Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1286 Burning the world is the ultimate goal

Before the First Ninja War, Konoha and Kumo ninja agreed to sign a peace agreement at a secret location.

As a result, during the negotiations with the Cloud Ninja Village, the Golden Horn and Silver Horn launched a rebellion and severely injured the two Kage present. After all, the Cloud Hidden Village holding the Six Paths Ninja Tool still had a deep background.

In order to cut off future troubles, the Kumogakure rebels launched a hunt for Konoha's Hokage.

At this time, in order to protect Konoha, the new generation of the second generation Hokage decided to break off alone. At the same time, he also used his own wisdom to make a very urgent choice, which was to select the third generation Hokage on the spot.

The problem is, if one person is left to contain the enemy's troops, the remaining people will have a chance to escape, and the person left behind will definitely die.

After saying this, Sarutobi Hiruzen was the first to stand up and be willing to take on this responsibility, which meant that he had the idea of ​​​​sacrifice there, and Shimura Danzo was the second to respond.

At that time, the two of them did have the idea of ​​​​implementing the will of fire. In the end, the second generation Hokage recognized Sarutobi Hiruzen who was one step faster and became the third generation.

Recognizing a person with Senju Tobirama's vision and ability and cultivating him seriously showed that this person was indeed in line with Konoha's expectations at that time.

Kakashi has never been exposed to this kind of secret, and no information has been passed down except for a few people at the time.

What would Danzo and the Sandaime really be like when they were young?

“Don’t you think that this is completely different from what they are doing and performing now?

In Night of the Nine Tails, the Sandaime Hokage, who could also use the corpse ban, lacked the decisiveness of the past, and Elder Danzo did not appear throughout the whole process.


Kakashi instinctively doubted the authenticity of this story.

Judging from what happened to his father and what happened in the darkness of Konoha, these two people shouldn't have this image.

But since Adam dared to say this, there is a high probability that it is true.

And the Nidaime's wisdom is well-known throughout Konoha. From the ninja school to the establishment of ANBU, it can be seen that he is a thoughtful and extremely capable ninja and manager.

It can be seen from the large sealed book that this man's wisdom is worthy of awe.

The other party could choose the Sandaime to be the Hokage, maybe because the young Sarutobi Hiruzen is a qualified successor to the Hokage.

The idea that followed was why Konoha is like this now?

The personal Sannin and his teacher were at odds with each other. The strong men in the village were gradually being squeezed out. Even the seedlings in the village were able to go to the battlefield in batches to fight for their lives.

I am getting further and further away from the Will of Fire in the book.

Kakashi used to think that these people were not good people from the beginning, so they managed Konoha like this. Now it seems that there is a deeper reason.

Fear after the great ninja war? The corruption of power and desire?

Various reasons swirled in the boy's mind, and there were only a few ways that he thought people would change their temperament.

After a few tentative answers were given, Adam gave a reasonable but incomplete comment.

Except for the fear of death, among the reasons you are thinking about, there are others.

And this is the result of the world's system alienating high-ranking individuals.

Although the ninja world is said to be a world where strength is paramount. But when the strength is insufficient, you have to succumb to the rules of the world.

The human heart is no longer trustworthy in the baptism of time. When rules and human nature are heading for an ending, the original beauty cannot be retained.

The young man pondered, do rules alienate human beings?

The problem in Konoha is not just Konoha, but the habits and systems of the entire ninja world for thousands of years, and even the chakra system to gradually complete it.

If you just want to change Konoha, it is almost impossible, because Konoha is only a part of the ninja world.

I see!

Kakashi suddenly realized! Although he had the will to make a light when he was in Konoha, he couldn't do it because he felt that he could do anything but nothing would change Konoha in the future.

Even if we gain control of Konoha by force or other means, what next?

Then the same old path may be repeated. The world has not fundamentally changed for a long, long time.

When Adam magnified the problem to the entire ninja world, he discovered his limitations.

When the five major countries and other small countries are enforcing this set of rules, it is difficult to jump out, because Konoha has formed inextricable relationships with various forces in the world, even if they are hostile relationships, they are still connected. .

What's more, there are also the intervention of the daimyo of the five major countries and the monarchs of other small countries. They are basically either relatives or acquaintances. There have never been any open disputes between this class.

In other words, this world has always been advancing along its fixed trajectory, and even if the force reaches the level of Shoyoriki-sama, nothing will change.

So we want to change the entire ninja world!

That's right!

Kakashi was activated with new ideas, and at the same time more questions emerged crazily.

Adam also patiently explained each question one by one. It seemed that every question had a ready-made answer here.

From the ninja system to the ordinary people's system, from the ninja school to the general school, there are also the professional attributes and productivity of ninjas and ordinary people.

The most important thing is to liberate people's bodies, liberate people's minds, and liberate the glory of civilization.

Human beings are the most precious resource in this world. They have abilities, wisdom, and emotions, and are the miracle of life.

We must fully explore people's shining points and energy. Only by rescuing most people from the fields and struggling to survive can the world be revitalized.

“What is rotten will be burned up, and a new world will be born on the corpse of the old.”

The shock to his mind was almost as much as that of the sword on the top of the snow-capped mountain. The impact on his mind was very violent. There was a red light spot emerging between his eyebrows, echoing Kakashi's emotions.

The young man felt that his path was completed.

He found the core of the Sword of Will on the snow-capped mountains, and this power was taking root deep in his heart.

At dawn, a fire was being lit quietly. There was no vision, only a young man laughing happily.

Teacher Soyousuke's sword not only struck the clouds in the sky, but also penetrated into his own heart.

Now after being awakened by Mr. Adam, I always feel that there is a light in my heart that can clear away the confusion.

Please teach me how to light a light in the dark.

Kakashi bowed down and paid his respects to the person in front of him very seriously.

The young man did not expect to find two teachers in one mission.

He longed to acquire Master Soyousuke's swordsmanship and Mr. Adam's thoughts. Apart from being a disciple, he really couldn't think of how to obtain this extremely precious knowledge.

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