Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1277 The illusion is endless!

Chapter 1277 Illusion. Infinite!

A full moon rose behind his head, and sparks bloomed and shattered ice crystals on the ground.

The Wolf Fang Avalanche appeared dozens of meters away, and the cold sweat on his head couldn't stop breaking out even in the ice and snow.

The feeling of almost having your head chopped off makes people feel scared, and their heart beats a little uncontrollably.

It was too dangerous just now, he was touched from behind before he even had time to react.

If he hadn't used the advanced chakra armor to block that moment and then retreated with ice teleportation, he would have been lying on the ground rolling like the other two boys.

It was so fast that he didn't catch any trace of the enemy in his sight.

Even the breath and the perception of danger seemed to come late after the other party appeared.

And the power is pretty good.

Although the sword was blocked just now, the frame of the chakra armor was already screaming, and it seemed that it would break if another force was applied.

No wonder the two boys were chopped down without even saying a word. It was normal for low-level armor to be unable to block them.

Is this the professionalism of a powerful ninja? Start using tactical deception at the beginning and then carry out unceremonious sneak attacks.

But as a Konoha ninja, when you come to the Land of Snow and meet a snow ninja, shouldn't you have a few words to confirm whether he is an enemy or a friend?

It would be too ungrateful to take action immediately.

How shameful is it to make me lose face without even letting me say two very pretentious villain speeches?

but! A kid is a kid!

I have seen through your information! Turns out to be a ninjutsu ninja!

The speed, strength, and even the style of doing anything to get close are similar to the style of ninjas who specialize in physical skills.

I originally thought that when Xiao Bai Mao defeated the Ice Breaking Tiger with the Thunder Release Senbon, I thought he was a ninjutsu ninja who mastered form changes, but I didn't expect that the opponent's killing move turned out to be the long knife in his hand.

Since this is the case, it's easy to handle. You only need to control the distance to be sure of victory.

As for the idea that the other party was an all-powerful ninja, Langya Xuebeng had never thought about it. Many ninjas can only master one skill in their lifetime. It takes time and experience to master all Ninja Phantasms.

At this age? hehe.

Kid, you are too impatient. So impatient that you revealed all the information so quickly.


Kakashi was puzzled. How could this snow ninja be so sharp and see his true nature? But you didn't show it in the few times you appeared.

It's really brave for a mere taijutsu ninja to be alone without a ninja team.

Langya Xuebeng said he had regained some dignity, but in fact he did not dare to be careless at all. He was no longer as arrogant as in the original work.

This insidious kid was difficult to deal with, so he very carefully increased the energy stored in the chakra armor.

Wind escape. Big breakthrough!

The strong wind began to stir up the surrounding snowflakes, and a super small blizzard formed within only a few dozen meters.

The ice crystal snowflakes raised by the wind are not as gentle as ordinary rain and snow, but become extremely violent.

The white environment can block the enemy's sight, while the low temperature will consume the opponent's chakra and cause the body muscles to become stiff.

On the other hand, the energy of the armor protects him from the cold air, and he has been able to give up part of his sight after years of fighting in the snow.

The increase in Ice Release will reach its maximum in the ice and snow. Every shot at this moment is a power that can only be produced by the best jounin.

This is the right time and place!

It is self-evident that the environment supports ninjutsu, and there are only a few people who can reverse the environment and reverse it.

For example, there are Chattanla players like the first generation, and perverts like Madara Uchiha who ignore the environment.

Even the Second Hokage couldn't create a sea on the road, at most it would just be a large waterfall. In the environment of the Kingdom of Wind, the power of water escape will decrease sharply, and the power of fire escape on the sea will also drop to the bottom.

The blessing of the environment within the scope of one's own special ninjutsu is a huge bonus for a ninja.

After creating a blizzard, Wolf Fang Avalanche breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the enemy is a very powerful ninja, he doesn't have enough combat experience, so he is still a brat.

Normally when faced with this kind of adverse weather, one has to formulate tactics not only to escape immediately, but the opponent still holds the knife without any change. It's so arrogant!

Kakashi is not arrogant, but serious.

This enemy is not the two little Karami, but a jounin with plug-in equipment in his hands.

The Sharingan now no longer belongs to the Uchiha tribe under Kakashi's use. It is not difficult to improve it after copying it.

It's nothing more than chakra control ability and form changes. The form changes of Ice Release are so simple and without any difficulty.

Ice shield. Yanchuixue.

The wind and snow were getting worse in place, and his chakra was attached to the darts made of ice, flying around with the snowflakes.

found it!


When Langya Xuebeng was about to take action seriously, his heart suddenly contracted. A black shadow ran straight in front of him. It was the white-haired kid who broke through the wind and snow!

How can it be! Found the location? ! !

I started to form seals before I had time to think about it, no matter what

Illusion. Infinite!

A bloody color appeared in front of his eyes, quickly exaggerating all the vision in front of him.

The blood moon hangs high, and the ground is a hell of swords. Endless weapons were stuck in ruins on the ground, and the smell of blood almost overwhelmed him.

In the distance, a long-haired demon holding a nodachi was admiring the moon. He smiled evilly when he saw someone coming.

boom!! ! !

The terrifying murderous intent struck, and the irresistible pressure made Langya Xuebeng stand on the spot unable to move.

Now, you are a little closer to hell~~~


The arm was chopped off, the thigh was chopped off, the half-moon sword energy swept across and cut directly in the waist, and the ring-shaped sword energy flew forward to cut off the head softly and silkily.

All kinds of death methods impacted his nerves, and the pain made the snow ninja, who was considered a strong man, almost go crazy.

There is no end, no end, and death is not the end.

It's an illusion, Langya Xuebeng knows it.

But it’s so real!

Even the pain is so real, how could anyone experience this and not die?

The more an illusion overlaps with reality, the more powerful it is and the weaving of real experiences it requires.

If the genjutsu ninja were so defiant, the world should have been dragged into an illusion by these lunatics.

The Wolf Fang Avalanche, which was constantly howling miserably, could not break free at all and was slowly sinking.

Kakashi in the outside world showed a devilish smile. The image of the long-haired devil had appeared countless times in his dreams. It could be said that it could not be more realistic.

How could those pains, those blood and tears, those unknown hells not be used in illusions?

The genjutsu of using the Sharingan and the image engraved in one's heart by the teacher has reached a level that ordinary ninjas cannot solve on their own.

Of course, I am just starting out, and I will wait until it is slowly perfected in the later stages before it can be considered a trump card.

At this time, Kakashi's one-handed seal disappeared into the wind and snow. Don't ask why he didn't kill the enemy now, it was because the chakra armor was still in operation.

And just because one person can't break the genjutsu doesn't mean that chakra from the outside can't break it.

Sure enough, the uncontrollable acceleration of the flow on the armor caused Wolf Fang Avalanche to escape from the environment.

Ha!!! Huh~~~~~

I'm going to kill you! Kill you!!!

Langya Xuebeng, who crawled back from hell, felt the preciousness of life, and the resentment in his heart was exploded.

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