Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1289 A unique way of making friends

Although they choose no-man's land every time, after the battle, the teacher will also use exaggerated ninjutsu to correct the terrain of the entire area.

However, if the movement is so loud, it is inevitable that some light and shadow effects will be seen.

Kakashi didn't panic at all. The teacher said that no one came to watch during the battle, so there was no need to worry about the follow-up.

Sure enough, the Sandaime responded quickly, and he just asked casually.

No need, it's close to the Kingdom of Wind. Sending Konoha ninjas many times to investigate has some bad effects, and people from small countries will make a fuss when they see some special sights, so there's nothing to worry about.

The introduction of these myths into the world is a common practice in the ninja world, and similar things will break out every once in a while in small countries.

Even in many cases, the rumored endings can be classified to the extent that they can destroy the ninja world.

Later, it was discovered that it was just an ordinary ninja or someone who had mastered the movement caused by special blood stains, or even the explosion of natural landscapes. Ordinary people would spread the distortion when they saw it.

At the beginning, everyone was still interested, but then it became really boring.

If there is any crisis, the five major countries will all be confident that they can suppress it. After being the Hokage for so many years, they still have this confidence.

After letting Kakashi go down, Sandai began to get down to business.

If a mission like Snow Country wasn't for Kakashi's exclusive mission, he wouldn't even ask. As long as the other party's resources are enough, nothing else would matter.

The primary pressure now comes from the cloud ninjas. The troops accumulated by the barbarians on the border are too dangerous, and the war is about to break out.

Konoha was not prepared for war, and both its military strength, resources, and people's hearts had reached an extremely dangerous point.

If it doesn't work, Sarutobi Hiruzen will even consider using the troops from several major families to temporarily resist.

It would be best if we could not fight. Konoha can't afford to fight or waste money now.

Due to external pressure, Konoha urgently needed to increase its combat effectiveness, so many projects that had been taken down by the Fourth Generation were relaunched, such as the first-generation cell experiments and so on.

The armor was sent last time, and after inspection, it was found that it was just a decoration-level wooden escape, which basically had no effect in actual combat.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even dare to let this child go out to embarrass himself, as this would only ruin the reputation of the first generation of adults. So let’s keep it in ANBU and continue training.

Of course, there is one thing that is difficult to explain why Wood Release appears in people outside the Senju clan.

After all, human experiments cannot be exposed to the light, unless huge benefits are achieved to silence everyone.

The Third Generation has lost a lot of patience for this experiment, and even the funding is getting less and less.

Maybe Mudun is really a miracle that requires genius and luck to create.

And Danzo came to complain to him every day, saying that Orochimaru did not cooperate with the experiment after receiving the first-generation cells and a large amount of funds, which was simply a fraud.

This made Konoha no Yami very angry. He had always used other people's services for free, and no one dared to deceive him.

Has Orochimaru really strengthened his wings, or is he confident because the Kumo ninja are under pressure now?

Before the third war, Hatake Sakumo did whatever he said. How dare you, a brat, bring trouble on yourself.

Danzo was really angry this time, because he had to know that the first-generation cells were considered the property of Konoha.

But the funds were provided by his own family, and a lot of the Shimura clan's property contributed to it. However, Orochimaru actually dared to turn his back on others.

Recalling the ugly face of this guy during the Yondaime period, he really decided to take advantage of this junior.

Let him know how cruel he can be during the Sandaime period.

The Sandaime was well aware of all the processes and transactions involved, but he still did not stop it.

First of all, what Orochimaru did was indeed not very authentic. After collecting the materials and funds, he began to shirk the experiment with his high moral sense of unwillingness to accept human experiments.

He said that he has no inspiration now and has to wait a little longer. When a stable product is available, he will definitely share it with Danzo.

Who would believe this if they are all experienced in the ninja world?

The second thing is that this disciple has been immersed in his own path since he lost the position of Hokage, and basically doesn't obey the village's orders.

If he could use Danzo to beat him to get this kid to come closer to him again, he could then appoint him to be the commander-in-chief at the Kumo Ninja border.

Wouldn't everything fall into place this way?

The Sandaime, who is good at political means of leveraging power, still doesn't know that he is taking advantage of someone's wishes by doing this.

Kakashi was walking on the street after leaving the Hokage Studio, preparing to slowly study new knowledge in books when he returned home.

At this time, a young man from the Sarutobi clan walked towards me, with I'm unhappy written all over his face.

Asma? Teacher Adam specifically mentioned a ninja who could pass on ideas.

It is said that although he is the son of the third generation, his behavior and thoughts are somewhat rebellious. He has been an independent thinker since he was a child.

At this stage, he is a love-minded + angry young man, and when it comes to potential, he is okay.

Kakashi started to feel a little worried when he saw his target coming.

I have learned a lot of theoretical knowledge, but it is really difficult to put it into practice. How on earth should I strike up a conversation with the other person?

The reason why I can communicate with the team members in ANBU is because I am the squad leader. How do these unrelated ninjas establish relationships with each other?

Like Kai?

As soon as the image appeared in my mind, it was kicked out. That was terrible.

Forget it, think about it again.

In fact, it's not that the two of them don't know each other. In fact, they were classmates at Ninja School for one year at the same time.

After only one year, Kakashi graduated early and became a well-known genius.

As for old classmates, it is difficult to remember mediocre people in the eyes of geniuses.

Moreover, Kakashi's cold lone wolf attitude in the past years has been too long, and it is difficult to communicate normally with other people except Gai and the team members.

Obito was an unexpected laggard, and Lin was assigned to a team of three. The entire social circle was pitifully small.

So he seriously thought about how to take this step.

Asuma also saw Kakashi.

The child didn't have a good face and planned to turn around and leave.

He had just been released from confinement and still had a little pain in his butt.

Because he never surrendered, he was beaten severely by his father from time to time during his confinement. Now that he was finally released, he ran into someone he didn't want to see.

People who are in the same class as geniuses are sad, and everyone will live under the light of this person.

Except for really nervous people, most classmates will keep a distant distance.

After all, no one wants to play with other people's children, especially Asuma who is in the rebellious stage.

It's really irritating to think that such a hard-working and outstanding child has been living in the shadows just because he was born at the same time as this Bai Mao.

Besides, the old father often used two people to stimulate his children's ambition.

One is Namikaze Minato. In addition to his super abilities, the fourth generation is also top-notch in his approachability. His gentle and sunny appearance and attitude have captured the hearts of many villagers.

Asuma was also one of them, so this competitive mood was invisibly resolved by the fourth generation.

And the second one is Kakashi who is at the same time as him. This made the young man a little dissatisfied. Although he couldn't beat Kakashi, he just refused to accept it.

Everyone in the village knew the genius Kakashi but not Asuma Sarutobi. They only knew him as a young master of the Sarutobi family. Such a gap.

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