. are spreading. Have you heard about it during the mission?

Kakashi said that he had been concentrating on his way and had never heard of these things. If the Hokage needs to, he can conduct investigation immediately.

Isn't this the big scene caused by Soyousuke-sensei's ninjutsu that he is not good at~~

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