Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1281 The spark that broke through the seal

Fenghua Zaoyue is having a headache dealing with domestic political affairs after the rebellion.

Although the rebels were defeated by Kakashi, the subsequent trend of being scattered among the people was a secondary injury.

Without ninjas like Fenghua Furudao and Langya Avalanche to suppress them, these people are wreaking havoc in this border country.

Although Fenghua Zaoxue immediately regrouped the official troops and stabilized the order in the capital, the chaos in the mountains and fields was not so easy to calm down.

The existence of these people has once again brought the security of the country to a freezing point.

The monarch understood that if he did not govern early, he might have to face a second rebellion war.

Alas~~Rushao. If only you could remain the same as before.

Because of the chaos in the country, a small number of geothermal generators that have been built cannot be started now.

The Snow Country with such a harsh environment has been favored by so many ninjas and violent elements. If the environment improves, they will not be able to hold on.

He had considered this situation when he and Nu Tao worked together to plan the rise of the Kingdom of Snow, but the other party's ambition outweighed caution, so they got carried away and launched an armed coup.

The young ninja sent by Konoha was too outrageous. He even suspected that the other party had guessed the Snow Country's thoughts, so he sent a powerful ninja to beat him up.

Just as he was sitting in the main seat and worrying, a small figure ran into his room.

The servants knelt down in front of them in fear. They could never stop the eldest lady of the Snow Kingdom.

Father, when the rebellion outside is over, when can I go out to play?

I'm sorry, Xiaoxue, give it a few months. I'll play with you myself after my father has finished dealing with it.

He only shows a relaxed smile when he sees his daughter, so even though things are busy now, it's okay to spare a few minutes to spend time with her.

While the father and daughter were joking, they suddenly felt a heart palpitation together, and then turned to look out the window.

Father! What is that?

Fenghua Hayayuki opened his mouth wide and couldn't say a word, and he didn't know what it was.

Fire and fire burn the clouds?! 1

The thick clouds that have been covering the Snow Country in the distant sky are rendered by red light, and the curly edges and pale golden edges really look like flames.

Even just looking at this cloud, you can feel the feeling of being burned, as if your dark thoughts are being tortured.

And in that light, many figures were seen flashing and disappearing, as if they were hallucinations.

Above the snowy mountains.

With Noah holding the sword in a virtual gesture, his whole body was shaking, the whole sky was also shaking, and even the nearby space felt like it was collapsing.

There was obviously nothing in the air of the void, but it seemed as if something infinitely heavy was trying to spread out from his hand, and the light was distorted by it.

The red stars were shining like sparks all over the sky, trying to break free bit by bit from the swordsman's body.

There was light in the tiger's mouth, and what was behind this light really attracted Kakashi. He felt a close aura.

With each movement of drawing the knife, a certain terrifying power was finally activated in advance.


Two extremely pure yin chakras and yang chakras appeared from the void, taking the shape of the sun and the moon and causing thousands of sealing runes to spin crazily around the swordsman.

Just by passing the spell, Kakashi felt that all the strength, chakra, and activity of his mind were suppressed, and he lay paralyzed on the ground unable to move.


But Noah drew the sword regardless, and the red light in his hand became more and more conspicuous.

This was his first full-scale confrontation with the yin-yang seal on his body. As the confrontation became more intense, the shadow behind him became more and more obvious.

The sun and the moon are arranged on both sides of the sky. Behind him are the shadows of gods and Buddhas with the mark of reincarnation between their eyebrows, clasping their hands together and performing the sealing technique.

Six Paths. Earth Explosion Star. Change!

The sealing technique performed by Otsutsuki Hagoromo himself, he sealed Noah as a monster on the same level as his mother.

It's just that although he fell from the starry sky, his injuries were caused by the Otsutsuki clan, and his display of magnanimity and will showed no evil spirit, so he used this move.

It is both a seal and a protection. Now it seems that Noah's ability has been underestimated after all.

In the ninja world, a certain monster is getting rid of all this with the help of the people of the Rain Country.

The dots on the body surface and the shadows of gods and Buddhas are just the aftermath, which is completely different from the battle situation inside the body. The yin and yang seals in the body are strangulating crazily with the red will.

If any spark flowing in Noah's body emerges, it can completely destroy the entire mountain.

And these thousands of sparks are constantly impacting the suppression from the Six Paths.

Such a huge movement also attracted the attention of Yuyi between life and death, and he looked at Noah through time and space.

Perhaps sensing the outside world's gaze, the Great Holy Grail in the body suddenly began to exert force, causing a spark to break through the restriction of the seal in an instant. After that, the Holy Grail continued to remain silent, waiting for it to be filled.

A faint light of fire appeared between heaven and earth, causing more will to begin to gather, filling it with the aura of immortality.

Alas~ The aliens outside the destiny have become deeply entangled with the ninja world. Human will is really a terrible path. How can there be a strong person based on this?

Hagoromo really doesn't understand why Noah would choose an operation that is almost tied to the ninja world. Does he have to complete his own path in this world?

What a madman. How can this be good, Indra, Asura? I don't know what you will experience in the future.

And mother, it's really better not to come out if possible.

The Six Paths Immortal's premonition told him that the future world would not be very friendly to the transcendent bloodline.

Hagoromo let out a long sigh and returned to the boundary between life and death, maybe.

When the flame appeared, Noah grabbed it, like holding a peerless weapon or a torch.

It actually worked. Originally I just wanted to try to see if I could defeat Domination.

Noah's unique aura was intertwining with the firelight.

The silent blessing given gently by that [world] began to formulate the concept in this world.

But that's okay, keep an eye on Kakashi.

It is not the power that divides mountains and seas, nor is it the domineering power of a sword that splits the sky.

The firelight under this sword flew into the thick clouds that were always hazy in the Land of Snow at a speed that seemed slow but was actually fast.


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