Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1283 Not good at Ninjutsu, hahahahaha

But now this kind of mental shock was hitting his brain crazily from Sharingan, and he could only try to do something to vent.

In the end, after unconsciously injecting a large amount of chakra and intense mental stimulation, the three magatama became connected in the rotation, just connecting to another place. It seemed that a mysterious force was sharing the pain.

Kakashi, who had no Obito system, was finally nailed to the ground by Noah and passed out happily, while Xiaobai and Kyuubi began to rescue him in a familiar way.

What a stupid kid. He did the same thing as the masked man in the Land of Rain, hahahaha.

Kyuubi was jumping happily on Kakashi's face, taunting him while jumping.

It is definitely a good thing for Konoha's ninjas to be defeated.

But your will is really perverted, so it's no wonder that these Sharingan genjutsu will be unlucky for you.

Noah smiled slightly. He liked the powerful illusion of Sharingan. The more powerful it was, the closer he could send the other person to the sun.

But just now Kakashi's Sharingan had a slight change in its crazy rotation. Did it communicate with the other one?

Tsk tsk, the blatant cheating of this blood successor is too much.

But Obito-kun, it should be fine, right?

In the Kingdom of Water, Obito had already smashed more than a dozen boulders with his own life. As he was preparing to enter the Blood Mist, he suddenly received a unique mental shock in his Sharingan eyes.

The terrifying heat is burning his eyeballs, and he is unable to resist and avoid the mental shocks one after another.

This feeling of life being worse than death reminded him of his experience in the Rain Country.


Damn it~~~~ Noah, so despicable!

You've obviously put a restraint on your body and still have this kind of mental shock left behind, you're a despicable villain, a villain!!!

Well, Obito hadn't thought at this time that it was a gift from his good friend. Even Black Zetsu thought it was the mental scar left behind in the Rain Country.

The two of them were cursing a certain man together, and even began to worry about how to solve this problem.

Otherwise, it would really kill someone if he did it before he could become invisible.

When Kakashi woke up, he silently picked up his weapon and covered his ashamed expression with a mask.

The dark history of being embarrassed just now and being knocked down by him in the blink of an eye must not be known to a third person.

Ahem, come again.

Then continue!

I don't want to do anything exciting, so I just start the most ninja style.

sulfuric acid!

The boy used a clone technique to attract attention and then came to the teacher and stabbed him in the back. What a stab in the waist. He is truly a good disciple who respects his teacher.

It was easily blocked by a finger that had been prepared for a long time. When it comes to forcing the opponent, this move has been tried and tested.

finger? !

Sure enough, Kakashi was momentarily sluggish. In order to prevent the nodachi from slashing, he even prepared the follow-up teleportation technique, but you...

Is it the physical strength or the chakra bursting at the fingertips to resist the impact of the edge? Or is it the hardening technique of earth escape?

But, I am Kakashi, the genius Kakashi!

Blue electric light flashed on the young man's body, and his eyes were filled with eagerness to try.

No matter what, as long as it is paired with thunder attributes at this time, it will definitely not go wrong!

Thunder escape. Chidori flow!

As long as he is paralyzed for a moment, countless small combos will be launched. This is the essence of Shuangyue Kendo.

Oh~~Good choice. However, my ninjutsu is not too bad~

In the sealed space.

‘Nine Lama, let this little white-haired man know what it means to be a master of all-attribute ninjutsu! ’

‘Really, it’s up to me to show up at this time. ’

Kyuubi lay lazily on a pile of ninjutsu scrolls and scratched his itch, feeling a bit bored.

'By the way, this disciple had a teacher named Namikaze Minato.'

‘Ho ho ho! ! ! !

Violent chakra poured out of the iron gate like a tide, and the big fox stood up and clasped his hands in a very serious manner.

‘In order for your disciple to be able to take charge of his own business earlier, I will also play with him! ’

There was a crackling sound, and the silver lightning directly suppressed the blue current, and the positive and negative charges between heaven and earth were affected.

Noah's body exudes terrifying fluctuations, and the current wrapped around him can easily penetrate the boulder at any time.

It was clearly wrapped with electricity, but it looked high-profile like a white beam of light. Under the flickering light was Kakashi's pale cheek.

Something seems to be wrong. Why is the teacher's body a color that develops the thunder attribute to the extreme? Why is the entire sky filled with dark clouds? ! ! ~~~~

Thunder escape. Thunder falling. Ninety-nine!

boom! ! ! ! ! boom! ! ! ! boom! ! ! !

Nearly a hundred huge silver thunders were raging on the ground, and the whole world was dark. Only the flickering electric light was chasing a certain little white-haired boy.

Black scorch marks spread within a kilometer radius, and the smell of ozone permeated the battlefield.

The earth was shaken by the huge impact, and crystallized pits formed one after another.

Kakashi was forced to enter a fully loaded lightning attribute high-speed movement state, like a wild dog running wild through the rocks.

The boy who was splashed with high-temperature gravel and had holes all over his body was crying without tears. Didn't the teacher say that he was not good at ninjutsu?

Noah was helpless when he saw so many thunders. Nine Lamas were just playing around.

Although they deliberately avoided the target and only landed next to them, this kind of thunder hell that would be destroyed if they hit it was really fun to watch.

Snap, put your hands together! I forgot to clap my hands just now, what a shame.

Thunder Release·Thunder Dragon Scroll! Thunder Release.Thunder Ball Shuriken Technique! Thunder Release·Snake Thunder! Thunder Escape·Pseudo Darkness! Thunder Release·Thunder Ball!

This small world was completely violent, and a large number of lightning-attributed ninjutsu were thrown out one after another in the hands of the swordsman.

Even the C-level Thunder Release and Raiju Fang are no different from S-level ninjutsu with the blessing of frighteningly majestic chakra and extreme changes in properties.

Anyway, Kakashi was beaten hard and his speed increased again and again.

It seems that this scene of running wildly in the thunder has stimulated him to his limit. This talent is indeed not bad.

Noah, who was originally planning to change his attributes, changed his mind.

My dear disciple, compared with kendo, my ninjutsu is indeed not invincible.

So let's fight in close combat.

Silver current wrapped around his body, and Noah also began to accelerate.

Thunder escape chakra mode. Thunder escape armor!

The secret of imitating Kumogakure was displayed so easily. The ninjutsu scrolls in Konoha only contained the approximate training methods, and there was no difference between real training and human experiments.

It's just that the combination of Kyuubi and Noah doesn't make sense at all. Ninjutsu within the five attribute range is enough as long as you know what the result will be.

Thunder-torture level Chiyomai!

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