Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1278 The instinct of the master tactician is showing

Suddenly there was a sharp cold air in the blizzard that poked his protective shield, and then countless darts made of ice and snow hit him.

This is Yanchuixue. How is it possible?

Mixed in the wind and snow, Yanchuixue floated over without any fluctuations. It was definitely a good move for sneak attacks, and could even be incorporated into Shuangyue Kendo.


Although these darts made of ice could not break through the defensive shield of the chakra armor, the successive impacts cleverly trapped Langya Avalanche in the middle, constantly making his body freeze and unable to gather strength.

Damn it, where are you?!

At the critical moment of life and death, he also showed his strength as a Jonin of the Land of Snow, using the Ice Release and Ice Prison techniques.

Trapping oneself in an armor composed of icicles is quite a bit of resourcefulness. At the same time, the power of the chakra armor is maximized to enter an overload state.

This hand can be regarded as indirectly saving his life, because suddenly a cold light pierced out of the snow under his feet and directly pierced his lower body.


The sword edge broke through the ice escape defense and struck hard on the chakra armor's shield.

The huge force directly pushed the Wolf Fang Avalanche from the snow into the air.

The chakra armor let out a mournful cry again, this time the steel skeleton really cracked.

He didn't dare to neglect and directly used the ice clone to split two or three figures out to attract attention before returning to the ground safely.


Two short wails came, and Kakashi smoothly pulled out the long sword from his two younger brothers.

hateful! After blasting himself away from the spot, he immediately carried out a follow-up attack. He was so cold that he looked like a veteran who had participated in countless wars.

Kakashi on the other hand shook the blood off the knife indifferently. The teacher emphasized this operation countless times.

No matter whether the enemy is strong or weak, you must learn how to last hit, otherwise it will be very frustrating to be overturned at the last moment.

Therefore, a righteous ninja must hit the target.

Wolf Fang Avalanche is now in a dilemma. From the beginning to the end, he did not notice that the opponent came to his feet using stealth techniques. The interlocking tactics made it difficult to guard against.

It stands to reason that he is also a jounin and has performed missions outside the snow country. With this set of armor, he can be said to be invincible.

Even ninjas from great countries have secretly assassinated people, but why did this kid give him such a strong sense of oppression?

There is such a genius in illusion, taijutsu, and ninjutsu. And the Sharingan has hit the jackpot this time.

There is a saying that the strength of Langya Avalanche is indeed not bad.

He also fought against the powerful Jonin when he was doing the dirty work for Feng Hua Furu Tou. Being able to survive Kakashi's attack without losing blood so far has shown its value.

Although the high-end armor accounts for a large part of the credit, my own response methods are also appropriate.

After all, Kakashi is different.

The jounin skills during the war were indeed quite high. There was still a certain gap between the overall strength of the boy at that time and the real jounin.

It is possible to become a special jounin with the potential of his own A-level ninjutsu and his comprehensive strength in all aspects.

In order to boost morale, the third generation introduced Kakashi, indicating that Konoha's geniuses are endless.

In the later period, the teenagers who wasted a long time not only wanted to make up for their previous shortcomings, but also wanted to make up for their own decadence.

Until he met his ideological guide Adam, he solved the most difficult mental problems and even lit the lights of Konoha.

Now I have met Teacher Jianhao again. He has practiced in hell along the way, and his ideological realm and tactics have reached new heights.

This is where the oppressive feeling of having the overall situation under control comes from. In the young man's eyes, the Wolf Fang Avalanche's offensive intentions have numerous flaws.

The Sharingan combined with the kendo insights learned in hell are invincible.

Kakashi felt very relaxed and at ease at the moment. There was no denying that the enemy was strong, but he was stronger.

Under the pressure of Teacher Soyousuke's ubiquitous sword energy and the ever-present aura of death, his abilities in swordsmanship, ninjutsu, escape techniques, and illusions were initially refined together.

Just like when he used Lei Qianben to break the ice-breaking tiger, he could see the tiger's weakness at a glance, and then a few Lei Qianben, which didn't cost much, exploded directly and completely destroyed the opponent's moves.

Cutting through the wind and snow while sweeping away the Yanbuki Snow Dart is also a manifestation of basic kendo.

The effects of practice are being fully reflected. Keep this rhythm and victory is right in front of you.

However, the chakra armor is indeed a bit tricky and even took two sword blows without being cut open. In terms of strength, it basically has the toughness of an A-level defensive ninjutsu.

Wolf Fang Avalanche seemed to see Kakashi's worries about the armor and became confident again.

They have been suppressed from the beginning to the present, and now only one of the three people is left alive.

He didn't even say a complete sentence clearly and was chased away like a dog by the other party.

But as long as the armor didn't fall off, he would have a chance to kill the ninja. The pleasure of having the upper hand in equipment made his mood change again.

Try another large-scale attack. If plan B fails, this is what a mature ninja should do.

Ice Escape. White Whale!

This is his signature ninjutsu, and he has paid an unknown price for this technique.


The ice beneath my feet was cracking, and the huge horn of the behemoth was first pushed out of sight.

The huge white whale jumped out of the ice and jumped into the air. The nearly 100-meter solid ice crystal creation was ready to carry out a range attack on this super-fast Konoha ninja.

It is indeed one of the jounin's special moves to crush the bottom of the box. The damage caused by knocking down such a giant beast is unimaginable.

The ice escape enhanced by climate is made by gathering a large amount of chakra. For most ninjas, they can only close their eyes and wait for death.

If it were the previous Kakashi, he might actually be in some trouble. Even Kakashi, more than ten years later, was not very calm when facing this move.

But now Ice Escape. White Whale!

The replica eye, which specializes in messing with people's mentality, is showing its power, but it doesn't use much chakra, and the one it summons is only one-third the size.

This operation almost made Langya Avalanche laugh. What's the use of this?


The two whales collided, making the Jonin of Snow Country look livid.

It turns out that the role of the little white whale is not to fight, but to guide the big white whale to move away, so as to achieve the maximum effect at the minimum cost.

Ordinary people who don’t have Chatanla and plug-ins must learn to make careful calculations. The future of carving dog heads on the wall of earth will never appear again.

The falling ice splashed into huge waves of snow, and in the mist, Kakashi began to perform his own silent assassination technique of mouth escape.

Eye, neck, heart.

In the snow and mist, Kakashi came up with a passage about the Silent Killing Technique of the Land of Water. As for why the Silent Killing Technique must be mentioned in the previous section, apart from being pretentious, it is just to put pressure on people who know a little bit about it.

For example, this jounin from the Land of Snow has some knowledge.

Oops, Kirigakure's silent assassination technique.

Langya Xuebeng understood how terrifying the silent assassination technique was in such visibility, and he did not dare to bet on whether the opponent would take the opportunity to break through his defense.

As a result, a large amount of ice escape was released around him, ready to counterattack at any time. But until the fog cleared, he didn't see Kakashi take action and his chakra was consumed a lot.

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