Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1285 Mr. Adam and the Kingdom of Rain

After arriving at the Country of Rain, the white-haired boy registered and then walked all the way to Daming City.

As for the traveling speed, it was not very fast, because after calculating the time of the Snow Country mission, he found that it was even a day faster.

This is the reflection of all aspects of physical fitness after crazy exercise. It is estimated that even Konoha's beasts would call him a pervert after seeing it.

If the change in temperament is not restrained, it will be difficult to hide it from the eyes of top masters. Physical masters will also feel it.

As I walked slowly this time, I realized that the changes in the Country of Rain were really big. It seemed like you could see busy people everywhere.

There are many simple machines in the farmland. They are simple and crude in style but very durable.

The role of manpower is much smaller, so there are many fewer farmers in the fields.

There are some young people teaching farmers to use these tools, and they are very serious, as if it is some kind of work.

The extra labor force has gone to the main roads, and it seems that the country is building an ultra-wide transportation corridor.

Such roads can only be found in Konoha Village. It would be a waste to put them in this wilderness.

The laying of various electrical wires is also in progress. This kind of infrastructure construction in villages and towns extends all along the mainland. It is really an amazing project.

Ninjas were also constantly shuttled among them, holding not kunai but various scrolls and many strange equipment that did not seem to have much lethality.

Even the bandits and the like have been caught working in the wilderness to reclaim wasteland or cut stones.

Such a busy and vibrant world is relatively rare, and it is completely different from the post-war effects and atmosphere.

It seemed that the entire civilian population of the Rain Kingdom had been mobilized, and everyone was performing their duties like a sophisticated machine.

Kakashi, who didn't want to cause misunderstanding, could only take a casual glance and went straight to Daimyo Castle.

Mr. Adam, I'm back.

Kakashi, just come back.

The people sitting in the room were a little surprised at first, and then looked like you were finally back.

The moment they met again, the boy felt inexplicably strange, and had a particularly familiar feeling.

Moreover, his body began to feel a dull pain, as if he had been stabbed several times, and his Sharingan was also a little warm.

He had obviously walked back and forth in hell when he saw many people or things that felt like they were in another world. Only when he saw this writer, he naturally felt friendly.

Unable to figure it out, Kakashi attributed all this to the fact that his kendo teacher and the author were good friends.

Mr. Adam, your friend has taken great care of me along the way. This kindness is truly beyond repayment.

The first sentence that came up was not a question about the Will of Fire, but a thank you to the other party for finding Mr. Soyousuke.

To be able to be taught by such a master who is currently the most powerful for such a long time is an unimaginable price in the entire ninja world.

Moreover, his physical fitness, chakra upper limit, and willpower training have all miraculously improved. This is an adventure that is as mythical in the eyes of ninjas.

And the person who can recruit such a great master is no longer that simple scholar, and has a bit of mystery in him.

The other party's familiarity and understanding of the Will of Fire and his status in the Land of Rain are very special, which makes Kakashi want to know more about what kind of person he is.

After that, he handed over the information on the geothermal generator obtained from the Land of Snow to the scholar, saying that this could only repay part of his kindness, and that if anything happened in the future, he would just write to him.

Adam seemed to be very satisfied and put away this information, and said that he and Soyousuke have been friends for many years. Back then, the two of them went to many places to explore the secrets of the ninja world, and saw many strange people and powers. .

The injuries on his body were also caused by that time, so he returned to his hometown to use his last remaining strength to take care of the country.

Making up stories came easily to Noah, and he made up a very interesting identity as an explorer of the ninja world in a matter of minutes.

Kakashi didn't know whether he was sincere or not, but he nodded to show that he understood.

Although the author who has become mysterious before his eyes has been shrouded in mystery, he has not done anything harmful to himself so far.

And the kindness to introduce Mr. Soyousuke is too great.

So I can only ignore those weird points and continue with my original purpose of solving puzzles.

While there was still time, Kakashi seriously asked about his doubts about Konoha Village.

Since there is plenty of time, it is naturally better to communicate in person, which is always more efficient than sentences in letters.

Of course, I came here to ask for advice with the idea of ​​drawing Adam into my camp before, but after the information revealed by Master Jianhao from time to time during practice.

Kakashi felt that maybe this scholar didn't look like he could join his army.

Because even the swordsmanship teacher who was too powerful to be human had a vague respect for Adam in his attitude, and it was definitely an equal relationship.

That shows that Adam has a larger core of thought hidden under the surface iceberg, so it is better to ask for advice instead.

As for why he was disguised like this in the Land of Fire and when he first came into contact, Kakashi was still sensible and did not ask further questions.

At this time, Noah showed a perfect smile under the disguise.

Young people, are you ready to accept the baptism of thought?

After coughing twice and clearing his throat, the weak Mr. Adam straightened his back like a sharp blade being unsheathed.

The fact that you can think about so many issues after combining the Will of Fire shows that it is a preliminary awakening to a certain extent.

But the vision is still very limited, and it still stays at the personal emotional level of sacrificing bonds.

Kakashi was a little surprised. His somewhat rebellious ideas were still at a preliminary level? How scary is that advanced level?

As for the questions you left, I have read them all, and I can probably guess who they are even vaguely pointing to.

But the cause and effect of this matter must be understood.

It is not as simple as betrayal or hypocrisy, but under the influence of the general trend, personal thoughts will eventually be swallowed up by the world.

So we have to look at Sarutobi Hiruzen from a historical perspective. Maybe he was also a passionate young man like you at the beginning.

Adam boldly named the unspoken person in the letter, and even pointed out Kakashi's vague accusation without hesitation.

And Kakashi was also curious about what he would think of the Third Hokage at Adam's level.

Tell me a little story. Back then, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Kagami Uchiha, Kado Mito, and Koharu all belonged to the escort of the Second Hokage.

Except for Uchiha Mirror who died in the subsequent war, those who survived became the actual leaders of Konoha.

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