Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1287 Kakashi’s Arms Completed!

This blessing to the soul really surprised Noah. This child's behavior is now becoming more and more like a swordsman's, very decisive.

I have to admit that although Kakashi has experienced various misfortunes in his life, he has been really good at becoming a disciple these past few times.

The first teacher was Namikaze Minato, the fourth Hokage of Konoha. If this man had not died, he should be the successor of the next Hokage.

The second teacher was a peerless master of swordsmanship who chopped down the Nine-Tails on the Night of the Nine-Tails. In exchange, he gained a solid foundation of swordsmanship to the limit and a leap in chakra and physical strength.

The third teacher to be worshiped is a thinker, a rebel leader who can subvert the thinking of the entire ninja world. What can be brought is red ideas and strategic experience that have been practiced in other worlds.

Although the second and third characters are played by the same person, their vision and courage are the best in the world.

And Kendo + Thought were the standard configuration of Noah, so in fact, Kakashi, you are the protagonist in this Naruto world, right?

Revolutionary Lights, as a role-playing grandpa, will give you equipment, ideas, and power.

Kakashi, are you really ready to be the enemy of the world?

The boy raised his head and responded with the firmest gaze. At this moment, the white-haired boy was completely dyed red.

Then join me and become the enemy of the world.

So naturally Adam also accepted this disciple.

Teacher, there should be more than this number in our division.

Kakashi boldly asked after he got started. He didn't believe that a person with such thoughts would be an ordinary writer wandering alone in the ninja world.

Even the top swordsman Master Sosuke is definitely not a simple wandering swordsman.

Actually, we are a revolutionary army. The current subordinate unit of Ninja Continent is called Akatsuki Organization.

Akatsuki Organization? The one from this country

Yes, this country is our initial location, and everything is developed according to the new system.

Kakashi suddenly felt as if he had a great support point behind him, but it always felt a bit subtle that Konoha's ninjas had foreign forces behind them to guide them.

What's the point? Wouldn't it be great if you established an organization in Konoha to parallel the Akatsuki organization?

The national conditions of big countries are different, and we won't be able to provide you with much help here.

You can't change anything by yourself, even if you have amazing power, so unite your companions. In Konoha Village, you can find like-minded friends and form a new force to help you save Konoha. The vision of the ninja world.

This act of establishing a new organization within Konoha was a little too sensitive, and Kakashi didn't know how to start.

All ninjas in the village are managed by Konoha. There is really no special ninja organization except Anbu.

Even the roots are affiliated with the Anbu, and no matter how close the relationship between Ino, Ludie and Ino is, they have never publicly mentioned that the three families formed an organization. This is a taboo thing.

For example, this is the case for a certain Konoha police force, which has been vaguely targeted.

I'm talking about the companions of the new generation. For example, the ninjas of your generation have more or less friendships. Young people are most eager to change the status quo, and as the light of Konoha, you must know how to unite these people.

They have experienced the war and seen what Konoha looks like now, and they will have more recognition and resonance with your ideas.

It is said. It is said that Sarutobi Asuma also has many special insights into the will of fire. You can consider developing it. His identity will also be of great help to your organization in the early stages.

For young people, it's normal to do something impulsively. I believe the third generation and several family heads can understand this.

Well, actually Noah wanted to bring in Asuma first and then bring in a few new generation potential ninjas.

At first, it is estimated that the clan leaders will not take it seriously. Once it takes shape, they may not be able to do it if they want to hold on to this momentum.

As for the families of the four elders, they can give up. Most of them are judged by their interests and positions, and they will not retain the spirit of truth-seeking like Asma.

There is no need for Zhuludie. Their attitude of protecting themselves has been deeply rooted in their bones.

Other young ninjas from the middle and lower classes can also be considered, but they must be cautious.

We must maintain the purity of the organization. After all, in this world, degradation or awakening can happen in an instant.

If you want to overthrow a force that has dominated Konoha for decades, there is no chance if you don't go to the extreme.

You can also pay more attention to the geniuses of the Uchiha family and remember that they are geniuses.

When it came to Sarutobi Asuma, Kakashi was already a little confused. This operation of pulling his son to turn against me was a bit strange and bold, although this guy did have a hard time dealing with the Sandaime.

As for Uchiha~~Kakashi, who has worked with Uchiha, said that the people in this family are indeed not normal, and the relationship became even worse after he had a Sharingan transplanted.

People in that family always looked at me like a thief, and even Minato-sensei only temporarily suppressed his dissatisfaction when he was alive.

After the Night of the Kyuubi, some people pointed at their eyes and tried to do something. So do such unstable factors really need to be considered?

Of course, if Obito, the Uchiha, was alive, he would probably agree to anything as long as he was willing to play with him, but he couldn't let a fool lower the cohesion and safety of the organization.

This guy can talk about anything outside, Kai is the same.

I'm talking about geniuses. Uchiha geniuses always have brain circuits that surpass those of normal Uchiha, which means they are even more insane.

If this kind of genius is properly guided, his recognition of ideas will reach a strange level.

After being told by the teacher, he didn't want to come into contact with people from this family anymore. The more nervous he became, the more powerful he became.

Finally, Noah gave Kakashi some information about the ninjas of the same period in Konoha Village.

Teacher, tell the truth, did you go to Konoha to collect intelligence?

Hahahaha, how could it be possible? I already have information about those people~~

Noah is truly a ruthless man who has been fighting on the sea for decades, and he has too many tricks.

One after another, Kakashi was given some strategies.

The master tactician of this kind of public opinion war and ideological war came online again. The young man was even surprised to see a new tactical idea.

Compared with Teacher Adam, the third generation's methods are simply the operations of a child, without any sense of beauty.

The white-haired boy deeply felt that the teacher he was studying with this time was too wild.

When Kakashi set out on his way back to Konoha, he already had two more weapons on him.

One is from the inheritance of Shuangyue Kendo, and the other is from the sharp edge of thought.

At this time, the young man felt full of strength, and he could not wait to return to his hometown to fight.

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