Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1279 The calm Kakashi is no longer a five-five card

His face turned even more livid. This tactic of deceiving the enemy made him spend so much chakra and the other party's tactics were very successful.

The IQ crushing from beginning to end made him feel that he was not facing an ordinary ninja, but a master of micro-manipulation tactics.

Normally, someone with such strength at the age of the white-haired kid opposite cannot play this kind of thing.

Who would be a young genius thinking about tactics? Who is not so high-spirited that I want to tell everyone on the battlefield that I am the most beautiful?

As a result, this guy is as sinister as an old man who has been ravaged countless times~~~

Naturally, Kakashi would not tell others that in addition to the terrifying strength that his teacher showed him in hell, he also taught him more of the essence of Frost Moon Kendo.

Therefore, when facing a strong enemy, I started to use it instinctively. The effect of this move of Mouth Escape seems to be good. We should learn more from experience in the future.

Langya Avalanche decided to retreat.

It's not that I'm afraid, I just want to report to Lord Nu Tao that a super powerful Konoha ninja has arrived and let him be careful.

Ahem, it's useless! I admit that Konoha Ninja, you are very fast, have high tactical skills, and your ninjutsu and illusions are also very powerful, but you can't break the chakra armor.

Whether it's the King Kong skeleton or the shield formed by condensed chakra, ordinary A-level ninjutsu can't break it, and it's even impossible with your sword skills.

So... let's negotiate!

Even the wind and snow were silent. This guy is a bit flexible and flexible.

The Wolf Fang Avalanche is just using words to break the enemy's fighting rhythm. This despicable method is only often used by ninjas like them who often go underground.

If the enemy falls into a trap, he will start to fight back. If he doesn't believe it, he can also just talk and miss the opportunity.

The power output of the Chakra Armor was a bit too high just now, and it was a bit choppy.

I still like your unruly look when you first appeared.

The young man responded coldly, do you want to deceive me with this delaying tactic?

Confused! A ninja cannot be a complete tool. There is no need for us to fight to the death for the forces behind both sides!

Good guy, let's forget about the bad sex. Finally, in order not to fight, I even raised myself to a higher level.

Then you take off the armor, and I'll put down the sword.

Hmph, you are too confident as a ninja of Konoha. Do you think you can stop me in the environment of Snow Country?

It's you and the people who are stopping me.

I saw Kakashi holding the sword in both hands and bowing again, ready to move forward.

Hey! I said you can't break chakra armor. Don't try!

I know, so holding a sword with two hands is more powerful than holding a sword with one hand, right??

Peaceful communication failed, Langya Xuebeng decided to use a big move to bury everything here and then retreat immediately. He had an ominous premonition.

Ice Escape·Wolf Fang Snowfall Technique!

The skill specifically used to create large-scale a cappella singing in this snowy mountain consumes a huge amount of chakra.

The sealing begins!


Suddenly, several ice tigers jumped out from the snow and bit his limbs, making him unable to move.

Is this an icebreaker tiger? ! ! !

And when did the energy on his chakra armor become overloaded?

I really don’t understand why. Yan Chuixue’s operation of mixing darts in the wind and snow has the meaning of a sneak attack and can naturally hide the fluctuations. Why can Tiger’s ice escape ninjutsu with such bravery and momentum be silent?

It's an illusion, idiot.

Otherwise, why do you think you think so much during the battle? It's just a matter of mental guidance.

Kakashi said while forming a seal with one hand, and then dazzling lightning lit up from his body.

Crack! Clang!

In the blink of an eye, he was behind the enemy and sheathed his sword.

Using the power of his hands combined with the destructive power of the Chidori-ryu, he directly chopped the jounin and his armor into pieces, so neatly that he didn't give his opponent any chance.

Huh~~The opponent is a bit strong.

From the beginning to now, he has used ninjutsu several times, which consumed almost 1/3 of his chakra.

During this period of hell training, his chakra amount doubled, and he had to coordinate his tactics to kill him. The appearance of this snow ninja still serves as a warning to me now, and I shouldn't underestimate anyone.

Clean the battlefield, take off the opponent's chakra armor and seal it into the scroll in one go, and then continue on your way.

Noah, who was observing in secret, was quite satisfied with this performance. Being able to achieve this level was not in vain for his teachings.

It is much stronger than the 50-50 game played more than ten years later, and it does not have the bloody setting of fainting after a fight.

His tactics and swordsmanship are excellent, and his overall strength is actually not much different from his adult combat prowess. The level of tenacity is far beyond that.

If these three ninjas from Snow Country were to take off their armor, they would be like two chuunin and an ordinary jounin.

This actual battle only tested Kakashi's progress, and the next encounter with the storm was a greater test.

The young Kakashi continued to move forward. At this time, the rebellion was still going on, and the army was still in the middle of a tug of war between the two parties in power.

Such a level of defense was not difficult for a master like Kakashi to deal with. He simply sneaked into the castle and found the anxious Kazehana Hayuki.

You are Konoha's reinforcements, but what about the others?

Sorry, it's just me.

When she saw that the person who came was such a brat, Fenghua Zaoxue felt a little disappointed in her heart.

After all, the resources he provided to the Sandaime in his letter were quite a lot, but the other party had no intention of getting involved in the disputes of such a distant small country.

But didn't he think about what would happen if Fenghua Furudao found out about writing a letter to hire Konoha ninja? The other party provided more resources and sent them to Konoha.

For the third generation, it is taboo to interfere in the internal struggle of the Snow Kingdom. Secondly, no matter who wins or what happens, his resources will not be reduced.

Sending one Kakashi is enough. You can not only transfer him out for training, but also complete some simple tasks from the other party. His skills are extremely proficient.

Forget it, you just need to protect my daughter Fenghua Xiaoxue and escape. After all, I lose.

Well, give me a few days, I need to reconnoiter the route.


Kakashi quickly left the office. The king's body didn't smell that good either.

Later, he sneaked directly into the camp of Feng Hua Ang Lao.

With his majestic appearance, he even wears armor when sleeping and is careful about eating and drinking, but he cannot be poisoned.

Then let's use the ninja method.

Kakashi is a ninja, not a madman. The diversity of ninja methods prevents him from being as tough as in the pirate world.

Poisoning, burning food and grass, playing ghosts and gods, transformation assassination, and other methods made this rebel army suffer a lot.

The ragtag group currently assembled by Feng Hua Furuo, after removing jounin like Langya Avalanche and several chuunin cadres, was really destroyed in minutes.

The reason why ninjas in the Naruto world can eliminate the past samurai era is that their abilities are beyond the ability of ordinary armies to compete for a long time.

The composition of this force, which is composed of money and violence, is also relatively simple. They are all rogues and hooligans.

After facing these unbearable means, the morale of the military collapsed. They couldn't imagine how many reinforcements Fenghua Zaoyue had invited from the outside world and what powerful characters they had hired.

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