Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1282 The caring teacher

A sound like a sea wave sounded in the void, red power exploded from the sparks and painted the sky in the blink of an eye.

The miracle of will under the burning cloud officially enters this world. Like a slideshow, a magnificent war history emerges in the clouds.

Ocean, chaos, oppression, resistance, war, sacrifice, and finally a peaceful and beautiful world.

Decades of history were condensed into just a few illusion switches, which made Kakashi feel overwhelmed and puzzled.

What image is this? Is it reality? Is it an illusion?

The vision hadn't disappeared yet, and then the boy saw a scene he had never seen in his life on the top of the snow-capped mountains.

A blond young man wearing a white uniform walked out of the clouds and smiled at his kendo teacher.

Although they are completely different from each other in terms of hair color, pupils, and clothing, their temperaments are really very similar.

The blond young man said something, while the teacher listened carefully.

So you were responding to my call? Don't do this next time, it's really dangerous.

I am more than enough to handle all this on my own. How can a teacher make his disciples worry?

Okay, okay. Why are you still educating me?

Kakashi, who couldn't hear what these phantoms said, was a little at a loss. Is this really a sword move?

Suddenly Mr. Soyousuke said something in a low mood.


I protected everyone, but you are my pride.

After the two of them finished talking, the young man with blond hair and a sunny smile came over and patted his shoulder silently. Then a red light spot merged into the center of his eyebrows.

‘Come on, young man, remember, the light never goes out. ’

‘Also, Teacher is also an ordinary person who needs help. ’

When the shadows dispersed, the fire clouds in the sky finally burned out, but the last sunset left the world with almost the same color.

The sunset glow in the sky reflected on Kakashi's face, and he rubbed his eyebrows thoughtfully.

Teacher, was that sword strike just now an illusion or a swordsmanship?

This is the path of life that I will never regret even if I die.

He didn't understand, but every scene that just happened was remembered by the young man.

Okay, let's go. Our stay in Snow Country is a bit long. Sarutobi Hiruzen will be worried.

Teacher, this joke is so cold.

Okay, by the way, let me tell you a story about a man named Rocinante, just to kill some time.

Is Rosinandy the guy with the blond hair just now?


Then what was that red light spot just now?

It's an inheritance called the Second Generation of Lights. I don't know the details.

Noah took Kakashi and left the Land of Snow, and the battle was successfully completed.

In the Kingdom of Snow, after seeing the vision in the sky, Fenghua Zaoxue asked someone to take her daughter away, not knowing what would happen next.

The best thing is that there are no strange phenomena in the ninja world, but whenever something different appears, it will basically be accompanied by trouble.

Moreover, the situation in the country was so bad that he really had no time to care about anything else.

Why don't you hire some ninjas to make a temporary transition? It's a mission fund.

There are not many belongings in the palace, after all, they are all used for those few plans. The massive capital investment has left them somewhat unable to make ends meet.

This kind of long-term mission consumes too much money, and it will take at least a few S-level missions before it can be completed.

Unless ninjas are hired from nearby to perform the mission.

The closest one is the Kingdom of Wind

First of all, the Kingdom of Wind is the only clearly defeated country in the three wars. Several other countries are talking about a temporary truce.

It shows that they are no longer very trustworthy in terms of strength.

There is also poverty. The Kingdom of Wind is now even poorer than the Kingdom of Snow. If the sand ninja comes, it will be easier to ask the gods than to send him away if he has some evil ideas.

There was a reason why Kazehana Hayayuki bypassed the Sand Ninja Village and asked for help from Konoha, which was farther away. Konoha couldn't possibly want to control a border country even though it was so far away.

What's more, the central environment of the world is so nice. Who would live in a world full of ice and snow?


What if there was an organization willing to help you build a stable and prosperous country?

A ninja wearing a black red cloud robe suddenly walked out of the shadows.

Who are you.?

The Akatsuki organization, a mutual aid club of a peace organization, would you like to know about it?

After leaving the country of snow, the master and apprentice began to officially fight.

The final stage of practice begins.

Kakashi, now you are qualified to see higher-level battles. Not only kendo, but also ninjutsu are also displayed in this battle.

Well, teacher, feel free to come over.

This is something Noah has informed in advance, and it is time to develop some experience in playing high-end games.

As a descendant of Frost Moon Swordsmanship, it is always inevitable to get involved or start some battles that cannot be fought at this stage, so this ability must be cultivated as soon as possible.

Although I specialize in swordsmanship and not ninjutsu, I have no choice but to risk my life so that you can gain experience.

After all, there are so many ninjutsu masters in Konoha that we have to guard against them.

Kakashi thinks the teacher is right.

My frosty sword skills have indeed improved a lot along the way, but I still lack experience in dealing with powerful ninjutsu ninjas.

What, Wolf Fang Avalanche? That guy will automatically drop a big level after leaving the country of snow, which can't be counted.

He picked up the long sword and stood ready. The queen of the Snow Kingdom had been completely released from her restraints. No matter how amazing the sword skills were, she could not scare him.

What's more, I have never seen the teacher's ninjutsu before, and the one I just described is not that arrogant, it must be average.

It's impossible to say that you don't have the idea of ​​​​rebellion after being cut off halfway. It's just a good opportunity to take advantage of it.

Therefore, he decided to take the initiative to attack!

Start, illusion. Infinite!

It would be a very interesting reaction for the teacher to see the long-haired demon in the illusion, hehehe.

Whether it is fear or happiness, as long as the opponent is stunned, victory is achieved. This is Shigetsuki Kendo!

The pupil power of the Yin attribute smoothly entered the place where it should go and saw what it should see smoothly.

The teacher didn't stop him in any way, and even sent his own pupil power in?

Kakashi had a bad premonition, and this move was actually a trick. It is impossible to say that Mr. Soyousuke has no way to resist.

The destination has arrived, it turned out to be such an endless fireball.

.Ah~~dead, dead, dead.

The bloody hell seemed to hit the sun and turned into a plume of smoke. Kakashi covered his eyes and began to roll on the ground.

The Sharingan seemed to be about to melt. In the severe pain, the boy really wanted to give himself a big mouth. Why did he forget that he could not use illusions on his teacher.

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