Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1276 The Kingdom of Snow unfolds differently

clang! ! ! boom! ! !

You have to learn to use your whole body to relieve the force, and don't kneel down at every turn. This is not a chuuni anime.

clang! ! ! boom! ! !

Where is your ninjutsu? Don't forget the essence of Shigetsuki Kendo!

The speed of each subsequent slash just reached Kakashi's limit, and the power was so crushing that he fell to the ground, hammered into the air, into the abyss, and into the water.

The boy was being hammered like a nail.

If the sword in his hand breaks, a new sword will be given to him. Just like this, he kept hammering and changing swords.

He passed out and was pulled back to life countless times.

In this way, we arrived at the border of Snow Country in a state of confusion.

Okay, it seems like your body is still too weak. Let's rest first.

The boy performed again and fell asleep, sleeping extremely soundly.

But when he fell asleep, he had a nightmare. In the nightmare, Noah's face appeared again, and he was pierced by thousands of swords in the endless sword hell.

Then Obito appeared again, he was in the deepest part of hell, covered in chains and shouting loudly.

Leave that monster. He's not human. He's really not human.

After being invaded by nightmares, I didn't sleep well at all, and woke up immediately.

He was covered in cold sweat and felt uncomfortable all over. Why did he dream about Obito?

I haven't thought about that experience since I started studying Will of Fire, and it's strange why Obito would be related to Soyousuke-sensei.

What's wrong? Didn't you sleep well? Do you need my help?

Seeing the still relaxed teacher raising the two-meter-long nodachi in his hand, Kakashi also felt that it was a monster in human skin.

No! No need, I'm already resting.

Well, after practicing for so long, your sleep quality has really improved a lot.

Kakashi stood up and felt the changes in his body like he had done countless times before.

Very good, the whole body state is activated again and the upper limit of chakra is raised again. The Sharingan is now very smooth to use.

The Kingdom of Snow has arrived, it's time for you to go on your mission.

?! !

Mission? Holy shit, mission!

Kakashi has long lost the concept of time in his practice. He only knows that he has been moving towards the Land of Snow.

Every time I crossed a country, it was a new hell. It was no joke to say that the days seemed like years. I felt that I must have spent at least half a year during this period.

But after careful calculation, I breathed a sigh of relief and found that I arrived at the Snow Country only one day later than I expected before leaving the village. This was simply incredible.

The coma alone lasted two or three days, and the rest after crossing the border also lasted that long.

Because you are very fast, and there are many ways to travel, such as possessing lightning attributes, sneaking in the soil, and flying from time to time.

What have you been through?

After hearing the teacher's analysis, Kakashi felt that it was really not easy for him.

He was a little dazed, still holding the sword in his hand, and then he naturally placed the sword on his body in a position that was easiest to pull out. Then he looked at the teacher, wanting to know about the practice of the Snow Country.

“Don’t be in a hurry when practicing, you must know how to combine work and rest.”

It's unreasonable for you to be so impatient. Wouldn't it be very miserable for you to become a teacher and your disciple in the future?

Kakashi felt that this was not suitable for his kendo teacher. He said that it was a bit strange to be able to compress so much practice time into normal traveling time. In terms of the balance between work and rest, it was a bit strange.

And his own disciple?

Hehehe. It’s not too much to go through a little bit of hell, right? Not too much?

Okay, let's go. I don't know what level of completion Konoha will give. My request is to resolve all rebellions within three days.


Kakashi looked a little happy unconsciously when he heard that the teacher didn't plan to follow.

A good balance between work and rest~~ Here I come, the land of snow!

He walked calmly into the wind and snow and headed straight to the capital of the Snow Country.

It’s different, it’s indeed different.

Kakashi listened to the wind in his ears and felt that the difference in speed could be said to be huge.

The slightest bit of speed between ninjas is the difference between life and death. This is why fast ninjas have been invincible in previous wars.

After all, the vast majority of ninjas are fragile. No matter how powerful the ninjutsu released, a touch on the neck will have nothing.

Feeling his whole body in the snowy mountains and forests, Kakashi felt that he could defeat at least five of his previous selves in terms of combat power.

No more is enough, ninjas have group formations.

The power and tactics that come out of each other are very tricky.

But do the ninjas of Snow Country underestimate me? Are such big movements and chakra fluctuations a bit deliberate?

Ice Shield. Smoke and Snow! Ice Escape·Broken Dragon and Tiger

The cold ice attribute chakra came towards him along with the wind and snow, the ice darts mixed in it shone with cold light, and there were vaguely several tigers rushing towards him.

Is the weak attack a feint? Is the person further back preparing a trap?

With a slight shake of the long knife in his hand, he broke through the blizzard and opened a passage. He didn't even pay attention to a few tigers. He formed a few Lei Qianben seals with one hand and blasted these beasts with changing mentality into pieces.

This ferocious combined offensive was so boring in Kakashi's eyes, and the game was broken in an understatement.

Kakashi stood in the wind and snow, waiting for the enemy's back-up move. No matter which direction you come from, you have to take a stab from me.

Some of Frost Moon Essence's little tricks are ready and waiting to be launched.

It's just that why the visitor's eyes suddenly became dull, and he looked incredulous.

Even the third person's breath froze, and then he walked out with the two snow ninjas.

Oh, oh, the ninjas of Konoha are very powerful, but when we come to the Land of Snow, we can't pretend we didn't see them.

The reaction was very fast. He reacted as soon as the escape technique was activated. He must not be some unknown person.

The Jonin of the Land of Snow, Langya Xuebeng, and his two younger brothers came over very impressively carrying the cold energy of the wind and snow, and they were still saying some villainous words.

What’s the quickest response? Such a big movement. Ah~~~

Kakashi understood that it was not the opponent who deliberately caused the fluctuations, but his power of perception that had reached an astonishing level unknowingly.

Moreover, the enemy's strength and vision are really in line with the level of ninjas from the small country. During this period, they were tortured to the point of being confused.

In this case, he understood how to fight.

I am Konoha Jonin Kakashi, here.

ah! ! *2

Langya Xuebeng saw the two boys next to him lying down on the ground and howling miserably, blood flowing out like a fountain, while Kakashi opposite was still introducing himself seriously and turned a blind eye.

Clone Technique?!!! When!!! And why is the chakra armor.

No wonder I didn't kill them with one sword. There's something about this armor.

Death's voice came from behind his head.

I was too busy at work today, and there was something wrong with my computer. Sorry everyone!

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