Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1280 On the right path

After all, Master Langya Avalanche did not appear at the most critical moment. He was a mythical man who could summon a hundred-meter giant whale in the ice and snow.

In the end, Feng Hua Furu Tao came forward. If this force does not occur, the seizure of power will fail.

Relying on the strongest chakra armor, he took the initiative to invite a battle and had a big battle with Kakashi.

In terms of tactics, abilities, and will, he was inferior to Wolf Fang Avalanche by more than one street, but the almighty chakra armor made him even more difficult to deal with than a jounin.

It's really unreasonable to throw around ultimate skills at the secret level as if they're free.

Sure enough, the ninja world is full of the weird enemies that the teacher mentioned.

Without special countermeasures, ordinary ninjas would just become fun people in the background. The young man secretly regretted that he would never become such a weakling.

Then use this trick here in advance.

The same Thousand Birds Chirping also blessed his long sword. But the difference is that the sound of birdsong is constantly decreasing, and finally turns into a ball of silver light that converges on the sword blade.

Buzz~~~~~~The dull sound was like thunder roaring in the hand.

This high-density thunder-attribute chakra caused the temperature of the long knife to skyrocket, and even turned red and softened.

This is not a weapon made of pure chakra metal, and Noah would not be so luxurious as to use this to train Kakashi.

It was just a well-made sword, so naturally it couldn't withstand such force. Even Kakashi could hardly bear it.

The auxiliary locking of the Sharingan is crucial, and this sword is not yet within his control.

Raikiri. Cut!

Silver light shone in the sky, leaving a deep crack.

The death of Fenghua Furudao caused the rebel army to collapse on the spot, leaving only a mess on the ground.

The rebellion in the Land of Snow was completely suppressed by one man, and Kakashi has since left his own legend in this country.

The silver-haired ninja mastered the power of thunder like a god and killed the black dragon in the snow to bring peace to the country.

Well, the last sentence was written by Noah. He was very interested in this kind of middle school story that would increase the reputation of his disciples. After polishing it, it spread among the common people.

After learning that Kakashi killed the Avalanche trio and suppressed the rebel army, Kazehana Hayuki was shocked by this boy.

At the same time, there was a sigh deep in my heart, a big country will be a big country after all.

Even the wind, flowers, and raging waves were no match for him, and the chakra armor technology that the Kingdom of Snow was proud of was also chopped into pieces by the opponent's sword, which made the monarch lose some of his morale.

Fenghua Zaoxue is not a bad person, but she is not a great and upright good person either.

After the two brothers came to power, they have been secretly developing technology and modernization.

From train tracks to geothermal generators and secret chakra armor, they are all developed with a nationwide effort.

How could there be so many resources flowing in without the approval of the king?

The geothermal generator changes the environment of the Snow Country. Only after the wind and snow are removed can they have better land resources.

The transportation of troops by train has also been planned long ago, but it is mainly for defense against outsiders.

The purpose of chakra armor is self-evident. The idea of ​​building an army of one's own and then taking a share of the ninja world has been passed down from generation to generation among the successive monarchs of the Land of Snow.

It's just that the strongest chakra armor was shattered by a young ninja from Konoha. Fenghua Hayayuki felt that it was a bit wishful thinking to dominate the ninja world with this set of things.

When his ambition dissipated, he also lost a lot of energy.

So after thanking Kakashi, he casually gave the information about the geothermal generator that the other party asked for. Anyway, what he wanted was not chakra armor, so he was still willing to pay the price.

Of course, he also made a bold request for marriage, such as his own little daughter.

Fenghua Hayayuki also knows how rare a perverted boy like Kakashi is in the ninja world, so he wants to improve his domestic pedigree and continue to maintain his ambitions.

It's just that Kakashi ignored him and turned around to leave. There is no need for such an ambitious person to bother him too much. If he had power, he would be almost the same kind of person as the Sandaime Hokage.

Of course, this does not prevent the other party from being a good father. Family affection and ambition are not antagonistic.

The bonus of being a good father made Kakashi's attitude much better.

However, the young man is now rushing back to recover his life, because he still has an unfinished training trip back to the city.

Kakashi found his teacher, Sokenhao, on the snowy mountain.

Teacher, this is the information about the geothermal generator that Mr. Adam wanted. I have retrieved it for him.

Well, just leave it to me.

Noah accepted this information calmly. In fact, he had also recovered the information on the chakra armor but no one knew about it.

Then how should we practice next?

After the rebellion war in the Land of Snow, Kakashi's self-confidence was unprecedentedly high. ,

I also have a certain yearning for hell cultivation. As long as I don't die in hell to gain strength, it's not a bad thing.

And Noah was sitting on the top of the snow mountain thinking about something.

Your strength, speed and ninjutsu coordination have reached the limit that can be achieved at this stage.

Going further up is nothing more than changes in the nature of chakra, as well as some special ninjutsu practices.

After all, ninjas have limits, and your upper limit cannot exceed the total amount of chakra control.

Kakashi nodded, so he was curious about how to practice later.

There are two paths suitable for you at the moment.

One is senjutsu, which is natural energy. This person can learn from Jiraiya. As a Yondaime disciple, you should be qualified to learn senjutsu. You only need to sign a contract with Miaomu Mountain.

There's something about those toads. You can pay them a visit in the future.

Kakashi nodded, he had heard of magic. It was just that Minato-sensei always looked like he wasn't strong in senjutsu, so he didn't care.

Since Teacher Jianhao can take this to the point of breaking the boundaries, it must not be simple.

The second is will.


Yes, Adam is actually better at this, but I can give you a simple demonstration.

On the top of the same snow-capped mountain, there was no Robin, no Kuleha, only Noah sitting here alone.

When Kakashi was fighting life and death at the foot of the mountain, he continued to realize his increasingly lively spiritual will on the snowy mountain.

He told Kakashi before that he had become stronger and it was not a lie. Although he was suppressed by the Six Paths, all the strength in his body was shattered by Otsutsuki and then condensed again. After the lead was washed away, there was an even more terrifying power. .

Look up to the sky.

Gray dark clouds had enveloped here at some point, and red lightning was jumping endlessly in the clouds.

There was an indescribable sense of solemnity in the air, and the snow-capped mountains below began to tremble slightly.

The swordsman sitting on the top of the snow mountain stood up and put one hand on the hilt of the sword. A faint red light was shining on this man's body bit by bit.

It's hot. Even though the snowflakes on the ground haven't melted yet, why does it feel so hot?

The young man beside him felt flustered, as if some unimaginable and indescribable power was about to descend on the world.

Kakashi, it is an extremely happy thing to be on the right path.

Open your eyes now and see how exciting the road ahead is! Blood! Boiling! Steaming!

The hard drive is broken and I feel a bit depressed.

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