Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1284 Return to the starting point to find the answer

A high leap, the hand knife wrapped in a massive amount of Thunder Chakra split the ground directly, directly exposing Kakashi who was sneaking inside to the sunlight, and the violent aftermath knocked the boy away again.

Teacher, your style of play is not a ninja. Faced with sneaking in the soil, you can use very clever skills, really.

After that, two people, one blue and one silver, who were entangled by the electric current, started a fast battle. The teacher used his hand knife to chop the disciple into a rolling gourd.

A swift cassock slash cut a sword mark deep into the bone on Kakashi's shoulder.

The scorching current directly sealed the blood vessels of the wound, eliminating the need to stop the bleeding.

Kakashi let out a muffled groan and continued to run away. His speed and ability to use lightning escape were no match for him.

In the end, he was stabbed on the rock by a high-imitation version of Hell's Hand. The boy who lost consciousness no longer had the joy he had before the battle.


The next two doctors appeared. Fortunately, every time they appeared, Kakashi was in a coma, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

Jiuwei looked at the environment like a slaughterhouse and lamented that you are really becoming more and more cruel to your disciples, and Xiaobai nodded repeatedly.

Both doctors felt like they were accomplices at the murder scene, highlighting the inhumanity of one.

Noah acted like you guys don't understand anything. This is an excellent training method that has been proven by history.

Anyone who uses this method will become talented as long as they survive.

We didn't have this guarantee before. When I go back, none of Xiaonan Yahiko and the others will be able to escape.

If I want to give such a good practice opportunity to my former disciples, I have to fight to the death.

Ninth Lama had an expression that said, I've read too many books now and you can't fool me. It was more like he wanted to kill his disciples.

Seriously, are all your former disciples still alive?

They are all alive. My former companion has the ability to recover from surgery on the spot as long as he does not die on the spot. There is also a friend who has the ability to drain away all fatigue and pain.

There are also hormone methods, drug masters, regenerative fire, etc.”

After hearing this, the Nine Lamas did not feel miraculous. Instead, they felt sad for Noah’s former disciples. What a hell this is.

In short, this practice method has been tested and has significantly improved the efficiency of geniuses.

Xiaobai and Jiu Lama had no other thoughts about this except giving a thumbs up, wishing this white-haired boy a wonderful life of cultivation.

Just talking and laughing like this, Kakashi was completely cured and continued his training back home.

Fire escape. The art of powerful fire balls, fire escape. Fire dragon flame bullets, fire escape. The art of extinguishing the heroic fire, fire escape. The art of singing with dragon flames!

In the second country, Noah used a fire escape technique that was so exaggerated that it burned the sky and boiled the sea, breaking Kakashi's illusion that the teacher was only proficient in thunder escape.

The boy who was burned by the fire and fell into a deep coma thought of a terrible thing.

Thunder Escape, Fire Escape. Do you basically need to practice the Five Elements Escape Technique?

I’m not very proficient in ninjutsu. Once I learn it, I’ll have a disciple later.

One Country, One War has finally reached the Land of Rain.

As usual, it was a one-sided battle, probably the last one, and Kakashi was fighting particularly excitedly.

The tactics were used frequently, and he even launched a smooth offensive.

After this mission to the Kingdom of Snow, the boy's strength has been completely transformed, and his earth escape and thunder escape have become as instinctive.

Nature changes and morphological changes are easy to do, and there is no need for any special training. There is enough training in daily life and death.

There are countless more plans for facing crises and different powerful people, because every time they face a new version of the teacher.

As for the operation of clapping your hands to shout something, I really can't learn it. The teacher also suggested that you just use a combination of simplified seals and one-hand seals.

Kakashi, that one was very beautiful. Especially the will of the last sword made me very satisfied.

Then let's enter the final stage.

Kakashi is ready, although it is of no use but his attitude must be correct. Otherwise, you will receive a very humiliating beating.

Water Escape, the Great Waterfall Technique!

The sound of the rumbling waves makes people feel powerless, the natural power of heaven and earth makes people awe-inspiring, and the initiator of such a scale with human power is even more terrifying.

Waves hundreds of meters high swept across all directions, and the ruthless currents were simply not something that a normal ninja could withstand.

Kakashi did the same thing, using the Continuous Blinking Technique + Thunder Escape Rapid Mode. This is a life-saving skill that he learned in a life-and-death crisis.

Even if it’s a big waterfall. Hey, hey, hey~~~Someone is creating the sea. Isn’t anyone taking care of this?

A wave of several hundred meters is followed by an endless wave. Should this wave really be sent for study?

Chatonla can be unreasonable, but is it possible that you have nine tails stuffed in your stomach?

In the end, Kakashi was swept away by the sea.

Cough cough, cough cough, vomit~~~~

The injuries that caused all the fractures caused by the passive energy impact on his body have healed, but no one is taking care of the water in his stomach.

After waking up, Kakashi began to vomit water crazily and was in a state of embarrassment.

A ninja has to endure everything, and he's doing pretty well along the way.

Teacher Jianhao said the usual sarcastic remarks, but this time he started to say goodbye in a free and easy way.

This journey ends here. If you have any questions, you can go to Adam.

This sword is given to you as a small reward.

We will meet again~~

After leaving behind a long sword made of full chakra metal, Sephiroth Soyousuke-sensei officially left the production line without any sadness of farewell.

Because he still has to hurry up and return to the Kingdom of Rain to pretend to be a weak scholar.

Kakashi looked at the direction where the teacher disappeared and felt a little lost. After all, this demon teacher left him like everyone else.

He bowed and saluted seriously in the direction where the teacher disappeared. This trip to the Land of Snow had completely transformed him, and even the way forward had been vaguely opened up by this teacher.

That scene on top of the snow-capped mountains will always be engraved in my mind. The teacher must have paid an unimaginable price to allow him to break through the upper limit of his will. This kindness is truly unrequited.

Then he can only make his reputation resound throughout the world, and then let Shuoyue Kendo become the first-class sect in this world to be able to live up to this kindness.

Will Noah be moved? Most likely only a little bit. But Koushiro’s spirit in heaven will definitely be moved.

I never thought that Shuangyue Swordsmanship would have the opportunity to be famous throughout the world. It was so dreamy, but it was just a little different from what he taught.

At least the basic sword form is enough for every disciple to know twice.

Finally, the white-haired boy put this ridiculously expensive weapon on his back and tidied up his condition.

He was going to solve the original problem, which was the Will of Fire.

Target: The Land of Rain. go ahead!

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